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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in DeSoto Texas compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-desoto-TX-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in DeSoto, TX as of Mar, 2025


Mid Cities Lawn Care in DeSoto, TX

Hired 54 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.59 Reviews)

I love making lawns beautiful in DeSoto, you've probably seen some of my finer landscape maintenance work over by Eagle Point Estates and also over by Frost Farms II, and you're probably wondering how I put those beautiful stripes in my yard maintenance client yards, well it's kind of a trade secret and I can't fill you in on the details. OK I'm just kidding, it's actually pretty easy all you have to do is go back-and-forth cutting the yard in alternating patterns and just make sure that your mulch up all the grass clippings and it creates a nice straight appearance in the yard and grass. However you really have to have a commercial grade lawnmower in order to pull it off. And that's the kicker because these pieces of equipment can cost upwards of $12,000.

So that's where it comes in handy to hire a professional landscape maintenance company to cut your grass in DeSoto and there is really no easier way to hire me to mow your yard than on GreenPal. When you get my price on GreenPal that's going to be for your basic grass cutting, edging up the sidewalks and driveway, also blowing off all the grass clippings after I'm done mowing the yard mowed. Then we can discuss other yard work that you might want to get done in your lawn and garden's such as bush pruning, shrub replacement, light tree pruning, fall leaf removal, and anything else you might want to get done around the yard and gardens. I would be happy to take care of all of those yard maintenance services for you and I will be providing you pricing for all of that lawn work after the first grass cutting. A lot of times folks will call me right after they hire me on GreenPal and ask if I can do the bush trimming and weed removal from the lawn and gardens on the first grass cutting. I have to kindly declined this because I really need to see everything in the yard before I could even give you a price on it. And in the reality is nine out of 10 times when we get hired to mow a yard in DeSoto on GreenPal it's a pretty rushed job where we have to fit in the customer in order to accommodate them within 24 ot 48 hrs.. So with that being said piling on additional yard work such as bush trimming sometimes just isn't feasible. But the good news is that we can supply you with a price for that yard work and then we can add it on to the weekly lawn mowing visits with the every two week grass cutting visits. So really and truly anything can be done in your yard maintenance so long as we can plan for accommodating you in our lawn maintenance route that we want for the DeSoto Texas area. So let me just say thank you so much for considering my yard maintenance business for your grass cutting this year I look forward to getting started and whipping your yard back into shape.


J.B. Lawn Care in DeSoto, TX

Hired 59 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.54 Reviews)

Not all lawn care services in DeSoto Texas are the same and I would be glad to explain to you the difference in the nuances of the different yard maintenance companies that you can hire especially using your GreenPal account. GreenPal lets you audition different yard mowing services in DFW and the DeSoto area and I will be one of those companies that you can audition for your grass cutting. When I cut your grass the first time you will notice some different things about how I maintain your yard versus other lawn care services that you may have used in the past for your yard maintenance. For starters I like to reach out to you before I come out to mow your yard the first time to see if there's anything specialized that I need to know about. Some people's yards in DeSoto, Tx will have a wet area that's kind of marshy and I like to know about that so I don't leave unsightly ruts in the yard, and other folks have special request like blowing off the back deck and patio free of debris and leaves and so I like to know what special requests my grass cutting customer has before you started on the 1st yard mowing service for them.

Most people don't really care too much about the details however like to check in with them before I come out to mow the first lawn cutting for sure. This level of proactive communication is rare among lawn care services in DeSoto Texas but you can expect this kind of personalized care from my yard maintenance business and it's how I have built my grass cutting company from the ground up. What's cool about GreenPal is that you can see this level of detail is reflected in my lawn care service reviews. After every yard that we cut on the GreenPal landscape maintenance mobile app or grass cutting client is prompted to leave us a review for the grass cutting. So then you get to read those reviews and consider who you want to work with on your yard mowing without having to take a big gamble on taking a chance on one of the grass cutters. This is by far the easiest way I know to make the best informed hiring decision you can make to hire somebody to cut your yard. Now that being said I am in DeSoto cutting yards two days a week and I would be more than happy to take on your landscape maintenance services for you this year and it's my chief aim to become the last landscaper that you ever have to deal with in DeSoto and make your yard one of the best looking on the block. You probably have see some of my lawn maintenance services and work over by Les Zeiger Park and also over by Ruby Young Elementary School in DeSoto and so I'm able to quickly get to your yard care as soon as you hire me on your GreenPal lawn care services account. Thanks so much for considering me I look for to working with you on your yards maintenance.


