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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in Plantation Florida compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-plantation-FL-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Plantation, FL as of Mar, 2025


Quality Lawn Care in Plantation, FL

Hired 57 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.29 Reviews)

Ladies and gentlemen of Plantation! Don’t settle for anything less than the best lawn care service Plantation, Florida has to offer. If you have been looking for a quality maintenance team of professional gardeners and landscapers, you have found them in us.

We call ourselves professionals because we have put the elbow grease in our company to make it a reality. That means we have taken the time to study our trade as much as a PhD has studied hers. I know that sounds funny when you start realizing I’m talking about lawn care, but hear us out. We have carefully learned the craft of cutting good grass, fertilizing plants, and transplanting trees all to make sure your lawn is as pristine as the day you found it, better even! Now I know some people laugh when I tell them our local lawn mowing service in Plantation, Fl have learned the craft, but it is true. Each and every one of our dedicated team members have been trained to cut grass the right way. That means every house we take on is cared for by mowing in half pass. Most cheap lawn care services in Plantation, FL will walk their mowers once and that’s all, not us. Once we go over one section of grass, we go back over it to make sure every blade is cut. Although we sharpen our blades pretty often, we are not so ignorant to think that our mowers will get every blade on the first go. We would be lying to ourselves and you if we thought that! For those of you who want to lock down a lawn mower for the season, you can find that in us. We service all of Plantation, but if you happen to live in the Westgate Lake Manor area you are in luck. Since we know that area pretty well from past experiences, we will be able to get to your yard in no time with a deep knowledge of the soil and types of grass out there. And, I know what you are thinking, yes, we do mow all the way to the street, not just the sidewalk. For those of you who want a quick lawn mowing, we do those too. Just understand that our schedule usually fills up pretty quick, and we might not be able to get to your lawn on the day you want it, but right as rain we will do our best to get loose. Good luck to those of you who are trying out their green thumb, and if you want any help let us know.


Ace Lawn Care in Plantation, FL

Hired 38 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.31 Reviews)

Anyone who has lived here long enough knows that landscaping companies in Plantation, Florida have their work cut out from them. There’s a running joke we have at our yard maintenance company that if you bury a hat you could have a hat rack by spring growing in your yard. But what does that mean for us local lawn mowers in Plantation, Florida?

Well, for starters it means a whole lot more work for you to mow the lawn. In most places, eight inches of growth would take two to three weeks, but in Florida it takes a little more than a week! If you have the time, money, and patience to take a mower to your yard every other week just to keep it trim, go right ahead. But if you need the help of a reliable lawn mower in Plantation, FL who can turn up every week and cut the grass without your supervision, then you have found your guy in me. That’s basically what I do all day, every day, seven days a week 52 weeks a year! I wouldn’t call it my superpower, but it’s pretty close. I have been in the yard maintenance industry for over five years now, and started to get serious once I got a hold of GreenPal. When I found out I was approved to be on their website, I decided to buckle down and start taking clients. Now, I will drive out to any part of Plantation for a customer who trusts me enough, but I would love to meet anyone within a mile or so of Deicke Park. It would be easier on both of us if you talked to me instead of people say all the way east near the Turnpike, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers. And if a lawn is begging to be cut, you can bet I will choose to cut it up! The only question that remains is from you! Are you ready to handle the sharpest, most professional lawn mowing you ever had? What about a company that does the job right from beginning to end, from the time they bring down the mower from the truck until every last cut blade of grass is gone? If that is your answer, then give me a call, I can’t wait to meet you.


Palmer Lawn Care Services in Plantation, FL

Hired 66 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.61 Reviews)

Hello, thanks for checking out my GreenPal profile! We are excited to begin a new season once again with a fresh, empty schedule and fill it with your yards! Whether it’s just a one-time cheap lawn mowing or a season-long contract, we are at your service to bring you the best in lawn care service. Now, I know we are not the only ones GreenPal has scouted out, and I’m sure I’m not the first to either, so I’d like to tell you a little bit about our operation as a yard maintenance company in Plantation, Fl. First off, we pride ourselves in delivering razor-sharp lawn mowing at a great price. But with such a great price, how can you know what you are getting?

