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Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Pearland, TX as of Mar, 2025


B&B Lawn Care in Pearland, TX

Hired 147 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.149 Reviews)

Hello thank you for taking time out of your day to learn more about my landscape maintenance and lawn care service business cutting grass throughout the Pearland Texas area. While my company does a full range of yard maintenance services and yardwork for residents throughout Pearland, lawn cutting and grass mowing is my mainstay of services that I offer. If you were needing any kind of lawn work whatsoever I can take care of that for you. My lawn care company offers shrub pruning, light tree pruning, mulch and pine straw for your landscaping beds, full leaf removal in October and November, pressure washing should you want that, and also turf renovation and aeration and overseeding.

Now I know you might be wondering how can one lawn maintenance company be good at all of those different yard services? Well these lawn care skills just come from practice and experience. Not only that, but we have all of the right lawn maintenance equipment for the job. I see so many cheap lawn care services near me in Pearland Texas that don't even have the proper lawn care equipment to properly perform landscape maintenance for their customers. You'll see them out trying to mow a big yard with a push mower and weed eat and trim the grass with a string trimmer. My recommendation is when you sign up for your lawn cutting quotes on GreenPal to figure out how much it's going to cost to maintain your yard, try to look at the pictures of each lawn care services equipment. That will tell you a lot about the professionalism of their lawnmowing business and if they are serious about the landscape maintenance and lawn care industry or not. We come to your yard to service it and cut your grass we are bringing over $30,000 and lawn maintenance equipment to your yard to do the best job possible maintaining your lawn. Also my lawn cuttings in Pearland, TX start out at $28 per lawnmowing and go up based on the size of your yard and how tall the lawn has gotten to be. I have a core group of customers near Sam Jamison Middle School and also some by Berry Miller Junior High School, so if you live nearby those parts of town, your lawn cutting might be a few dollars per cut cheaper because I can save on the drive time. It's amazing how it takes 30 minutes to get from one side of Pearland to the other on Broadway St, so if you live nearby my current lawn maintenance customers I already have then your lawn cutting rate will be a little bit better. Anyways I will receive all of that information about your yard, location, and also what your expectations are for your yard service when you sign up on GreenPal for lawnmowing quote. I will factor all those details when I am preparing my lawn maintenance price and send the lawn cutting price back to you . Thank you so much for your consideration and hiring us for your yard maintenance and grass cutting needs I look forward to sprucing up your lawns and gardens.

If you're not in Pearland, Tx thats not a problem, GreenPal also offers lawn cutting services near me in Sugar Land TX and also provides local lawn cutting services in Missouri City TX as well.

If you're not in Pearland, Tx thats not a problem, GreenPal also covers affordbale lawn maintenance services in Sugar Land TX and provides local yard maintenance services in Humble TX as well.


Galacia Lawn Care in Pearland, TX

Hired 367 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.387 Reviews)

There are three things a separate my lawn care service from other lawn maintenance companies and Pearland Texas. First and most importantly we show up when we say will show up and we do what we say we're going to do. Our word is our bond and when you hire us to maintain your yard you know that we're going to stand behind what we say we're going to do with your yard work. This might sound like a very simple gesture however it's rare to find in today's landscape maintenance and yard maintenance companies, especially the one service the Pearland Tx area. Something about Houston makes lawn care services forgetful, I don't know if it's the heat or what, but we pick up dozens of lawn care services in the Pearland area and Brazoria County, Texas because we actually do the lawn care that we say we are going to do with respect to lawn maintenance.

The second thing separates us from other lawn cutting services especially the cheap lawn care services in Pearland is we sharpen blades once every 40 yards that we cut. Again this might not seem like a big deal, But it is when it comes to the health of your yard and turf grass. You see when the cheap lawn cutter comes out in mows your yard with dull lawn mower blades they will leave the grass tips frayed and when the grass is damaged like that it leaves it open and susceptible to diseases to creep into your turf. So that cheap lawn care service in Pearland could end up causing you extra money down the road in turf repair. The third thing we do differently than other lawn care services in the Pearland, Tx area is we offer full scope landscape renovation and turf renovation. That's right we are not just a lawn cutting service we also do full on renovations for your turf and landscape. Whether you need some shrubs replaced, your shrubs pruned, light tree pruning, your turf renovated, we're lawn re-seeding in the fall, we are experienced and have the necessary lawn maintenance equipment to do all of those additional lawn care services and yard work for you. So if you live by Clear Creek Golf Club or by Raintree Estates of Pearland, Texas we are in those areas four days out of the week and can get to your lawn maintenance no problem. Just sign up for free quote by clicking the orange button at the top of your screen and you'll get a free lawn mowing price from us to get started on hiring us for your yard maintenance and grass cutting to take care of your number one asset your lawn, garden, and home. Thank you and have a great day.

