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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in Haltom City Texas compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-haltom-city-TX-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Haltom City, TX as of Mar, 2025


Freeman Lawn Care in Haltom City, TX

Hired 97 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.99 Reviews)

I have been cutting grass and mowing yards in Haltom City Texas for three years. This is my third year in the yard maintenance business and my first year on the GreenPal lawn maintenance network platform. I have been building my yard maintenance business on top of GreenPal for a solid year now and I have picked up over 35 regular lawn maintenance clients in the Haltom City Texas area and North eastern Tarrant county Texas area as well. My motto for my lawnmowing business is quality and service. That's right I don't think you have to sacrifice on quality to get an affordable cost on your lawnmowing services. And I certainly don't think you have to sacrifice on the lawn services of who you work with with your landscape maintenance provider just because you want an affordable lawn maintenance price. So with all that being said go when you get your lawn care service pricing list on GreenPal and you're comparing my grass cutting price with other prices for yard mowing from other nearby lawn care services in the Haltom City Texas area you might keep that in mind, and also read over the reviews the other folks all over Tarrant county have said after they use me to cut the grass.

One thing I do differently than other grass cutters in the Haltom City Texas area is I will send you a text message before we come out to cut your grass each time. This just gives you a heads up that I'm on the way to mow your yard, and give you a little bit of time to pick up any hoses, debris in the yard, lawn chairs, or anything else. If you can't get that done no worries I can help out with it but I just got to keep everything operating smoothly and make sure that you get the best possible result with your yard maintenance when I do show up to cut your grass. I am actually taking on new clients near Diamond Oaks Country Club Golf Course, and over by Buffalo Ridge Park in Haltom City so I am also looking to take on your grass cutting is well. I have a satisfied core group of lawnmowing clients over by Major Cheney Elementary as well so I would love to add you to my route that I run to the Haltom City area every Tuesday and Wednesday of every week mowing lawns along with your lawn as well. Thank you so much for considering me to provide your yard maintenance for you this year, if you hire me to mow your yard, or cut your grass, I promise you will not be disappointed with the improvements I can make in your yard and also the time and money I can save you on your landscaping maintenance.


Lawns By G in Haltom City, TX

Hired 87 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.89 Reviews)

Thank you so much for considering me for your yard maintenance for your home in Haltom City Texas. It is an honor to be considered for your landscape maintenance needs the season and if you hire me to cut your grass I promise you will never need to work with another lawn maintenance company in Haltom City again. I pride myself and showing up on time every time for my landscape service clients and if you let me take over your yard work for you you can rest assured I will be there every single week to cut your grass like clockwork. We are currently taking on new clients hill near Buffalo Ridge Park in the Haltom City Texas area and also we service the City Center, Eden Dr, and Carson St areas in Haltom City. So with that being said I can offer you my affordable lawn care service rate which typically runs around $25 per grass cutting going up to $40 per lawnmowing depending on how often you want your grass cut and what all services you want included with that yardwork price.

So no matter what kind of lawn maintenance schedule you want, if you want the grass mowed every seven days, or if you're looking for landscape maintenance every 14 days, or if you are wanting your grass cut every 10 days I am glad to accommodate any of those lawn maintenance schedules with the price quote that I gave you on the GreenPal lawnmowing mobile app. Sometimes I get folks in the Haltom City area that ask me if I can cut the grass once a month. Unfortunately, the answer is no because beyond about 14 days the grass just gets too tall and I can't do a good job on your yard maintenance anymore and I'll be honest with you I really don't like doing anything but a real clean crisp job cutting grass for my yard maintenance clientele. I'm sure you understand. I just really don't want to put my name on it half done grass cutting job and unfortunately I was not able to do a good job of cutting your yard when the grass is over about 9 inches tall. However if you are wanting monthly grass cutting in Haltom City there's a ton of cheap lawn care services on craigslist that I'm sure I could take it on, I know none of the guys that use GreenPal in the mid-cities area are doing every three weeks or once a month grass cuttings this year so just a heads up that might save you some time and not make a mistake in hiring somebody else to mow your yard. So let me wrap up and save thank you so much for considering me for your yard maintenance this year like I said earlier if you hire me to mow your yard I promise I'll be the last grass cutting guy you ever need.


R&A Lawn Care Services in Haltom City, TX

Hired 38 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.33 Reviews)