JC Lawn Lawn Care Services in DeSoto, TX

Hired 38 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.33 Reviews)

Lawn care services in DeSoto is what I do and that's what I'm proud of. I service the following neighborhoods in the DeSoto Texas area, Briarwood Estates, Candle Meadow, Centre Estates, Chatty Road, Churchill Estates, Cloverdale, Country Place Estates, Crestwood Village, Crystal Creek, Desoto Ranch, Elerson Ranch and I am happy to accommodate your yard maintenance for you this year if you need help with any of these parts of town. Let me just say thank you so much for considering my yard maintenance business and I can promise you that I will not let you down if you hire me to cut your grass this year. I will do a thorough job and take my time mowing your yard and I will not rush through it and leave things half done. Most of the lawn care services I see cutting grass around the DeSoto area or in a race against time it seems like when they are mowing yards. I've even seen some grass cutting companies in DeSoto get a yard mowed in less than 10 minutes.

I just believe that you cannot do very good job on the grass cutting if you're going to be in and out that fast, you really need to take your time make sure the lawn’s edges are straightened up nice and neat and that all of the grass clippings all mulched up after you're done mowing. These are just some of the philosophies and I run my yard maintenance message by and you can expect the same level of yard maintenance care if you hired me to cut your grass. After I get done cutting your yard for the first time I will send you a text message to follow up to see how you like my yard maintenance and if you have any request for the next lawn cutting that I do for you. If everything went well and you're not wanting to mow your own yard anymore you can go ahead and book weekly grass cuttings with me or every two week yard mowings with me. There's also even in every 10 day landscape maintenance schedule if you want to go that route, although if I'm honest it's a little problematic to make that work because I have to shuffle my landscape maintenance routes around every week to accommodate your yard’s cutting. So with that being said every 10 day lawn maintenance schedules probably not going to be any cheaper than every seven day grass cutting schedule because I'll have to up my price per cut a few dollars to compensate for the extra drive time to accommodate your request on the weird days that I will fall on in a given week. So let me just say thank you so much for considering my yard maintenance business I can make a commitment to you that when you hire me to cut you your grass I will make sure your lawn looks like one of the best that it can in DeSoto and that you won't have to worry about dealing with other landscapers after you hire me because I want to be the last landscape maintenance contractor that you have to hire for your home in DeSoto Tx so long as you live in town, thank you again I look forward to working with you on your yard maintenance this grass cutting season.


Triple J Lawn Care Services in DeSoto, TX

Hired 59 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.59 Reviews)

Hello there and thank you so much for checking out my De Soto landscape maintenance company, I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about my lawn maintenance business and how we can help you with your grass cutting services this year. Let me give you a few pointers when comparing lawnmowing services on your GreenPal account with who you want to work with to get your yard mowed this year. The first thing I would recommend looking at are the reviews are other people in the DeSoto area have had to say about the grass cutting skills that each of your bidders have. This is by far and away the best way I know to gauge whether somebody is reliable in the grass cutting business in DeSoto versus when somebody is unreliable and is probably going to flake out on you.