Also , if you dont live in Pearland we also offer local lawn care services in Humble TX and also offer local grass cutting services in Pasadena TX as well.


Green World Lawn Care Services in Pearland, TX

Hired 158 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.179 Reviews)

My landscape maintenance company specializes in personalized, proactive yard maintenance care. We have a saying where our lawn care service is not just affordable, it's personal. Why do we feel it’s so important to take a personal approach with our customers and how we care for their yards? Because that's what sets us apart from the other lawn cutting competition in Pearland Texas. There's a lot of competitors in the lawn and landscape industry especially in the greater Houston area and so to separate ourselves to grow our yard maintenance company we specialize in a personal upfront meeting when we cut your grass the first time. During this meeting I'm like to discuss what are the object of that we are trying to accomplish with respect to the yard maintenance agreement that we are entering? Is the customer's objective just the hire the cheapest lawn care service in Pearland near me? If so, our yard maintenance company is not going to be the cheapest lawn cutting company around, but our prices for yard maintenance or indeed affordable. Other customers objectives for their yard maintenance might be to get the home, gardens and lawn ready and looking as good as possible because their home is on the market.

Studies have shown that a beautifully manicured lawn and landscaping can drive up home values as much as 10 or 20% in the Pearland Texas area. So if that's your objective we can certainly jump in and develop a game plan for improving your yards curb appeal renovating your turf, lawn, landscaping, and gardens. Other customers in the Pearland area especially our beloved customers in the Shadow Creek Ranch neighborhood are looking for just a basic every two week lawn cutting service, well that's a very different matter altogether then a yard renovation, but we can do a basic lawn cutting agreement for every two weeks, every 10 days, or mowing every seven days, it just depends on what your yard maintenance budget is and we can work with it. So to started on the right foot, thats why it's important that we meet with you during the first lawn mowing visit, or at least one of the subsequent lawn cutting visits so we can develop a game plan around how we are going to tackle your yard maintenance, what your goals are and what you want us to accomplish with your landscape maintenance, and a step-by-step plan of attack for how we are going to achieve the goals around improving your yard or just maintaining the status quo for your turf grass. You've probably seen our lawn care trucks and trailers full of lawn mower equipment running up and down Cullen Blvd, so it's no problem for us to pick up your grass cutting and develop our personalized lawn maintenance relationship with you around your yard maintenance. It is with my utmost appreciation that you are considering my yard maintenance company for your lawn care service needs. I look forward to meeting with you. We also perform grass cutting services in Sugar Land TX and also proudly offer local lawn care services in Katy, TX as well.


Contreras Lawn Care Services in Pearland, TX

Hired 143 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.189 Reviews)

My lawn maintenance company has been in business for over 10 years and has over 65 ongoing and one at a time lawn maintenance customers many of whom live in the Pearland Texas area. We have a faithful group of customers near the Southwyck Golf Club in town and they are sort of the backbone of our lawn maintenance company. We treat our customers like gold and believe that the customer is always right. One thing that separates us from other yard maintenance companies in the Pearland, TX area is our lawn mowing prices. We don't try to push you on all of the yard maintenance extras that you really don't need in our opinion. Many residents in Pearland just want a basic lawn cutting service every two weeks and they don't want all the frills such as fertilizer, seed, mulch or all that they just want to keep the grass cut. That is really what our company is best that basic lawn mowing and yard cutting in the Pearland area near me.

