Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Delray Beach, FL as of Feb, 2025

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Angler Lawn Services in Delray Beach, FL

Hired 238 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.217 Reviews)

What is the difference between a quality landscaping service in Delray Beach, Fl and a guy with a lawn mower? How can you tell your money is being well-spent if every lawn mowing service in Delray Beach says they are professional? Well, there is a way to tell the difference, and I am going to tell your right now.

Whoever you are talking to about your lawn and yard, I want you to ask them a few questions. The first question you should be asking your potential contractor is how they handle their lawns. If they stumble on that question, find yourself someone new. The easiest way to find out if someone is an amateur is ask them what their strategy is. Usually, the people who are looking to make a quick buck will just think about mowing your lawn, nothing about making it grow.

In fact, most amateurs don’t even see lawn mowing as a way to better, stronger grass. They just think a lawn mowing is like getting a haircut, but it’s not. Any landscaper from here to Miller Park can tell you that a lawn mowing is nothing but an opportunity to make your grass stronger. That is because mowing the lawn puts the grass in a state of stress. It forces the plant to take in as much water and nutrients from the soil to bounce back and grow thicker blades.

If you didn’t know that, now you do. I am full of information like that, which is all available to you and your lawn if you decide to hire me on GreenPal. Everything you need to know about me is on my profile, so feel free to check it out any time you want. Other than that, we will talk to you when you decide to hire me!

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Alimayu Lawn Services in Delray Beach, FL

Hired 112 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.5/5.49 Reviews)

Hi there, and welcome to my reliable landscaping company’s profile! It has been a difficult road to get to where we are now, but we are very fortunate that we are finally able to begin looking for new clients on GreenPal. Everyone in the industry knows how well the system works, but only a select few people are lucky enough to join, so we are proud to be on here writing to you!

If you are looking for affordable landscaping services in Delray Beach, Fl or the Miami area, look no further. You have found the very best lawn mowing service right here! We have been in the business for over eight years now, servicing all sorts of homes, neighborhoods, and businesses. We specialize in providing you great customer service and lawn mowing so clean you would think we were professionals good enough to serve the Gulf Stream Golf Club.

Imagine that, a lawn like the one in your yard looking like the fairways at the golf club? Well, with our expertise, that is a dream that can easily be realized. We have the knowledge and tools necessary to bring to you a clean cut lawn mowing every time!

We are looking to expand our clientele this season, so if you are in the market for regularly scheduled lawn mowing, message us! We have open slots throughout the week and can most likely fit you in for the day you want. Even if we don’t, you can be sure we have one close by. Since we are a full-time landscaping company in Delray Beach, you can rest assured that we have openings throughout the week. What kind of people would we be to deny our expertise for half the week! We look forward to meeting with you, but until then, good luck in finding what you want.

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PPP Lawn Services in Delray Beach, FL

Hired 156 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.94 Reviews)

I have lived in the Miami area my whole life, working all sorts of odd jobs to make ends meet. It just so happened that I found myself in a good space once I started a lawn mowing service in Delray Beach, fl. Who would have thought that out of all my jobs and work I would enjoy mowing lawns the best? Not me, and if you asked any younger version of myself, they would laugh in your face. But here I am, five years later and still happy to serve all of Delray Beach with my lawn mowing services!

Since I began this affordable landscaping company in Delray Beach, I have learned a thing or two about how to get lawns to grow. One of the most valuable lessons I could share with you is the fact that every lawn is different. There are so many small variables that go in to growing a great lawn, from the acidity of the soil, to the amount of sunlight it gets, to even the slope of the yard.

All of that leads to a different result of a lawn. And if you can’t find someone who can respect this simple fact about lawn care, I want you to turn to me! I make it my mission to learn everything I can about lawn care, because that is just who I am. I don’t send my kids to the Plumosa School of the Arts for no reason, I want them to understand that there is so much knowledge to be learned in every aspect of life. Even in lawn care, there are small little inner workings in the world that makes this life so great.

Maybe I went on a little rant there, but I honestly just want to show you how excited I get about lawn care and growth. What excites me most though, is the fact that I can prove my knowledge to you with your grass. I appreciate every appointment I get, but where I truly shine is when I get the opportunity to strut my stuff for a season on a lawn that is a little lacking. By the end of the few months, I get to stand proud in the middle of a field of green and let everyone know exactly who is responsible for the transformation!

Are you ready to experience that type of feeling? Do you want to stand with me and bask in the great green glory that is your new yard? Then schedule an appointment with me and we can get started!

