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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in League City Texas compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-league-city-TX-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in League City, TX as of Mar, 2025


B&G Lawn Care in League City, TX

Hired 27 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.29 Reviews)

My lawn maintenance company services the higher end clientele of landscape maintenance, gardening, and lawn care service throughout league city and in Galveston county Tx. If you were looking for cheap lawn care service near me in League City Tx, I would recommend the League City Creek Craigslist page. There are tons of grass cutters in southeast Houston and League City area that will cut your grass for 20 bucks. If all you were looking for is a cheap lawn care service for one of them to knock your grass down and keep the city from fineing you well then that's going to be your best bet for yard maintenance, and the cheapest way out. However if you were looking for a weekly lawn mowing service that will also maintain your landscaping assets such as your shrubs, trees, flowerbeds and gardens then we are going to be the best fit landscape maintenance company that you can hire in League City Texas. You have probably seen some of my landscaping maintenance trucks riding up and down Egret Bay Blvd and Dickinson Ave that's because we proudly serve League City, Tx seven days a week maintaining the most beautiful lawns and landscapes that the city has to offer.

So with that being said it's good to know that not all lawn care services in the southeast Houston area in the League City area are not the same. Some specialize in high-end more expensive lawn maintenance contracts and packages, while some are just basic grass cutters. It doesn't mean that one lawn care service better than the other, it just means that they're different and that they have different lawn maintenance clientele. Now with all that being said you don't have to sign a landscape maintenance or yard maintenance contract with me for me to maintain your lawn and garden is a landscaping. That's kind of a cool thing about the GreenPal lawn care service mobile app. You can get the best of both worlds and hire me to just cut your grass, and then add on the other yard work that you need done for your yard maintenance needs as the lawn care season in League City progresses throughout the year. So if all of that sounds good you can click the button below my biography and you will get a free lawn cutting Price list and my lawn care service will be one of the prices that you get for your grass cutting for the first visit to maintain your yard. Included in that price is just a basic grass cutting, edging weed eating and blowing off of clippings after we are completed with the lawn maintenance visit, after that we can then talk about other yard maintenance services that you might want such as bush pruning and hedge trimming and weed removal from your landscaping beds and gardens and all of that good stuff, so thank you so much for considering me for your landscaping maintenance and lawn maintenance needs it is a pleasure to be considered and to add you to our list of satisfied customers in League City Texas.


R&R Lawn Care in League City, TX

Hired 217 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.119 Reviews)

My landscape maintenance company has been cutting grass in southeast Houston and in League City Texas for over nine grass cutting seasons. My lawnmowing business in Galveston county has been built on one thing, satisfied yard maintenance clientele. The way we separate ourselves from other lawn care services and guys that are cutting grass around Galveston county and the League City area is we follow up after every grass cutting and yard maintenance visit that we perform for our lawn care service. Especially on the first lawnmowing that you hire me to do on the Greenpal lawnmowing app, I will reach out beforehand and introduced myself and also discuss with you various options that you have with respect to the lawn maintenance visit that I'm going to perform for you. We can discuss additional yard work that you might want to get done around the yard such as pulling the weeds out of your beds, pruning the bushes and trimming of the shrubbery that have around your yard and landscaping, and also other yardwork such as leaf removal and yard cleanup, any light tree pruning that you might want to get done, or storm debris such as tree limbs and branches that microphone in the yard the good news is is that we can do all of this lawn maintenance and yard work for you along side the grass mowing visits that you hire us to do on the GreenPal website.

When you get my lawn cutting price emailed to you on GreenPal included in that lawnmowing estimate will be your basic lawnmowing, grass cutting, edging of your curbs, sidewalks and any other concrete that you have in your yard, and also blowing off all of the grass clippings after we are done cutting your grass. That's your basic lawn maintenance visit that most folks in League City do once a week or once every two weeks. We can accommodate either lawn maintenance schedule for you just let us know when you sign up for your lawnmowing estimates on GreenPal and so we can set schedule you for that lawn maintenance cycle after the first grass cutting. You have probably seen my lawnmowing trucks with my name on the side of it riding up Old Galveston Rd, and on Bay Area Blvd and we are always in town cutting grass four days a week. We have many satisfied lawn care service customers and yard maintenance clients by Walter Hall Park and by Rustic Oaks Park. So the good news is is that we are always around town in League City and can conveniently add your grass cutting and lawn maintenance schedule along with our other satisfied yard maintenance clients that we have in Galveston County. Thank you so much for considering us is my pleasure to add you to my lawn maintenance portfolio in southeastern Houston and at League City Texas.


