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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in Davie Florida compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-davie-FL-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Davie, FL as of Mar, 2025


Quality Lawn Care in Davie, FL

Hired 57 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.29 Reviews)

It is time to stop messing around with shady lawn maintenance companies and cheap lawn mowers in Davie, Fl. If you are ready to hire someone who is as serious about your lawn as you are, then you have found the right company. We have been in the lawn care business for a good while, and I’m talking using a dinosaur to cut the lawn old. And we have heard and seen it all. From trees getting killed from a runaway lawn mower, to a busted sprinkler system because the maintenance man was wearing headphones, to even grosser stories like a lazy worker mowing through piles of dog poop that splattered everywhere (I know, gross!). The truth of the matter is that anyone with enough cash to buy a Home Depot lawn mower can call himself the best lawn mowing service in Davie, FL. I know that kind of undermines me, but it’s true. With enough advertising, anyone can say they have clients, even if it just their family, and those same clients can give great reviews on their Facebook page. But how can you tell the difference between a clutz with a lawn mower and a lawn maintenance professional?

Well, to start you can look at our reviews on GreenPal. You will see for yourself that we make people happy with our services. After that, you will see the pictures of the lawns that we mowed. We think they speak for themselves. Because in truth, we are pretty dumb when it comes to technology, so we can’t fake reviews or photoshop those pictures. My son had to teach me how to upload the pictures I do have, so there’s no way I can work a computer enough to know what I’m doing! It’s not computers, but what I do know is that my company can cut a great lawn. If you aren’t satisfied with our careful, detailed job as lawn care service professionals, well you can go ahead and contact us for either a recut or a refund. That’s just how we work. But take our word for it, we make sure we leave each house with a perfectly manicured lawn, so neat and organized that you would think you were living at Flamingo gardens. Doesn’t that sound amazing, an actual local lawn mowing service in Davie, Fl that will do the job right and won’t overcharge you? That’s what we are talking about!


Ace Lawn Care in Davie, FL

Hired 38 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.31 Reviews)

As a premiere landscape maintenance company in Davie, Fl, we ready to begin taking on new clients for the upcoming season! Whether it’s just a quick visit for a routine lawn mowing or a detailed plan to keep your grass the greenest on the block, know you can trust us to take care of your lawn like we would our own! We provide all sorts of lawn maintenance services, including mulching and fertilizing. That means not only will you get our excellent (and cheap!) lawn mowing, but we can provide you with the right tools, nutrients, and strategy to keep your lawn looking great through the winter, spring, and summer. As of now, we are looking for clients around the Pine Island Ridge area, but if you live anywhere west or east of that we can fit you into our schedule.

We are very fortunate to be a part of GreenPal. As I’m sure you know, they don’t mess around when it comes to applying for their website. The fact that we are on here writing these means that they found us professional enough to keep on servicing any part of Davie, and that includes your yard! Honestly, GreenPal is just as easier on us as it is you, and that leaves us with a whole array of possibilities. First off, our scheduling has never been easier. If you ever had a yard mowing service say they had an error in their scheduling, don’t take it too hard. The landscaping maintenance business has been pretty old school for years. The highest tech we used to own was our lawn mowers! But now that we can do everything through GreenPal, we never have the excuse to miss a lawn mowing appointment again! Let us show you how well your lawn can be cared for. It has been too long since a quality lawn mowing service in Davie, Fl gave you great customer service, otherwise you wouldn’t be on GreenPal. So let us show you how it can really be done, with the responsibility, honesty, and hard work that you should expect from yourselves and any company you hire.


Palmer Lawn Care Services in Davie, FL

Hired 66 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.61 Reviews)

What are your dreams in lawn care? Is it a never-ending sea of green filled with trees and flowers? Or is it just the fact that you never have to wake up to nine inches of grass in your driveway? Or, as I am sure most of us Dads dream about, never having to get up to fire up a lawn mower on a Saturday ever again. Whatever your views are for your home’s lawn care, know that we are the local lawn mowing service in Davie, Fl that can get you there. Sure, we can brag about how good a lawn care service we are, but this is all just words. You won’t really know how good a job a lawn maintenance can do until they are out there on your lawn. Well, that will not help us now, so what can we tell you? Well, at least we can talk about how we would cut your grass, and you can compare it to how other yard maintenance companies will do it.