Sure if you want us to try to do those extra services we can do that yard work also for you however we don't push full-service landscape maintenance contracts on our lawn care services customers like another lawn care services in the Pearland, Tx area will. Most of the time lawns in the greater Houston area and in Brazoria County and Fort Bend county can get by with every 14 day lawn cutting from the months of March through October and then once a month in November, December, January and February. That's really all you need to keep the city of Pearland off of your back and to keep your neighbors happy with your basic yard maintenance and out of your business. When we cut grass , we do a nice clean job of cutting the grass, we edge the grass off your driveway, blow off the grass clippings from the sidewalks, and make sure that the grass clippings are kept to a minimum. We don't bag your grass clippings as we do not have any grass catchers on our lawnmowers, however we will run over the lawn over and over again until the grass clippings are mulched up. We can also do this with your leaves in the fall if you have any big trees that shed their leaves during the months of October and November. It beats the heck out of raking them up and usually that runs double the lawn mowing cost as it takes about double the time to mulch up all of the leaves. So I'm confident that our lawn care service will be a good fit for your yard maintenance needs you can fit within your yard maintenance budget. If you're looking for cheap lawn care services near me in Pearland, TX we might be a good consideration for your yard maintenance. Thank you so much I look forward to meeting you. Our lawn care compnay also services yard cutting in Missouri City TX and does local lawn maintenance services in Sugar Land, TX as well.

5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 4 reviews)
Audrey Augustine Lawn Cutting in Pearland TX
“Have you ever had the case of the disappearing lawn man? Well that happened to me I guess you could say my lawn care service ghosted me last season. This is the second time this has happened to me in five years and this time I was just done with it. I was tired of having to manage my lawn care service and bug the heck out of the lawn guy to just to show up to cut my grass every two weeks on time. I did some online research and found out about a lawn care service app called GreenPal and how it recently expanded service to the Pearland Tx area. I live near Centennial Park in Peatland and I checked on their website and they offered service for my part of town. I signed up for grass cutting prices near me and waited 45 minutes and got three competitive lawn cutting prices from lawn maintenance companies near me in Pearland who wanted to actually want to mow my yard. I hired the most expensive one out of the lawn care price less and it was only $35 per lawn cutting. The lawn care service has now mowed the grass three times now and everything is going smoothly. I recommend GreenPal for anyone looking for reliable and yard maintenance and lawn care services.”
Courtney Collazo Grass Cut in Pearland TX
“I guess you could say I'm a cheapskate. I usually cut my own grass but my riding lawn mowr bit the dust this past summer. When I took it down to AR Equipment Repair the lawn mower repair shop they said the lawn cutter needs a new engine in that it would cost $1200 to repair. I took that as an omen that it was time to not mow my own yard anymore and I decided to get lawn cutting prices and search for a cheap lawn care in Pearland, TX. I came across the GreenPal website and it seemed to be just what I was looking for, an easy way to get multiple quotes without having to call around and not having to haggle over the price for what it was going to cost to cut the grass. I signed up and was immediately presented with a beautiful price list for lawn care services near me in Pearland. I hired the cheapest lawnmowing company out of the bunch and they have cut and they just cut the yard yesterday and it worked out very well.”
Darryl Hibbs Lawn Cut in Pearland TX
“I could care less about my yard as it's just a home that we are renting, but my wife always wants everything at the home to be in tiptop shape. My last lawn cutting service in Pearland was charging $45 per lawnmowing and I felt like that was a little too much money to spend on yard maintenance, however the lawn care service was doing a fine job I just want to save a little bit of money. On Facebook I found out about GreenPal and decided to sign up for free lawn mowing prices given that it didn't cost anything to get my lawn quoted from local residential lawn care services in Pearland Texas. I hired one of the lawn maintenance companies because he was $15 per cut cheaper what I was currently paying for lawnmowing. I was skeptical to see what kind of job he would do on cutting the grass, and then he came out the very next day and did a fine job, almost as good as the last company that was charging me 30% more per yard mowing. GreenPal is a great way to save time on lawn mowing and lawn care services in Pearland. I recommend you give them a shot.”
Andrew McGaha Lawn Care in Pearland TX
“I am a real estate investor having both build up a portfolio of rental properties throughout the greater Houston Texas area and I have 4 yards in Pearland near the Hickory Slough Sportsplex that I have to get mowed. The challenge was all of the lawn care services that I found in Pearland, TX wanted to bill me a flat monthly rate no matter how many times they cut the grass. This was a problem for me because I really felt like I should only pay for the lawn cuttings that I actually got, and not have to pay some weird mysterious flat monthly rate for yard maintenance. Enter GreenPal, their ondemand lawn care service mobile app allowed me to set up my 4 yards in Pearland to get competitive lawn cutting prices from lawn mowing business is near me in a matter of minutes, and on top of all that I was able to manage all of these lawn care companies in Pearland from one Dashboard from my laptop or from a smartphone mobile app. This has been a tremendous money saver and timesaver for me as wrangling lawn care services in the Pearland area can get to be a headache.”