Alief Lawn Care Services in League City, TX

Hired 98 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.59 Reviews)

My landscape maintenance company specializes in full-service yard care, for your number one asset your lawn, landscaping, gardens and home in League City Texas. My lawn care service and his success has been built on simply doing what we say we will do and showing up when we say we will show up to cut your grass. I know you might be wondering… Should not be expected? Well the reality is the lawn and landscaping business in southeastern Texas is hard to make smooth and consistent. Factors like the weather, lawn maintenance equipment breaking down, trucks breaking down, employees calling out of work for any reason, and the local league city business environment make operating a lawn care business and landscaping maintenance business almost a small night. However it is taken me years of cutting grass to learn the right way to run a lawn maintenance business and that means that you get a smooth consistent customer experience when you hire me to cut your grass and maintain your yard on the GreenPal lawn care services mobile app.

Why does this matter? Because if you hire a cheap lawn cutting service near me in League City who is an inexperienced and a newbie to the lawnmowing business odds are you're going to get let down sooner or later. Sure they might cut your grass first time in heck maybe they'll even do a decent job of mowing your yard for you, but it's only a matter of time before they let you down and don't show up one of the weeks you have scheduled for them to come out to mow your yard. And when that happens your grass grows taller and taller as you're waiting for them, and then after that two things will happen. First the City of League City Texas will send you a nasty letter in the mail telling you that telling you that if you don't cut your grass they will send out their lawn maintenance crew to do it and charge you about $200 for the favor, if that doesn't happen then the next thing that happens is your grass grows over 20 inches tall and then you have to call and hire a reliable and affordable lawn maintenance company in League City Texas like mine to get your yard back under control and usually that runs about double the lawn care costs. No worries if that happens I'm happy to bail you out of that jam, and earn your lawnmowing business for the rest of the landscape maintenance calendar. So if you live by Clear Creek High School, or over by Hometown Heroes Park, Walter Hall Park, or by Ghirardi Family WaterSmart Park in League City, I am happy to take your lawn maintenance woes off your hands and also begin improving the appearance of your yard and gardens one lawn maintenance visit at a time. Thank you so much for your consideration in hiring me for your yard maintenance needs I look forward to working with you this year.


Nature Springs Lawn Care Services in League City, TX

Hired 18 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.19 Reviews)

Thanks for checking out my grass cutting company in League City, Tx. If you hire me to maintain your yard I promise I will not let you down. I believe in maintaining and exceeding my lawn care service customers expectations so if you're looking for your next lawn care service for life than I am. I cut grass all over southeastern Houston, Galveston county Texas, and also League City. You probably see some of my lawnmowing trucks around town, and I have a core group of loyal lawn maintenance customers near South Shore Harbour, and Clear Creek Shores, and over by Clear Springs High School as well. So if you live in area give me a shot, I'll cut your grass better than any lawn care service you've ever worked with. Perhaps this is the first lawn care service you've ever hired? If that's the case no problem I'm here happy to explain all the nuances that go into the lawn care business and different lawn maintenance services that you can choose from to maintain your yard. It can be a little confusing at first if you've ever worked with a professional lawn care service to maintain your yard for you so let me to explain what's included in my lawn maintenance price that you'll be getting from me on the GreenPal landscape maintenance mobile app. Included in my lawn cutting cost is mowing of all your grass and leaving everything nice and neat in your yard, edging, trimming the grass around any obstacles that you have, and also blowing off the grass clippings after I'm done cutting the grass.