Check out my lawn care service reviews I like to think they speak for themselves and will give you peace of mind when you've hired me to cut your yard in DeSoto that I will be there on time and I will do a good job for your yards maintenance for you. The second thing I recommend you check out when you get yard cutting prices for lawn maintenance our check out the reliability rating. This measures how often lawn care services in DeSoto like myself actually show up to cut their customers yards on the day they are supposed to. Nothing is more frustrating than getting stood up by the lawn guy and the grass just grows and grows while you're trying to hustle up a new yard maintenance service to cut your yard in DeSoto Tx. However when you hire me you'll see that with my reliability rating is strong and that unless we have rain or some unforeseen circumstances I will definitely be there to cut your yard on the day I am supposed to. So with all that being said I'm currently taking on new lawn maintenance clientele in DeSoto Texas over by Moseley Park and also by Woodridge Elementary School. It is my pleasure to take on your yard maintenance for you this year and to make sure your lawn and garden as well as your landscaping look as good as they can on a weekly basis or every two week yard maintenance schedule. I love making my customers yards look beautiful and also giving them a little bit extra free time on the weekends been with their friends and family. That's why we are in the lawn maintenance business in DeSoto and I look forward to taking you on as a yard maintenance client for as long as you live in town.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Joseph Reed Lawn Mowing in DeSoto TX
“Lawn maintenance companies in DeSoto can be so unreliable and unprofessional it is ridiculous. With no notice my last lawn care service was cutting my grass near Harrington Park just disappeared on me and I didn't really notice it until the grass started getting super tall. No phone call no nothing he just quit coming to cut the grass, I tried calling and texting him a few times but to no avail so I had to start searching around for another lawn mowing service in DeSoto, TX to come out and mow. After I exhausting recommendations from friends and family I came up with no options and how to start just calling around from people I found online searching for lawnmowing services nearby me that's when I came across GreenPal and got hooked up with four quotes from lawnmowing services near me in the DeSoto area. I hired the most expensive one out of the lawn maintenance price list and they came out mode that very same day like magic. Five stars.”
David Dunlap Yard Cutting in DeSoto TX
“I wanted somebody to come every seven days to cut my yard by Waterview Park in the DeSoto area and every other time to pull the weeds in the landscaping beds and once a month to prune my bushes. Pretty simple yard maintenance requests and I've gotten it done before but for some reason I could not find anybody that would just simply do the yard work for me. One guy would cut the grass and another guy would prune the bushes but I couldn't find a landscape maintenance company in DeSoto Texas to do all of it. When I found out about GreenPal I just thought I would give it a try really out of just just desperation, I signed up and the DeSoto lawn care service I hired on GreenPal could not do all yardwork for me there on the first lawnmowing visit but the grass cutting service GreenPal introduced me to was able to accommodate all of these needs over the course of a few lawnmowing's. I can say this has been the smoothest experience I've ever had with coordinating the yard maintenance for my home and I will be using it for the foreseeable future.”
Agnes Worthy Grass Cutting in DeSoto TX
“I rent a home by Moseley Park in De Soto and well I was looking for somebody to cut the yard on a regular basis I was not looking for anything special when it came to my landscaping maintenance. I just wanted a basic grass cutting every 14 days or every two weeks and I wanted to stay under $50 for lawnmowing. It seemed like all the lawnmowing services that I called around and got estimates from in the De Soto area wanted me to commit to a full service landscape maintenance contract to include fertilizer and stuff like that. I didn't want to pay for all that extra yard work because being as it was just a rental property all I wanted was just a basic grass cutting and no more. Sounds like a simple request but I had absolutely no luck finding an grass cutters in DeSoto to do it for me. That is until I found the GreenPal landscape maintenance app and it got me set up with a good honest reliable lawn cutting service in DeSoto who is mowing the yard every 14 days. I recommend you check it out it save me quite a bit of a headache and time for yard maintenance services.”
Annette Segura Lawn Mow in DeSoto TX
“My wife likes the yard to be perfect and quite honestly I don't really care about what it looks like but we had to find a landscape maintenance company quick because our last lawnmowing service went out of business. We live in by Murphy Hills Park in DeSoto Texas and folks around here really take pride in how their yard looks. Like I said I really don't care but I wanted to grass knocked down and my wife wanted our lawn and landscaping to look nice. After interviewing a couple of different lawnmowing service is on GreenPal we got hooked up with a solid yard maintenance business both of us seemed to like. I'm setting them up for weekly lawn maintenance until November and everything's going smooth and I felt like the GreenPal yard maintenance app deserved a solid review for how they save this time and money on our lawn maintenance services.”