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Palmer Bros Lawn Services in Delray Beach, FL

Hired 164 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.6/5.160 Reviews)

The best part of my job is that I get to be outside even when I am at my office. Really, I am outdoorsy kind of guy and the fact that I get to spend my day mowing lawns and providing great lawn care to my friends and family in Delray Beach is a dream to me. Even though it gets hot in the summers, I still enjoy the fact that I get to use my body to earn a living.

Lawn mowing is a sort of therapy to me. Because I have been doing it for so long (I used to mow the neighbors’ lawn to save up for college) I guess you could say it is in my blood. Now that I have graduated college and started my own landscaping maintenance company in Delray Beach, Fl, I feel like I am fulfilling my destiny.

If that destiny has anything to do with your lawn, then we can’t stop that! You want your lawn and yard to look the best, if not in your neighborhood then in all of Delray Beach. Although you may not have the money to spend on a full-time landscaper to watch over your lawn twenty-four seven, you do have someone who can come as often as you would like throughout the week.

Even if you barely have a yard to speak of, I want you to call me to see what we can do to fix that. I have fixed even big old patches of dirt into green pastures, and even some of the best lawns in Villas D’Este are because of my hand. That’s the truth, and my reviews on my profile speak for themselves!

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 949,570 reviews)
Matilda Bachelor lawn care in Delray Beach FL
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I tell any friends of mine I use GreenPal when they ask about my yard. I like to keep it sharp all year around, especially because we rent it out for half the year to people coming in to hike Bexley Trail. It is something that is often overlooked, but when a yard looks bad it sticks out. Unfortunately, we put a lot of money into keeping a nice yard just so it doesn’t get noticed, but I guess that’s the price to pay. When we are gone from home though, I set up about four months of weekly lawn mowing, everything through your site. It works like a charm, really, and I couldn’t be happier with it. I keep in close contact with every local lawn mower in Delray Beach I hire, if only to make sure they are doing their job. But it’s just a formality now, because I have learned how trustworthy they are. They won’t lose a customer in me, they have definitely earned my trust as a reliable lawn maintenance company in Delray Beach, Fl while I am away!

John Brunner lawn care service in Delray Beach FL
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We have been hiring off of GreenPal for a few months now, and we really love it! We were hesitant at first to trust a random website that happened to pop up on our Google ads, but looking over the reviews you all had we gave it a shot. Our yard is constantly in need of a cheap lawn mower in Delray Beach, Fl to take care of it, the grass grows so fast! It seems like it is not even a week before the grass is up to our shins yet again. We don’t have the time to mow our lawn every week, so we really wanted to hire out. Only thing is, we couldn’t find a single local yard maintenance company in Delray Beach, Florida that was close to Banyan Creek Elementary, where we live. That is, until we signed up for GreenPal and found a whole host of landscaping companies in Delray Beach who were willing to come out to our home! The yard looks so great now, better than ever actually, because of their experience.

Tina Villaneuva lawn care in Delray Beach FL
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Thank God something like this came around when it did. I have been at war with finding good lawn mowing in Delray Beach, Fl for years, and that’s no exaggeration. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on the phone tracking down a landscaping company for one reason or another. Once, I had to physically go find a company because they weren’t answering my calls or nothing. The so-called “professional” that came out to mow my lawn did such a bad job I almost wished he never came. But the thing is, when I called and left a voicemail of my complaint, they never got back to me. I had to track them down all the way to Atlantic Dunes Park to find them mowing lawns there. That hasn’t happened since GreenPal, I can tell you that for sure. It probably would be something unthinkable for them to do, seeing as the review system is fast on keeping companies in check. I’m glad to know people are not afraid of calling out companies, because otherwise we would be stuck some of the cheapest lawn care service in Delray Beach.

Ernesto Lewis yard mowing in Delray Beach FL
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I don’t use GreenPal much because I like to at least try and make time for tending to my own yard, but you know how it is. It is so much easier when life builds up to get online and schedule a lawn mowing appointment. It doesn’t help that it takes less than a few minutes to do it! Compared with the energy it takes to get up early on a Saturday and go to work. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing it, but sometimes the week just catches up to me and I feel like hiring out. I guess you could say that’s the best part about GreenPal. It doesn’t matter if I’m at home or in my office at Unity School, if I have internet connection I can start talking to the best landscaping maintenance services in Delray Beach, Florida. And a lot of these guys I am hiring really know their stuff. When I told them I try and take care of it myself sometimes, Marion lead me through a few tips while he was servicing my yard in case I wanted to try it later. That’s amazing, in my opinion!