Now you might be wondering is bagging of the grass clippings included in that lawn cutting price? And the short answer is no, it's not included, but allow me to explain most professional lawn care services in League City Texas don't generally bag the grass clippings when they cut your grass. You might see homeowners who cut the grass bag clippings and put them in trash bags and leave them out for the City of League City to come out and dispose of, but this practice is generally not done with professional lawn cutting services that you can hire to mow your yard. Why is this the case you might be asking, well is because our professional lawn cutting equipment is a little stronger than your basic residential push mower, and we can do a better job mulching up the grass clippings as we mow your yard and evenly dispersing them throughout the yard leaving everything in it nice and neat appearance, thus eliminating the need to bag and haul off your grass clippings and put them in the League City solid waste system. There's no reason to send grass clippings to the landfill if you can mulch them up, right? So that's probably the biggest misconception that we get with our lawn maintenance customers in League City, Tx. So I'm happy to explain to you some of the nuances of going to yard maintenance, when you hire me to cut your grass for you I will be happy to go over the pricing for other yard work that we can do for you to improve your landscaping's appearance, your turfs condition, in your overall on the curb appeal. Thank you so much for considering me I look forward to meeting you and helping you out with your yardwork this year.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Linda Erlandson Yard Mowing in League City TX
“I get it, it was springtime and every person that cuts grass in League City Texas are was overbooked, but I was in a jam. After going through a divorce my husband always cut the grass so I was caught off guard this year and admittedly let my grass get about 2 feet tall in South Shore Harbour. I was desperate and started calling all over the place throughout League City trying to find a lawn care service that would actually show up when they say they will and get my grass back under control. After getting a letter from the City of League City, Tx that I had to do something about my grass or they were going to come out and cut it for me I started searching around on Facebook and found GreenPal. This was just what I needed, and GreenPal introduced me to affordable and honest lawn care service near me in League City who came out and got my yard back under control for $75, and then after that I just booked him to cut the grass every two weeks for $20 per cut. Needless to say I was relieved to get this ordeal behind me.”
Charlotte Wilhite Lawn Mowing Service in League City TX
“I am a real estate investor that owns several properties throughout Southeast Houston and in League City. One of the many headaches I deal with in real estate investing is managing my yard maintenance service providers. For some reason especially in League City they are particularly unreliable and will send you a bill for a lawnmowing that you actually never got, and with me not actually living at these properties it's hard for me to verify if the yard actually got mowed not. I think I love about GreenPal, well two things really… First you get to get competing offers from different lawn care services throughout the entire Southeast Houston area and League City when you are looking to hire a new lawn care service, the second thing I really love about it is that the lawn maintenance company that you hired to cut your grass has to stay on a set lawn maintenance schedule and they actually send you a picture after they cut the yard every time so you can confirm that you're not getting charge for any lawnmowings that you actually did not receive for the yard. Those two things were enough to sell me on the yard maintenance platform and I use it exclusively for all of my rental properties that I manage in the South Houston area.”
Chandra Boyle Lawn Mowing Service in League City TX
“The thing that frustrates me most about Lawn care services in League City Texas is if they try to be pushy and sell you on a full-blown landscape maintenance contract that includes your shrubs, mulching, tree trimming and all sorts of other yard work that I actually didn't even want. I was just looking for a basic affordable cheap grass cutter near me in the League City Texas area. Well that's where GreenPal came in and saved the day for me. GreenPal enabled me to find just what I wanted… an affordable lawn mowing service to come cut the grass every 14 days for my home in Clear Creek Shores in League City Texas. The the balance between price, and the quality of yard maintenance service that I hired on the GreenPal lawnmowing mobile app was just a sweet spot for what I was wanting, and I don't even have to bother calling the lawn maintenance company as it just happens on time every time every two weeks. I recommend repair to anyone who wants affordable lawn care in League City, Tx.”
Alice Slagle Grass Cut in League City TX
“After my previous two lawn care service companies in League City just disappeared on me I was starting to think it was me, or something about my yard but nobody wanted to cut it, I started calling around to get estimates for how much it was going to cost to maintain my lawn and yard for me this year and I was a little surprised to see that lawn maintenance prices apparently have increased in the League City and Galveston County area. I just felt like there had to be a better way to get lawn care service prices near me, and so after doing some searching around online , GreenPal came recommended in the League City Texas Facebook group that I am in. GreenPal kind of works like a reverse auction where you sign up your yard and then lawnmowing services near me in the League City Tx area started competing over my grass cutting. It was great, I saved time and money and now I don't have to even mail a check for the lawn cuttings that my yard maintenance company does for me anymore it's all conveniently handled on the GreenPal lawn care service mobile app. I am a GreenPal fan for as long as I need grass cutting at this home in League City.”

