More about GreenPal


¿Quieres saber como obtener más clientes sin gastar un centavo?

Composite image showcasing the integration or collaboration between Facebook and GreenPal services.

Aquí es donde las cosas se ponen interesantes…

Cuando entrevistamos a algunos de nuestros clientes más exitosos de la plataforma GreenPal, nos dimos cuenta de que todos habían hecho la misma cosa.

Composite image showcasing the integration or collaboration between Facebook and GreenPal services.

Conectaron su página de marca o negocio de Facebook con su portal de GreenPal.


Facebook es utilizado por más de 2 mil millones de personas, y lo que es más, esa gente lo está usando para localizar servicios de jardinería en su localidad, especialmente cuando acaban de mudarse a la ciudad.

La mejor parte… Facebook te ofrece un botón de "Book Now" (Agenda ahora) en la página de tu negocio, mismo que puedes conectar a tu tienda en GreenPal.

¿Cuál es el propósito?

Pues éste es uno de los medios más efectivos para atraer nuevos clientes a tu cuenta de GreenPal sin gastar nada.

Recuerda… cuando alguien es dirigido a tu página de GreenPal, se conectan SÓLO CONTIGO y con nadie más de la plataforma. Piensa en este recurso como una máquina generadora de clientes que trabaja para ti las 24 horas del día gratis.

Es un proceso muy simple de dos pasos… no tendrás ningún problema.

  • 1

    Paso 1 – configura tu página de negocio o marca en Facebook

    (Si ya tienes una página de negocio o marca, ve al Paso 2. Ten en mente que se necesita una página de negocio o marca aparte de tu página personal de Facebook.)

    Primero, conéctate a FB con una laptop o computadora de escritorio y ve a:

    Actualización... Primero necesitas entrar a tu perfil personal porque desde ahí es donnde manejarás la página de tu negocio o marca.

    Selecciona "Local Business":

Screenshot showing the initial selection screen for creating a new Facebook page. Six options are presented with icons: Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. A hand icon points to the 'Local Business or Place' option, indicating the selection of this category for page creation. Screenshot showing the initial selection screen for creating a new Facebook page. Six options are presented with icons: Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. A hand icon points to the 'Local Business or Place' option, indicating the selection of this category for page creation. Screenshot showing the initial selection screen for creating a new Facebook page. Six options are presented with icons: Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. A hand icon points to the 'Local Business or Place' option, indicating the selection of this category for page creation.

En seguida introduce los detalles de tu negocio y selecciona "Landscape Company"(Empresa de Jardinería y Paisajismo) ​en tipo de negocio, y da click en "Get Started" ​para comenzar:

Screenshot of Facebook's 'Create a Page' section with options for different page types. The selected category is 'Local Business or Place' with the business name 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' and address details filled out. The 'Get Started' button is highlighted, indicating the next step in the page creation process. Screenshot of Facebook's 'Create a Page' section with options for different page types. The selected category is 'Local Business or Place' with the business name 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' and address details filled out. The 'Get Started' button is highlighted, indicating the next step in the page creation process. Screenshot of Facebook's 'Create a Page' section with options for different page types. The selected category is 'Local Business or Place' with the business name 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' and address details filled out. The 'Get Started' button is highlighted, indicating the next step in the page creation process.

Eso fue fácil. Ahora ya tienes tu página gratuita de negocio o marca en Facebook, que ayudará a que la gente te encuentre y te contrate una vez que la conectes con tu portal de GreenPal.

Aquí te decimos cómo hacerlo:

  • 2

    Paso 2 – Haz click en el recuadro azul "+ Add a Button" (agregar botón)

  • ¿Por qué es importante hacerlo? Porque éste es el botón que los propietarios presionarán para poder ordenar servicios a tu portal en GreenPal.

Screenshot of a Facebook business page interface with options to add a new call-to-action button and a list of friends to invite to like the page. Visible are user profile 'Sarah,' the home tab, settings, and help dropdown menu. A section for a landscape company based in Dallas, Texas, is also shown at the bottom Screenshot of a Facebook business page interface with options to add a new call-to-action button and a list of friends to invite to like the page. Visible are user profile 'Sarah,' the home tab, settings, and help dropdown menu. A section for a landscape company based in Dallas, Texas, is also shown at the bottom Screenshot of a Facebook business page interface with options to add a new call-to-action button and a list of friends to invite to like the page. Visible are user profile 'Sarah,' the home tab, settings, and help dropdown menu. A section for a landscape company based in Dallas, Texas, is also shown at the bottom

Después haz click en "Book with You" (Agendar contigo) para que se añada el botón de "Book Now" a tu página.

