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Needing your Lawn Cut?

Local lawn mowing services in Pembroke Pines Florida
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Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Pembroke Pines, FL as of Mar, 2025
Quality Lawn Care in Pembroke Pines, FL
We are your one-stop shop for all things lawn care. We guarantee that if you have a job that needs to be done in your yard, we have the tools and the expertise necessary to take care of it. Heck, besides being the best lawn mowing service in Pembroke Pines, Florida, we can remove or install any time of tree, shrub, or flower bed you could want. We have done our fair share of odd jobs over our time as a lawn care company, and there isn’t much that can surprise us anymore. All we can do is ask the customer what they want, and we develop a strategy on how to get the job done.
Although we are a quality landscaping maintenance company in Pembroke, Fl, we mostly take care of people’s weekly lawn mowing. That’s okay with us, because we would rather be servicing a couple yards throughout the week with our quality lawn mowers rather than spending all day on one yard. Not that we wouldn’t take your yard if you are looking to fully renovate your turf, it’s just that we like the feeling of being able to get out to as much areas of Pembroke Pines as possible and beautify it with our expertise.
Our work takes us all over the city, that is for sure. Lately though we have been hard at work near Charles Flanagan High School. I’m not sure what it was, but we are pretty positive that handing out our business cards at the football games after we mowed their lawn is what did it. Whatever publicity we can get we will take! But it does go to show you that our work is well respected, and if a few parents notice how good we can cut a lawn just by seeing their neighbors’ yards, you can bet that we know what we’re doing!
This season, we are looking to expand our clientele, which is why we joined GreenPal. Although we get great customers throughout the season from our business cards, we would like to reach out to those who may not necessarily have a chance to meet us. Well that’s why we are here. The only other reason we are on here is to meet you and show you how the best lawn mowing service in Pembroke Pines, Fl can do for you.
Ace Lawn Care in Pembroke Pines, FL
Friends and family of Pembroke Pines! I want you to know that you can stop paying for cheap lawn mowing services near you that don’t ever get the job quite right! You have no reason to pay good money for someone to come and mess your yard up. In truth, an even, overgrown lawn is better than a choppy cut lawn, believe you me! But those days are over, because you are reading the bio of one of the best lawn mowing services Pembroke Pines, Florida can offer, and I am here to tell you that we are always looking to save people from bad lawn mowing.
One of the things that make us great is our ability to strategize before mowing your lawn. It sounds silly, but if we are to do your job right (and that job means way more than just cutting your lawn) then we not only cut your lawn, but we tame and prune your grass in order to promote a healthier regrowth. For those of you who do not have green thumbs which is, I’m guessing, a lot of you since you are looking for a professional lawn care service near you, pruning a plant like a rosebush or a tomato plant actually encourages the organism to grow back stronger than ever.
I could tell you the exact natural reason why this happens, but I’d rather share that some other time. Instead, I’d like to tell you more about our excellent landscaping maintenance company in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
We have been in the lawn mowing industry for over eight years now, servicing even the smallest corners of the city. Lately, we have been working around the Marela Apartments, a few jobs for the businesses around there like hedging and lawn mowing, but also a few palm tree removals. So if you have visited that area, chances are you have seen our service team put in work out there. We would love to add you to that roster, so even if you are thinking about hiring someone to take care of your yard, we hope you will consider us, thank you.
Palmer Lawn Care Services in Pembroke Pines, FL
We consider ourselves way more than just your basic standard landscapers. If it were up to us, we would call ourselves the premiere lawn care service in Pembroke Pines, Florida that your money can buy. The best part is that your money that can buy us is hardly any money at all. The money you spend on one lawn mowing for us couldn’t even afford a pair of Nikes these days, that should tell you something!
We believe in quality work at a fair price.
We can’t in good faith charge our friends and family more than $70 for mowing a basic yard. It’s just not right, and the only way I could see any other local landscaping company in Pembroke Pines, FL charging that much for a lawn mowing is if they got on their hands and knees and sliced each blade of grass by hand. But, seeing as no one is doing that, it is safe to say that anyone charging that much for a lawn mowing is a fraud.
In fact, if you aren’t asking your lawn mower how they would cut your yard, you aren’t filtering hard enough. If I am being completely honest with you, and you can always expect as much from me, anyone can cut a yard. It doesn’t take much more than a trip to Lowes to own a lawn mower and learn how to run it, and anyone can create a flyer with enough patience. So how can you differentiate a cheap lawn mower in Pembroke Pines, Florida and a good one?
Well, for starters, you can bet that GreenPal does their work to legitimize companies. I know because I went through the process. And the fact that I can stand here and write this to you means that I have been tested and have passed. So if you are looking for a quality, hardworking lawn maintenance man to handle your home, you have found him in me. Our base of operations lately has been around Snake Creek Park, so if you are around there great, let’s get to work turning your lawn into the best on the block.
Also , if you are not near Pembroke Pines , FL we also do affordbale landscape maintenance services in Davie FL near me we mow yards in the part of MIA and also would be pleased to offer landscaping maintenance services in Hollywood FL.
Genesis Lawn Services in Pembroke Pines, FL
Hello, and welcome to our GreenPal profile for our local lawn care service in Pembroke, Florida. We are grateful you found the time to look over our bio. If you give us a moment, we can tell you exactly on what we can do for you in regards to your lawn and home.