lawn-maintenance-in-league-city-TX-lawn-service-in-Cool-Valley GreenPal has helped over thousand residents of the South Houston Texas area find the best fit lawn care service near them and now the good news is GreenPal is live in League City Texas. Why does this matter? Because gone are the days of calling around to dozens and dozens of lawn care services leaving voicemails and trying to beg one of them to give you an estimate to cut your grass. GreenPal is built by lawn care professionals to help busy homeowners in the League City Texas area quickly connect to the best fit lawn care service and grass cutters in Galveston county to get lawn mowing estimates, hire and schedule and then pay for reliable and affordable lawn mowing services all from their smart phone and not even having to make a phone call. Where do you live in South Shore Harbour, near the City of League City Waste Water Plant, or in Clear Creek Shores, GreenPal has dozens and dozens of qualified and prescreened lawnmowing professionals nearby you who are ready to cut your grass. All you have to do is click the orange button at the top of your screen to get started with three lawnmowing estimates.

You'll simply provide a few details about your yard, where it is located and what specifically you were looking for with your lawn care service this season and GreenPal will put the alert out to dozens of qualified lawnmowing companies near me in League City who want to cut your grass. They will submit a lawn maintenance price and grass cutting cost to you for your consideration, and then you can read over each yard maintenance companies reviews about each of the lawnmowing companies that GreenPal introduces you to so you can make an informed decision as to who you want to hire for your yard maintenance. League City is a growing community and one of the results his lawnmowing companies and yard maintenance businesses in Galveston county get busy and have a tough time keeping up with their lawn maintenance schedules. GreenPal helps you sidestep this problem by insuring they stay on a tight lawn maintenance schedule by mowing your yard and maintaining your landscaping throughout the entire lawn mowing season in League City. Have you ever had a problem with the disappearing lawn care service? Well... GreenPal solve that problem for you as well. Should something ever happened to the lawn care service that you hire, or you become dissatisfied it is as simple as a few tabs on your smartphone to get new prices for your lawn maintenance again and to hire another lawn care service to cut your grass for you. So if you live by Hometown Heroes Park, Lynn Gripon Park at Countryside , what are you waiting for GreenPal has done the hard work and found the 10 best lawn care services in League City that you can work with to cut your grass. All you have to do is push the button at the top of your screen to get started with three lawn maintenance estimates. Have a great day and please reach out should you have any questions on how to use the Greenpal system to find, schedule, and pay for for lawn care service near me in League City. Also if you need local lawn maintenance in Atascocita, TX or wanting to get local grass cutting services in League City TX nearby me GreenPal has some soid lawn maintenance businesses in those parts of the Houston, TX area as well.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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Estimated price per cut in League City

About League City Texas

League City is a master-planned community and census-designated place in Houston Texas.

It is 28 miles north of Houston along Interstate 45. Though it began as a suburban development and a bedroom community, it has also attracted corporations and has several corporate campuses, most notably Chevron Phillips, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Huntsman Corporation, Woodforest National Bank, Baker Hughes, CB&I, McKesson Corporation, Aon plc, Maersk Line, Safmarine, GeoSouthern Energy, ExxonMobil, and SWN or Southwestern Energy Company. It won a Special Award for Excellence in 1994 from the Urban Land Institute.

League City Corporation was acquired on July 31, 1997, by a partnership between Morgan Stanley and Crescent Real Estate Equities. In December 2003, The Rouse Company acquired Crescent's interest, and Rouse was bought by General Growth Properties on November 12, 2004. In 2011 League City was sold to the Howard Hughes Development Corporation

League City was conceived after the oil industry investor George P. Mitchell attended a symposium by the Rouse Company subsidiary American City Corporation on how to develop HUD financed Title VII towns like Columbia, Maryland. It was dedicated by George P. Mitchell in 1974 and managed by League City Corporation as an extension of Mitchell Energy & Development. Mitchell, an oil businessman, planned to establish a conference center, hotels, office parks, retail malls, schools, large distribution centers, and golf courses. Houses would range from affordable to expensive and large. Bill Schadewald of the Houston Business Journal said that Mitchell wanted the development to "entice city slickers looking for far-flung suburban quality of life." Schadewald said that local sources stated that the HUD New Town program, a federally funded program, had a "low survival rate" and questioned whether League City would succeed. Source: Wikipedia League City, TX

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