Well, first off we take the time to scan your lawn for any imperfections or problems in the mowing. It takes a little while longer to service your yard, but I am sure you can agree that it is better to be safe than sorry. Too many times have I heard about people hiring cheap lawn mowers in Plantation, Fl only to find out that their flowers or vegetables were chopped to bits. I have even heard of a poor woman down by Sunset Park who hired someone to do one lawn mowing and weed eating for her small little patch of yard and found out the landscaper cut straight into the bark of the tree. Well, eventually that tree died because a disease snuck through the bark. It is the little things that will destroy a plant or a grass, and we are determined to take every precaution possible to prevent that. Besides amazing lawn mowing, we provide all the types of services that you could have on a yard. One of our biggest, single-day scheduling services include palm tree trimming and removal. We have gotten so good at that it will be like there wasn’t even a tree there. All it takes is asking us what we can do for you, and after that it is up to us to make those dreams come true. So send us a message and we can get on the way to making your yard beautiful.


Genesis Lawn Services in Plantation, FL

Hired 18 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.25 Reviews)

I have been a landscaper for close to a decade now, and I can tell you right here right now I have earned that title. I graduated from Dad’s Saturday morning helper, to high school lawn mower, to landscaper over my life and I am proud to be where I am today. If that doesn’t tell you anything about my experience I don’t know what will. How many landscapers and local lawn maintenance companies in Plantation, Florida can say they have mowed lawns in every neighborhood? Well, hopefully not one, because while I am not there yet, I am pretty darn close. Not only have I done a whole slew of houses and churches in Plantation, but I have even had a few chances to attack great monuments of our city like the Historical Museum. Haven’t gotten the chance yet, but it is my goal to do so soon. There really isn’t anything I can’t do with a lawn mower. I know that isn’t saying much, but when you see my track record of nearly perfectly mowed lawns, no cats killed or sprinkler systems destroyed, I think that says a lot about my work. The best part is I don’t use my old push mower like I did in the old days, no sir. I have been lucky to be successful enough to buy several quality lawn mowers for all types of lawns. And, for those of you looking to mulch this season, I have a special mower that will cut and mulch the grass clippings right there on site. Tell me that I am not ready to be your reliable lawn mower in Plantation, Florida! I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your plan of action this season. I can help you bring back any piece of lawn back from the yellow death, and it’s a good bet that by spring I’ll have your lawn looking like the Plantation Golf Course.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Eric McGregor Lawn Service in Plantation FL
“I thought GreenPal was just for residences, but when I found out I could hire a local landscaping company in Plantation, FL for the properties as obscure as the Siena Apartments for instance, I was hooked. Not that my issues before using the website were terrible, I would say just time-consuming. I have properties all over Plantation, and trying to coordinate between my property managers, the yard maintenance companies, and getting them in contact with each other is such a hassle. It’s a three way triangle that could be so much simpler. I tested out GreenPal on my own home, and after I saw how easy it was to schedule local lawn mowers in Plantation, Fl, I taught my property managers how to use it and haven’t had a problem since. Sure, one or two lawn mowers have been duds, but I can’t expect perfection. I’m just glad that GreenPal has so many lawn maintenance companies in Plantation, Florida that want to be on their site that finding a replacement was easy.”
Wayne Boddie Lawn Care Service in Plantation FL
“I could not tell you how many times I have been burned by the cheap lawn mowers in Plantation, Florida that I’ve hired! I don’t even mind saying what city it is, even if it puts me at risk, because people need to know that I have experienced and have heard about some crazy mishaps and scams specifically about hiring local lawn maintenance companies in Plantation, Fl. So you can understand that when I switched to GreenPal I had to know what I was getting myself in to. I emailed the company, asked how they made sure there were no scammers on their site, asked for a free trial, and they gave it to me! I go through GreenPal for everything relating to lawn care now, especially when we leave for vacation and need someone to take care of my tulips. The yard looks so beautiful now, I can’t imagine places like the Jacaranda Golf Club having any bit of better grass than what I have, thank you.”
Jesse Millard Lawn Mowing in Plantation FL
“I’ve been using GreenPal for a few weeks now, and I found you just by googling around looking for, if you can guess it, the best lawn care service in Plantation, Florida. I am pretty prideful about my grass, have been years, but ever since I got in my car accident I have not been able to put weight on my foot. Which is a shame, because as funny as it sounds I really like mowing the grass. It gives me a sense of peace, and it’s nice knowing that even on a Saturday morning I can get some work done, but ever since I crushed my foot my grass has been growing taller and taller. I feel like GreenPal was made just for people like me, namely people who are stuck to the couch! But GreenPal has been so easy. All I had to do was tell the lawn mowing service my address, that I was right by Seminole Middle School, and they were over the next day! Didn’t cut the grass as good as I do, granted, but he did a pretty good job. Good enough to want me to hire him again in the future. GreenPal rocks, you all should be proud.”
Edward Kemp Lawn Cut in Plantation FL
“Let me tell you guys straight off the bat that my experience with lawn care services in Plantation, Florida has been an epic fail. Not only are they slow as heck with their phone, but by the time they get back to you they act like they didn’t read the voicemail you left them! Totally unprofessional. When I joined GreenPal, I wrote exactly in my ad what I needed done, the address, and all that, and I was able to get quotes in a few hours. Totally worth it, especially because I live in one of the Polynesian Villas. That reminds me, once I called a landscaping maintenance company and they told me they had no idea where the Polynesian Villas was. When I explained to them as best I could, they literally just said “sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about” and hung up. Um, what! Do these companies like making money or do they just like spending it on advertising? Whatever, I’m happier with GreenPal, so good riddance to the other guys.”