Our biggest concern is making your yard beautiful again. We specialize in bringing back yards from the stale, yellow grass that usually comes with winter into the vibrant green you see in movies. Only, you will be able to sit and enjoy it just as much as the actors do, because it will be all your own grown by yours truly. We have put in the man hours to learn how to work Florida’s soil, combined with most types of grasses common in this area, to bring to life your yard. We guarantee an improvement in your lawn, even if it is just a patch of dirt, or your money back!
If you have visited some of Pembroke Pines’ great parks like the William B. Armstrong Dream Park, then you know exactly how green grass can be. Especially in a climate like Florida’s, green grass is as easy to grow as it is to mess up. That’s why it is important to hire a professional who knows what they are doing. Even something as small as cutting it just half an inch too short can ruin the whole organism. A smart, reliable yard mowing service in Pembroke Pines, Fl will know what length to cut in order to encourage growth, and I am one of them. So if you are looking for a one-time mowing or someone to take over your lawn for the whole season, send me a message through GreenPal and we can begin working on a strategy to get to work! Good luck with all your lawn care needs, I am here to help.
If you dont live in Pembroke Pines , FL we also do affordable lawn maintenance services in Hialeah and I know that GreenPal also covers local lawn mowing services near in Weston FL.
5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

Not in Pembroke Pines, FL?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn serivce areas
Let us take the guesswork out of lawn maintenance! If you are constantly wondering if the maintenance team you hired from Craigslist is a scam, if not just disappear come mowing day, then you have felt what we have. There are thousands of ways a hiring process like that can go wrong, even if it is just about hiring local lawn mowers in Pembroke Pines, Fl. And, with the way it has been so difficult to find a yard maintenance company in Pembroke, FL, one of the biggest problems is knowing whether or not you are getting the best for your money.
Well, those worries are over. GreenPal is the internet’s supercenter to find the best deals on lawn care near you. Whether it is just a quick, one-time lawn mowing you are looking for or an entire team of reliable lawn care professionals to take care of your home, GreenPal can help you get in contact with them.
The companies you will find on this page are just some of the many that we have found in Pembroke Pines. We contacted the best of the best to be on GreenPal, and here they are! We have done the legwork in locating and recruiting the best yard maintenance companies in Pembroke, Florida. Only the companies we believe would do a good job on your yard get to vie for your business. One of the biggest things we do as a litmus test is to interview the company and check their business credit. We also inspect their equipment in order to make sure they aren’t just a crew of part time laborers who rent out their lawn mowers from Home Depot. No, we check to make sure their blades are clean, their lawn mowers are safe, and that they train each and every one of their maintenance team members in proper operation. Only then can a local grass cutting service in Pembroke Pines, FL can jump on GreenPal and get going!
Signing up for GreenPal will take you no more than five minutes. With just your address (you won’t need to put in a credit card until you decide on scheduling an appointment with a lawn care service!) we will be able to range a quote for you on the lowest and highest price we believe is fair for your yard. It doesn’t matter whether you live right by North Perry Airport or cozied up right up against the Everglades Wildlife area, your home can be found and quoted using Google Maps. By using Google Maps to find the square area and shape of your yard, your yard can be sized up and quoted in seconds. After that, we alert all the landscaping maintenance companies in your area that you are requesting a lawn mowing. After that, the only thing you need to do is pick the best option and schedule a day!
The most innovative part about GreenPal is that we have taken the lead of other service apps and made paying so much easier. Never again will you have to hide an envelope and trust the lawn mower will do the job before taking it. Once a landscaper has completed the job and you are satisfied with it, you authorize payment and GreenPal’s secure systems will transfer the money within the next day. With all these new innovations in technology and internet services, we were surprised to find lawn care hasn’t caught up yet. In our humble opinion, this is how lawn care is supposed to be. Also if wanting to hire a local lawn care companies in Davie, Fl or if you live in another part of the Ft Lauderdale or Broward County, Florida area GreenPal can also assist with lawn maintenance services near Sunrise Fl and other parts of Ft Lauderdale or MIA as well.
Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator
Find out the average cost for Lawn Care Services In Pembroke Pines Fl
About Pembroke Pines Florida
Pembroke Pines is a city in Dade, Florida, United States.
The history of Pembroke Pines, Florida extends all the way back to Britain’s parliamentary system. In 1874, Sir Edward Reed was a parliamentary member for the County of Pembroke of that year. He purchased the Florida land and named the road that crossed through the now farmed land Pembroke Road. When the time came to incorporate the town into Florida, the mayor at the time suggested calling it Pembroke Pines, due to the long rows of pine trees bordering the road.
Humans were present in the Pembroke area long before any American settlers arrived. Archaeological remains of hunters dating back 10,000 years were found in Broward County, strongly suggesting that native peoples, probably an ancestor of the Seminole tribe common throughout Florida, had made Pembroke Pines their home. Besides this ancient history, settlers began calling Pembroke Pines their home in the early 20th century, most of whom moved out there as branches of the Waldrep Dairy Farm.
After World War II, when soldiers retired, the area saw a huge bump in population. Once incorporated into the greater Florida area, developers sought ways to expand northward, but were stopped by the presence of North Perry Airport. However, Joseph Lacroix owned 320 acres to the north of the city, and after he annexed his land to Pembroke Pines, the city was able to extend its limits north.
The devastation of Hurricane Andrew in 1992 stimulated a huge population growth in the coming years. The United State Census Bureau marks thousands of citizens from the Miami-Dade County area moving north into Broward County, especially Pembroke Pines. This massive statewide migration caused Pembroke Pines to become third in a list of the “Fastest Growing Cities in America” in 1999. For the next couple of years, Pembroke Pines spent most of their time developing city services for the growing population.
Source: Wikipedia Pembroke Pines, Fl