You have many choices with who you can hire to cut your grass in Haltom City Texas and let me just say I am grateful you are considering me for your yard maintenance and lawn care services this year. It's my chief aim to become your trusted yard maintenance business in Haltom City for as long as you own your home. If you're looking for other yardwork in addition to just basic grass cutting I offer a full range of different landscape maintenance services that you can hire my lawn cutting business to maintain your yard, landscaping, gardens, and also boost the appearance of your turf in our overall curb appeal of your home and what it looks like. Now please don't mistake my enthusiasm as a miracle worker. I can't turnaround weeks or months of neglect in your yard with just one grass cutting, so allow me to manage your expectations. The first grass cutting I do for you I will do my best job I can however it will take a few weeks maybe even a few months to get your yard looking as good as it can. For instance many new lawns that I pick up in on Denton Hwy, Browning Blvd, Glenview Dr, NE 28th St and Haltom Rd. in the Haltom City Texas area I have let the grass get a little too tall so the first grass cutting I do for you is kind a like playing catch-up, so with that being said there's going to be a little bit a extra grass clippings left over if your lawn is over 10 inches tall, but don't worry I will mulch them up and do the best I can on your yard work. You may be wondering why can't you just bag the clippings and haul off the excess grass? Not really… First of all my lawnmowers don't have grass catchers on them second off even if I could it would probably take me all day to do your yard and my lawn maintenance company averages about $55 per hour so you can see it can get pretty cost prohibitive to bag the grass clippings no matter if your lawn is super tall or just an ordinary lawnmowing. So if you live over by Iron Horse Golf Course or North Park in Haltom City and you are needing the best lawn care service in the area to maintain the yard for you just click the orange button that you see below my story here and you will be greeted greeted with a free lawn care service price from me and if it looks good you go ahead and hire me for your yard maintenance and I will be happy to pick up your grass cutting for you for your home in Haltom City Texas thank you so much I look forward to meeting with you in your yard and discussing other yard work options for you so we can see about getting your yard went back into shape.


Mid Cities Lawn Care Services in Haltom City, TX

Hired 118 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.99 Reviews)

differences to you. The first thing I like to ask prospective yard maintenance customers that are considering my lawn care service to maintain the yard for them is what are their goals? Do you just want to maintain the status quo and keep the grass short? OK no problem I can accommodate that. Are you looking for cheap lawn care service in Haltom City? OK I might recommend craigslist as the cheapest lawnmowing companies you can find on craigslist. They may not be reliable, and they certainly won't do a very good job however they sure as heck will be cheap. Also you will probably have to find somebody again to cut your grass to her three times throughout the year, but if you don't mind doing that it certainly is easier to hire a cheap lawn care service in Haltom City if all you want is to pay the lowest possible cost.

However if you value your time and don't feel like calling yard maintenance businesses all over the Mid-Cities area two or three times every lawn mowing season, then my yard maintenance company will be an excellent fit for your yard work needs. That's kind of the cool thing about GreenPal is once you get set up for lawn care services with me on the GreenPal lawnmowing website everything just happen smoothly and seamlessly. You don't have to worry about scheduling, you don't have to worry about mailing me a check or anything at all just happens automatically for you. Now I must say this… I won't be the cheapest lawn care service you can hire, but I will be the most value packed out of the lawnmowing price list that you get from other landscape maintenance companies throughout the Haltom City area. You've probably seen my lawn maintenance trucks running up and down Denton Hwy and Beach St, we are always in the Haltom City area four days a week mowing lawns and so I am looking to pick up more lawn maintenance clients in the Haltom City area to add to my yard cutting routes that I i'm already servicing throughout town. Are you looking for any other yardwork? Perhaps you looking for full-scale landscaping renovation, mulch, light tree pruning, or maybe a turf renovation. No problem my landscaping maintenance company offers all of these additional lawn maintenance services and so adding this additional yardwork on to your GreenPal account with me is a snap. I will prepare all of the costs for these additional yard maintenance services for you after I see your yard for the first time and after I get done cutting your grass on the first lawn maintenance visit that you hire me for. So have a great day I look forward to meeting with you and getting your yard in tiptop shape for you and Haltom City Texas.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Gayle Wallach Grass Cut in Haltom City TX
“GreenPal was exactly what I was looking for… An easy way to get quotes and hire my lawn care service to cut my grass in Haltom City Texas. I am disabled and I'm not able to walk out in the yard and meet with multiple landscape maintenance contractors at my property. GreenPal let me to bypass all of the in person meeting and price haggling that goes on when you are trying to hire a yard mowing service nearby Haltom City Tx. After the grass got cut successfully for three months in a row I felt like the GreenPal lawn care app deserved a good review and I highly recommend the lawn care service mobile app if you're needing a grass cutting company in the mid-cities area.”
James Bennett Lawn Mow in Haltom City TX
“I was just shopping around for grass cutting prices, and looking online for a lawn care service price list for lawn maintenance companies near me in the Haltom City Texas area. I've had the same lawn care service for three lawnmowing seasons however he just raised his grass cutting rate so I wanted to shop around and see if I could get a better lawn maintenance price quote. GreenPal seemed to deliver me more competitive lawn maintenance services that were willing to mow my yard for a little bit a cheaper price. I really hated to let my last lawn guy go, but I'm trying to cut back on my yard maintenance budget and GreenPal saved me a little bit of money on on the lawn mowing service. And I also must say it's just flat out easier than the way I was dealing with my last lawn care service.”
Gregory Hutcherson Lawn Mow in Haltom City TX
“GreenPal was a lifesaver. My son was getting married and I needed the lawn the look good for an event we were having at our home. My husband usually cuts the grass, but are riding lawn mower broke down in the middle of the lawn mowing. So there we were with a half mowed yard, and our lawn looking like an eyesore with our event less than 48 hours I way. A friend from Oak Knoll Baptist Church recommended GreenPal, so I gave it a shot, they hooked us up with an affordable lawn care service to cut our grass over by Little Fossil Park in Haltom City the very same day we signed up for our yard maintenance prices. I was amazed and they have done a great job answering any questions on how to use the mobile app as well. GreenPal gets an A+.”
Thomas Green Yard Cutting in Haltom City TX
“After three other lawnmowing services near me in the Haltom City area flaked out and we're no call, no shows on my lawn mowing I knew there had to be a better way. I searched in the Apple App Store for lawnmowing app and GreenPal popped up. I downloaded the app, got my free lawnmowing prices from lawn mowing services near me in Haltom City Texas. I was surprised as to how simple and easy whole process of getting grass cutting prices, and hiring a lawn care service was. I don't know why I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get different lawnmowing services to cut my grass. GreenPal really did save me quite a bit of time and money for my lawn mowing services in Haltom City.”