lawn-maintenance-in-desoto-TX-lawn-service-in-Cool-Valley If you're needing grass cutting services and landscape maintenance services in DeSoto Texas well then you are in luck, welcome to Greenpal the easiest way in DeSoto to get prices for local grass cutting services, read reviews about local landscape maintenance contractors, and make the best informed hiring decision you can for who you want to do your lawn care service for your home in DeSoto this year. GreenPal is unique in the following ways and saves you time money and hassle on getting quotes in hiring a local lawn maintenance service in DeSoto. You see GeenPal’s online software that lawn maintenance companies in the DeSoto are use operate their grass cutting service. Everything from scheduling grass cuttings to preparing their prices for yard maintenance, to billing for landscape maintenance services is all handled on the GreenPal yard maintenance mobile app and landscape maintenance website. What this means for you is that you can hire them in a snap to cut your grass and get done in minutes would normally takes hours or days to do.

Let's say you needed to get your yard mowed for your home in DeSoto and you don't know any yard cutters right off the bat who are any good at cutting grass. So you start searching around on Google for lawn care services near me in DeSoto Texas and you get a list of names and numbers, you might look on yelp, and you might look on the DeSoto craigslist but all you have our names and numbers. So then you have to start calling down the list polling these local lawn care services near the DeSoto are to see which ones have availability to mow your yard, which ones actually will cut grass in your neighborhood in DeSoto, and even if their yard cutting price is in your price range for yard maintenance. And then lets say that you do hire one of these landscape maintenance contractors how do you know they're going to show up to mow your yard on the day you want them to, and on top of all of that payment for the grass cutting is a hassle itself. You have to leave a check under the mat for the yard cut or meet them and pay them cash. The GreenPal yard maintenance mobile app Salz all of these problems and more by allow you to enter your details one time and then the word sent out to dozens and dozens of qualified, prescreened, lawn maintenance companies nearby you in the DeSoto are so you don't have to bother calling. Then you can read over each lawn care services reviews and hire the one you want to work with without even making a phone call or haggling over price or meeting them with you in your yard to negotiate. It's all smooth and simple and takes minutes rather than hours. So sit back relax and let the lawnmowing services compete over your yard maintenance business, no matter if you live over by Thorntree Country Club over by Grimes Park in the DeSoto Texas area GreenPal has got you covered with the best local lawn care services and landscape maintenance contractors. Also if you need local lawn care companies in The Colony, TX you can also get assistance with that here and can also get help with nearby yard maintenance companies in Landcaster TX.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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Estimated price per cut in DeSoto

About DeSoto Texas

DeSoto is a city in Dallas County, Texas, As of the 2010 census it had a population of 49,047

The area was first settled in 1847, making it one of the oldest communities in North Texas. A post office was established in 1881, and the settlement was named DeSoto in honor of Thomas Hernando DeSoto Stewart, a doctor dedicated to the community.

By 1885, DeSoto was home to approximately 120 people, a cotton gin, and a general store. Soon after, the population declined to below 50. In 1930, there were 97 people living in the community and several businesses. On February 17, 1949, a petition signed by 42 eligible voters was presented to the Dallas County judge requesting an election for incorporation. The vote took place on March 2. Of the 52 people who cast ballots, 50 voted in favor of incorporation and 2 were opposed

DeSoto is a home-rule city with a council-manager form of government. Under this type of local government, the day-to-day management of the city is directed by a city manager. The city manager is appointed by the city council and serves as chief administrative officer for the city. The city charter states this position will execute the laws and administer the government of the city. Dr. Tarron J. Richardson is the current city manager of DeSoto.

The city council consists of the mayor and six council members. The mayor represents the city as a whole and six council members represent particular districts (places) within the city. All are elected citywide for a term of three years with two-term term limits. Source: Wikipedia DeSoto, TX

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