lawn-maintenance-in-plantation-Fl-lawn-service-in-plantation-florida It is a simple fact that so many people all over the country trust GreenPal as their online platform for connecting with lawn care services. That is because GreenPal carefully scrutinizes each and every independent lawn mower, landscape maintenance company, and yard worker to ensure that they are certifiably legit. What does that mean exactly? That means we look over the state of their equipment, check their credit, interview them about their basic business practices, and speak with past clients. If anything feels or looks odd, they either fix it or cannot join GreenPal. This is how we keep scammers on other websites like the Plantation FL Craigslist from making money on ours. After a business gets the okay, then it’s up to them if they vie for your job! The great state of Florida’s climate is amazing for any farmer or gardener. Even if it is just a few orange trees in the backyard or a sprawling lawn of Bermuda, anyone with even a hint of a green thumb can succeed in this tropical climate. Plantation, Fl is no exception. The humidity just adds to the growth, and being so close to the ocean just makes it that much better. However, that means going a few days without a proper lawn mowing can turn your lawn into the Everglades. But we have you covered! From West Sunrise Boulevard to North Flamingo Road, and all the way east to the Fort Lauderdale Country Club, this GreenPal city page is for you. Even though there might not be a ton of listings in the phonebook, Plantation is booming with local lawn mowers and landscapers that are going online. That is why we are the premier platform for landscapers and the best yard maintenance companies in Plantation, Fl. Don’t bother spending money or shelf space for a yearly phonebook, hardly anyone uses those anymore except to kick start a fire. Local grass cutting services and lawn care companies are looking to the internet to talk to their clients. That’s because we have got the new and improved method for contractors to meet, greet, and set up appointments with people like you!

You could stick to the old way and dig through your phonebook or the numbers you find around town. But consider this: GreenPal brings to you all the grass cutting services and cheap lawn mowers to your email. When you provide us with basic information, like your address for example, we use Google Maps to calculate a just pricing for a lawn mowing. After that, we notify all the local landscaping maintenance companies in Plantation, Fl near you that a job is listed, and every company that wants to take you on will bid through email. After that, it is just a matter of choosing one of them for the best lawn care service in Plantation, FL! GreenPal is the obvious solution to all the annoying pieces about dealing with contractors. We understand because we have been in on both ends of the deal-making. But now that GreenPal is here, that era is gone and done with. Now is the moment to see how contracting can be so easy! As always, Greenpal is free to sign up, so give it a shot today. Also if wanting to hire a local landscaping maintenance companies in North Miami, Fl or if you live in another part of the Ft Lauderdale or MIA area and need to get yard cutting services near Davie Fl GreenPal can make hiring the best local lawn maintenance companies a snap in these parts of Ft Lauderdale or MIA as well.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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About Plantation Florida

Plantation is a city in Dade, Florida, United States.

The area that is now known as Plantation, Florida was once a refused plot of land between the Miami-Dade County area and Palm Beach County, farther west than any developers wanted to commit money. Frederick Peters took the first chance in 1931 and bought 10,000 acres to be sold as “long acres,” or plots of land with two-thirds of each acre dedicated to gardening and fruit trees

His dream was to create a plantation community, one in which neighboring farmers could trade and pool their produce to sell it for a profit. Plantation was incorporated in 1953 and took a few years to develop. The original feed warehouse where the first City Council Meeting was held became the City Hall, Fire Station and Police Department while their actual buildings were constructed.

In 1955, Plantation only had one police officer to be on an eight-hour shift and be on call all day every day. They hired a second police officer the next year, and an official volunteer fire department was founded by the citizens of Plantation, FL in 1957.

As stated by the United States Census Bureau, Plantation holds an area of only 22.8 square miles, of which only 0.19 square miles is water, a striking ratio of land to water for a Broward County city in the south. It is bordered by Lauderhill, Florida to the northeast, Sunrise, Fl to the north and to the west, Davie, FL to the south, and Fort Lauderdale to the east. Although development has taken over much of the city. Source: Wikipedia Plantation, Fl

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