I think you will find that there is a huge difference between our company and anyone else you ask. First off, the first thing we do is make sure we have the right tools for the job. Most of the cheap lawn mowing services in Davie, Florida will dedicate one good mower (two, if you are lucky) to their day-to-day operations, but not us. We have specialized equipment for each type of job. It just makes sense to us, because why would we bring out a push mower to take care half an acre of grass? Or a Toro sit-on mower for a small neighborhood home? What if your lawn is sloped, or has loose soil? Did you know small differences like that will change our entire game plan? Well, now you know. If a local lawn mower has no clue what you are talking about when you ask that question, find yourself another lawn care service. What a lot of people do not know, is that grass can be a really delicate plant to handle. Even so much as a bad cut on an incline can destroy a whole section of turf. But that won’t happen with our company. So if you live anywhere around Vista View Park, give us a call. We will be close by that area for the better part of the week these days, so we will be able to fill you in to our schedule no problem. Even if you are unsure about what your yard needs, let us know! We want to teach you about your home as much as we want to be your lawn mowing service in Davie, Fl.


Genesis Lawn Services in Davie, FL

Hired 18 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.25 Reviews)

Morning everyone! Thanks for taking the time to check out my company’s profile on GreenPal! We were put through the fire to be allowed in GreenPal, and we are proud to say we passed with little problem whatsoever. We knew it all along, if we are being honest, but the fact that it is now officially done and we can get to know you is a great feeling.

Now, even before GreenPal we have the credentials to call ourselves the best lawn care service in Davie, FL. The customers we have gotten over the years have been great to us, as we have been great to them, and have treated us right for doing a great job. One of the proudest things we can say as a cheap lawn mowing service in Davie, Florida is the fact that most of our customers hire us year after year, all season long. And why should they not? When you hire a dedicated landscaping maintenance team, they get to know your lawn like as if it was their own. They know all the little details of the yard, like the shady spots that require a bit more care, the richness of the soil and what it is lacking, and how well the ground holds in the dead of winter. It may seem like a contradiction, but really, taking the time to hire yourself a yard maintenance company for the season means they are dedicated to your lawn. That, my dear friends, is what we are all about. We are so skilled at what we do that lawn mowing is not even the lawn maintenance service we like bragging about (although we do like bragging about it). Whenever we get a call to bring a lawn back from dry and yellow, we get excited. It is in this area that we really show Davie how good we are at lawn care. We have taken care of so many patches of dirt (especially around the Bamford Sports Complex, for those of you who remember) and grew quality, lush green grass. That’s the true measure of a lawn care service in Davie, Fl, and anyone who says otherwise just hasn’t gotten to that level before. Trust us with your lawn and your grass, and we will prove to you why we are the best lawn mowing service in Davie, FL. At the prices we offer, we have a good feeling you won’t be able to find a competitor skill-wise, let alone price-wise. So whenever you are ready, we will be right here on GreenPal ready to talk to you about your future in lawn care.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Sharon Johnson Lawn Cut in Davie FL
“GreenPal is definitely worth the money. I’m not too sharp when looking through phonebooks and whatnot, but as a student of Florida Atlantic University in Davie, if it is one thing I know how to do it is to rake the internet. That’s how I found GreenPal to be honest, just a bunch of googling. When I saw that they audit every one of the companies on their site I knew it was legit. So I decided to give them a shot. I don’t use it much, just when the grass gets extremely long, to the point of the city leaving notes on our door. But it is worth the time waited because it is so cheap to hire a lawn mower on GreenPal that between the roommates and me, we can bust out a cheap lawn mowing in Davie, Fl for about $5 each. That’s nothing compared to what we have found before in the past. I don’t get how you guys are getting their prices so low, but we are thankful for it.”
Grace Palmer Lawn Cutting in Davie FL
“I just used GreenPal to cut my grass because the last company I found in the yellow pages did an awful job. I specifically left notes not to weed eat around my flowers, just around the concrete like the driveway and sidewalk, and they did EXACTLY the opposite! They took a weed eater to my flowers and killed most of them and I worked so hard to grow them! The list goes on. They cut through the bark of my tree, probably with the weed eater, and didn’t even bother to pick up the loose branches to mow through them. Yes, you heard right, a cheap lawn mowing service in Davie, FL was too lazy to pick up branches and did not mow the grass under them. I don’t remember the name of that company, but if they come out saying that they are from the Paradise Village area, that’s them. Don’t hire them. I am in no way a great lawn mower, I barely made those flowers not die, but that was so upsetting to come home to. GreenPal is a thousand times better than that, but that’s not saying much. At least GreenPal guaranteed that the companies do a good job, I don’t know how many other homes that other yard maintenance company ruined. I’m still iffy on both services, but I’m ranking GreenPal five stars because they at least audit the jobs their lawn care services do.”
Ashley Miles Yard Cutting in Davie FL
“I have had some crazy experiences with landscaping maintenance services in Davie, Florida. I found this one lawn mower one day just driving his truck, probably on his way to another job, and decided to give him a call. We talked about the size of my yard, how tall my grass was, all that good stuff, and he quoted me at $80. Not bad, seeing as I had a pretty big lawn and also wanted the St. Bonaventure Catholic Church grass cut. But when he came out he made a huge stink about the grass being longer than eight inches and needed to charge double for going back over it. I couldn’t believe it, but I paid the man anyway for his time and went looking for a new lawn mowing service. I found GreenPal and was completely in awe at how low their prices were. Who knows where they found these companies, but they weren’t listed in the phonebook. I’ve been using GreenPal for a few weeks now, and so far no problems. No surprise problems, either, which is about as much as I can ask for from my experience without GreenPal.”
Jerry Lee Lawn Maintenance in Davie FL
“I was so stuck in the middle of the summer last season. My family and I were planning on a month-long trip in California, and we were all set about two weeks out when my landscaper just stopped showing up. For months he was working on garden and yard three days every week, and then he just disappeared. One day I called him and he literally said “I’m driving, just passed Robin Lodge Park” and then went dark. There are a lot of special flowers in my wife’s garden, all of which would definitely die if left unwatered and unattended, so I scrambled for someone on the internet. The first few companies I found were already booked, which made sense since it was the middle of the summer. And I thought I was out of luck. I even considered hiring my nephew just to make sure everything doesn’t die while we’re gone. GreenPal saved the day with their services, as I am sure all of you guessed from my five stars. Long story short we found a few reliable lawn mowers in Davie, Florida right next to us and were able to keep my wife’s garden clean and living when we got back.”