lawn-maintenance-in-pearland-TX-lawn-service-in-PearlandHello there and welcome to the online ordering page for lawn care services and yard maintenance companies in the Pearland Texas area. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable lawn maintenance company to cut your grass for you in Pearland, TX then look no further you are at the right place. I imagine that you’re online looking for reliable local lawn care services, and that your grass might be a little tall, is it 2 feet tall? Ha ha I'm just kidding. Even if your grass is way overgrown GreenPal is the easiest way in the world to find, get pricing for lawn cutting, schedule, and pay for lawn maintenance for your yard and landscaping. GreenPal has been operational in the Houston Texas area for quite a while now and we recently extended our lawn care service to the Pearland Texas area. Why does it matter? Because the city of Pealand, TX is growing growing like crazy and that means that lawn maintenance companies are busy and it's hard for them to find time to drive out to your yard to give you a lawnmowing estimate for how much it's going to cost to cut your grass. I imagine before you got to our online ordering page for lawn care services in Pearland that you might have called a few other lawn cutting services in the Brazoria County area and left a few voicemails and have not even gotten a phone call back for a price on lawn cutting, am my right?

Well don't worry about it it happens to everybody looking for grass cutting companies in Pearland because yard maintenance companies around here near me are out cutting grass and don't have time to return phone calls or give free estimates for lawn maintenance. But that's what our system and lawncare service mobile app can do for you. If you sign up for free lawn mowing prices you will get four or five competitive lawn cutting costs from local lawn care services that specialize in residential lawn mowing and yard work in the Pearland Texas area. After you receive your lawn mowing the lawn care service price list review each of the lawn cutting quotes and also you can read reviews about each lawnmowing service in Pearland and what other customers of theirs in the Brazoria County area have said about their lawn mowing skills, the reliability of their lawn care service, and the professionalism of their lawn mowing business. All of this will give you a good pulse to make an informed hiring decision with who you hired to do your yard maintenance for you for your home in Pearland, TX. So no matter if you live near Pearland Golf Club at Country Place, or Golfcrest Country Club, GreenPal has dozens of certified lawn care services nearby ready to cut your grass for you. Even if you have been searching for a reliable or cheap lawn cutting service near me in Pearland then look no further GreenPal will introduce you to an affordable grass cutting company that is ready to take on your lawn maintenance needs. GreenPal already has several satisfy customers near Raintree Estates of Pearland, Texas, and in Shadow Creek Ranch and we are looking forward to adding you to our growing list of satisfied lawn maintenance users in the Pearland, TX area. GreenPal also has affordable lawn cutting services in Pasadena TX and also offers affordable grass cutting services in Sugar Land TX near me.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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About Pearland Texas

Pearland is a city in the U.S. state of Texas, within the Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land metropolitan area.

The area that is now Pearland had its humble beginnings near a siding switch on the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway in 1882. When a post office was established in 1893, the community was originally named "Mark Belt". On September 24, 1894, the plat of "Pear-Land" was filed with the Brazoria County courthouse by Witold von Zychlinski, a man of Polish nobility.

Pearland was promoted by developers Allison & Richey Land Company as an "agricultural Eden". The first subdivision was called "Suburban Gardens". The Galveston hurricane of 1900 and the Galveston hurricane of 1915 destroyed most of the fruit trees and slowed growth for a considerable period of time, and caused a period of desertification in the area. In 1914, with agriculture rebounding and the end of desertification, Pearland had a population of 400, but a devastating freeze in 1918 was another setback to the local farming enterprises.

In the 1800s, Pearland consisted of prairie. Residents harvested fruit and vegetables such as cantaloupes, corn, figs, pears and watermelons. In the 1930s and 1940s Pearland had many dance halls and beer joints that entertained people from the Hastings and Manvel oil fields.

Town Center streetscape By 1990, the city limits had extended into Harris County. In the 1990s, home developers began buying large tracts of land, changing the geography of the city. Former rice fields filled with houses. The historic town center of Pearland is at the intersection of Texas State Highway 35/Main and Broadway. West Pearland has a lot of suburban development, while East Pearland has older houses and, according to Maggie Galehouse of the Houston Chronicle, Pearland's "rural roots still show" in the east side. Pearland's main east-west corridor is Farm to Market Road 518/Broadway. Source: Wikipedia Pearland, TX

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