lawn-maintenance-in-haltom-city-TX-lawn-service-in-Haltom-city Needing a solid lawn care service in Haltom City Texas? Look no further you have arrived to the right place. I imagine that your grass is a little tall… Am I right? Maybe you have called lawn care services all over Haltom City and you're looking for a reliable and affordable yard maintenance company in the Tarrant County area? Well no problem GreenPal is here to help. Allow me to explain a little bit about the how the GreenPal lawn care service mobile app works. You see GreenPal goes out and invests hundreds and hundreds an hours interviewing thousands of lawn care services so you can hire the best fit and lowest cost lawn care service available in the Haltom City area. Need any additional yard work done around your house? No no problem, GreenPal can help out with that too. All you need to do is click the orange button to get started with 3 to 5 free yard maintenance estimates. Once you click that button enter a few details such as your address, where you are located in the Haltom City area, when do you want your grass cut, and if you're looking for every two weeks yard maintenance, weekly grass cutting, or every 10 days lawn care services.

GreenPal then dispatches all of that information to a dozens of lawn care services nearby you in the Haltom City Texas area. They will get to take a look at all of the details about your lawn but don't you worry all of your contact information is kept private until you hire one of them to cut your grass. Once you get your lawn maintenance prices emailed to you, you can expect 3 to 5 yard maintenance costs from local lawn care services in the Haltom City Texas area within 45 minutes. Then you can go to the GreenPal yard maintenance mobile app, or even the website and read reviews that other residents in the Haltom City Texas area have said about their yard maintenance. They will rate your lawn maintenance companies letting you know if they are reliable, affordable, if they show up on time, if they are courteous, and everything else that goes into landscape maintenance. You can then hire one of these Haltom City area lawn mowing services to come out to cut your grass the very next day and then if everything goes well with the yard maintenance you received then you can set them up for ongoing grass cuttings until the grass stops growing for your yard in Haltom City. Last I checked the local economy in Haltom City Texas was doing well, and that means small landscape maintenance companies get busy and backed up, but you don't have to worry about that when you use GreenPal, you can sidestep all of that hassle od trying to find the most reliable and affordable yard maintenance companies doing business in the Haltom City Texas area. So what are you live by Sylvania Park, Little Fossil Park , or Whites Branch Park, GreenPal has dozens of reliable lawn care services and yard maintenance businesses that want to cut your grass tomorrow just click on the button to get started with free grass cutting quotes from nearby lawn mowing companies in Haltom City. Also if you need local lawn maintenance in Keller, TX or wanting to get local grass cutting services in Euless TX nearby me GreenPal has got you covered in that part of DFW and the mid-cities area.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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Estimated price per cut in Haltom City

About Haltom City Texas

Haltom City is a city that is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth region and inside Tarrant County.

As of the census of 2010, there were 42,409 people and 16,626 households in the city. The racial makeup of the city was 69.8% White, 4.1% Black or African-American, 0.8% Native American, 8.4% Asian, and 0.2% Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. Hispanic or Latino of any race was 32.5%. In the city, the population was spread out with 9.2% under the age of 5, 75.4% 18 years of age or over, and 10% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 32.7 years. Males made up 52.3% of the population, and Females made up 47.7%.

The median income for a household in the city was $41,183, and the median income for a family was $48,307. The per capita income for the city was $19,367. About 13.8% of families and 16.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 12.5% of those under age 18 and 9.8% of those age 65 or over.

Most of Haltom City is served by the Birdville Independent School District (BISD), but some portions are served by the Fort Worth Independent School District and Keller Independent School District.

Haltom City Public Library is the regional library of the city and is a well-known partner of the Fort Worth Public Library.

In 2011 an extension of Tarrant County College Northeast Campus, the Northeast Training/Learning Center, opened in the 17,000-square-foot former civic center of Haltom City. The extension, less than 8 miles from the main TCC Northeast Campus, includes classroom and training areas. Haltom City had approached TCC, asking how to add community college services for working-class families who may have limited transportation options. Source: Wikipedia Haltom City, TX

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