lawn-maintenance-in-davie-Fl-lawn-service-in-davie-florida It is well-known that Florida soil is fertile for even the toughest plants. The year-round warm weather, coupled with the close proximity to the ocean makes it hard to kill most plants and grasses, even if your green thumb is anything but green. But that means that people in Davie, Flordia are hard pressed to find a reliable lawn care service in their area. You could go through the hassle of calling and leaving voicemails for the right fit, but GreenPal has taken care of all of that for you.

Now, you can meet, get quotes, and schedule any kind of lawn care service you could want, from people who live right in your area. No more calling obscure yard maintenance companies in Miami, as far north as Palm Springs. We have done the hard work of hyper localizing your town to make sure that you are asking for your neighbors, friends, and family, anyone close by to take care of your lawn. We think it saves everyone some trouble finding the best landscaping companies in Davie, FL. It saves you the money in services, the landscapers money in driving across town, and of course the clients after you for their lawn care service! In the age of internet technology, it only makes sense that something like GreenPal should exist. With our pay online services, hiring a local landscaper in Davie, Florida has never been easier. Whether you live in the smallest corner of Davie, smack dab in the middle of the Island Ridges Country Club or even in the small section of Sunshine Acres, you can bet that we will find the right fit for you. See how easy it is to schedule a lawn mowing appointment by signing up on GreenPal. It takes as little as ten minutes, and by the end of the day you will find your new gardener, landscaper, and cheap lawn mowing service. Also if wanting to hire a local grass cutting companies in North Miami, Fl or if you live in another part of MIA and need to get yard cutting services near Hollywood Fl GreenPal has attracted the best lawn maintenance outfits in the MIA and Ft Lauderdale metro so you can hire one with confidence.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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About Davie Florida

Davie is a city in Dade, Florida, United States.

Although Davie, Florida is considered a town, it is the highest populated Florida municipality that is called a town. It happens to be the fourth most populous community of its kind in the United States. Located on the Southeastern part of Florida, Davie is a suburb of the Miami metropolitan area.

The town was founded in 1909 by R. P. Davie and the governor of Florida (at that time) Napoleon Bonaparte Broward, no relation to the French Napoleon. The two spearheaded a project to drain the swamplands to develop more of the state, and Davie bought almost 27,000 acres to do so. At that time, the town of Davie was called Zona, but after Davie put the money forward to build a school the town rallied to have the name changed as a thank you.

Unlike the other suburbs of Miami, like Hollywood’s Mediterranean architecture, Davie, FL has an image of a western town, with a running “Wild West” theme running through the town. The official city website of Davie, Fl brags about a pretty substantial horse-owning community, and that the town was once an important Southeastern destination to raise cattle. Pioneer City, one of Davie’s theme parks, aims to recall to this western feel, if only as a tourist attraction.

Although the hurricane ravaged most of the old buildings prior to 1926, The Old Davie School still stands more or less in its place. As of now, it is the oldest building in Broward County, built in 1917 and was used as a school until 1980. Despite its size, Davie actually boasts three different colleges in the area, one being a Florida Atlantic University branch. Nova Southeastern University and A. Hugh Adams Central Campus Broward College claim Davie as their home. Source: Wikipedia Davie, Fl

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