Para continuar haz click en "Next" en la esquina inferior derecha:

Screenshot of a Facebook page setup for 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing,' showing the 'Add a Button to Your Page' interface with 'Book Now' selected as the primary call-to-action. Screenshot of a Facebook page setup for 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing,' showing the 'Add a Button to Your Page' interface with 'Book Now' selected as the primary call-to-action. Screenshot of a Facebook page setup for 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing,' showing the 'Add a Button to Your Page' interface with 'Book Now' selected as the primary call-to-action.

Después de eso haz click en "Link to Website" (Vincular con otra página) para enviar a la gente a tu portal de GreenPal y puedas recibir sus preguntas y solicitudes de presupuesto:

Screenshot of the 'Add a Button to Your Page' setup on a Facebook business page, showing the preview of a 'Book Now' button and options to link the button to services like Appointments on Facebook, a website, HomeAdvisor, and MyTime. The sidebar shows the 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' page's menu options such as Home, Posts, and Reviews. Screenshot of the 'Add a Button to Your Page' setup on a Facebook business page, showing the preview of a 'Book Now' button and options to link the button to services like Appointments on Facebook, a website, HomeAdvisor, and MyTime. The sidebar shows the 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' page's menu options such as Home, Posts, and Reviews. Screenshot of the 'Add a Button to Your Page' setup on a Facebook business page, showing the preview of a 'Book Now' button and options to link the button to services like Appointments on Facebook, a website, HomeAdvisor, and MyTime. The sidebar shows the 'Keep It Green Lawn Mowing' page's menu options such as Home, Posts, and Reviews.

Así es como debes introducir tu dirección (Enter URL) de GreenPal:

Interface for adding a button to a page on a website, with options to link to a website or connect to different services. A highlighted field prompts to 'Enter a URL' for the 'Link to Website' option. Below, choices include 'Appointments on Facebook' and connections to HomeAdvisor and MyTime services Interface for adding a button to a page on a website, with options to link to a website or connect to different services. A highlighted field prompts to 'Enter a URL' for the 'Link to Website' option. Below, choices include 'Appointments on Facebook' and connections to HomeAdvisor and MyTime services Interface for adding a button to a page on a website, with options to link to a website or connect to different services. A highlighted field prompts to 'Enter a URL' for the 'Link to Website' option. Below, choices include 'Appointments on Facebook' and connections to HomeAdvisor and MyTime services

Quizá te hayas preguntado… ¿cuál es la dirección de mi tienda?

Es fácil, ve a tu página de inicio de GreenPal y haz click en el símbolo de compartir en la parte superior. En seguida haz click en el botón verde que dice COPY(copiar):

Regresa y pégala en el espacio correspondiente (Enter a URL) en Facebook y guarda con el botón Save:

The image is a partial screenshot of a Facebook page interface where a user named Sarah is editing the 'Book Now' button settings. There is a highlighted option to link the button to 'lawn-care' services, with 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons visible. The 'Save' button is circled, indicating an action to be taken. In the background, there's a sidebar menu related to the Facebook page's functions and a portion of the page suggesting to invite friends to like the page. The image is a partial screenshot of a Facebook page interface where a user named Sarah is editing the 'Book Now' button settings. There is a highlighted option to link the button to 'lawn-care' services, with 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons visible. The 'Save' button is circled, indicating an action to be taken. In the background, there's a sidebar menu related to the Facebook page's functions and a portion of the page suggesting to invite friends to like the page. The image is a partial screenshot of a Facebook page interface where a user named Sarah is editing the 'Book Now' button settings. There is a highlighted option to link the button to 'lawn-care' services, with 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons visible. The 'Save' button is circled, indicating an action to be taken. In the background, there's a sidebar menu related to the Facebook page's functions and a portion of the page suggesting to invite friends to like the page.

Y eso es todo.

Cuando la gente haga click en “Book Now” (Agendar ahora) serán dirigidos directamente a tu pagina, como la de este tipo.

Mira el ejemplo de un vendedor en GreenPal que la está haciendo en grande con consejos como los que te hemos dado aquí:

Online profile for 'Sean's Lawn Care' on GreenPal, displaying an overall 5-star rating from 713 reviews and various business statistics. Online profile for 'Sean's Lawn Care' on GreenPal, displaying an overall 5-star rating from 713 reviews and various business statistics. Online profile for 'Sean's Lawn Care' on GreenPal, displaying an overall 5-star rating from 713 reviews and various business statistics.
An abstract graphic illustrating the concept of security with a padlock, key, gears, and user icon, representing access or authorization mechanisms.

Ahora ya lo sabes, ésta es la mejor forma gratuita de hacer crecer tu negocio de jardinería conectando Facebook con tu portal de GreenPal. Por ello te