Get Lawn Care in Sherwood, AR Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Sherwood, AR as of Mar, 2025
Cole and Sons Lawn Care Lawn Services in Sherwood, AR
The lawn care professionals at Cole and Sons Lawn Care have been helping homeowners in Sherwood, Arkansas beautify their outdoors for more than fifteen years. We’ve made it this far thanks to our strong attention to detail and quality lawn care services we provide. We have helped homeowners in Sherwood get the most out of their investment by delivering top-notch lawn care services and lawn mowing services.
Get quality lawn care for all your landscaping needs. From restoring damaged grass to adding turf to weed control and much more. Turn your yard into an outdoor haven with chemical free lawn care services. Our lawn mowing services will keep your property freshly cut all year.
We've seen how charming neighborhoods in the city can be. The Millers Crossing neighborhood is one such example. The roads are carefully organized with the properties offering similar floor plans. But while the homes might look the same, the landscape is not always in the best shape.
While interior work can be substantial, you cannot afford to discount the quality of your yard. Your lawn is critical to the value and appeal of your home. More importantly, you don’t want people to judge you because you have a house whose lawn doesn’t look as great as it should. Our team at Cole and Sons Lawn Care is open to help you with fixing everything surrounding how well your yard looks.
We offer general lawn mowing services that fits the needs of homeowners in Sherwood. Our team will analyze your lawn based on its height, how the place grows, and how well the area can handle rain. We’ll check on your site to figure out how well the area looks and that the spot has a beautiful style of its own.
In addition to lawn mowing services, lawn maintenance, and lawn care services, we offer specific tree services too. Our lawn care company help people in areas like Verona Park where the trees are plentiful. We can provide seasonal trimming services to keep your trees from being too large. We’ll ensure that your home won’t be hurt by tree branches or other things poking at the side. You won’t have to worry about things covering up your satellite dish or solar panels that you might have on your roof either.
You will also find that our lawn care services and lawn maintenance services are affordable and easy to utilize. You will never have to worry about spending more on services than what you require when you reach us for help. We are transparent when it comes to the possible expenses that you would have to spend. We don’t want you to be surprised by looking at some of the costs that you might not be all that prepared to handle.
Contact Cole and Sons Lawn Care for a free appointment at your home. We’ll review your place and figure out an estimate for what it would cost to serve your area. We want to ensure that you have the help you deserve for giving your yard the style it needs.
Holt Lawns Lawn Services in Sherwood, AR
Have you been doing all the yard work in Sherwood by yourself lately? If you are and you'd rather have someone else do it, consider hiring Holt Lawn. When doing things on your own, it can get a little confusing. It might even look worse the more you touch it. You're not alone. When your lawn service practices are not exactly on point, it can cause some problems.
A lawn that comes apart and has lots of grass clumps coming apart is one that is unhealthy. Our lawn service experts lawn care experts at Holt Lawns can fix those issues and more. If you want lawn care services and lawn mowing services you can trust, contact us today.
Our lawn service staff been helping people around the Sherwood, Arkansas area for years here at Holt Lawns. We focus on a professional lawn service approach to handling your yard the right way. Our lawn care and lawn service team members even have experience with taking care of the fairways and greens on various golf courses throughout the state of Arkansas.
You never have to fear about what our lawn care services. Our lawn service team is open to assist you with caring for everything from lawn mowing to weed removal to drainage system installation and maintenance. We can work on large properties like at Indianhead Lake Estates or smaller spaces in the Autumnbrook area among other places. We focus on seeing that your home looks beautiful while being the envy of everyone else in your local area.
You can ask us at Holt Lawns to help you with your commercial yard maintenance needs too. We offer lawn care services for businesses on Warden Road and other places near US Route 67. We know that a well-made commercial lawn will be more inviting to potential customers who want to shop somewhere. We’ll set up a regular time for mowing, aerating, watering, or anything else that you might need help with when caring for your yard and how well it looks.
We can plan regular routines for your needs too. You can ask us for help with a bi-weekly or monthly contract for services. We are flexible in when we can come to your property. You can ask us to go to your place on demand too. You can even reach us for emergency concerns like if there has been some significant pest infestation impacting your yard or if a weed situation is growing and being harder to handle. We’ll fix any problems you have with your yard soon so your lawn will go back to looking as strong as it should.
Our lawn care and lawn service team will provide you with all the lawn services you need in Sherwood. We would love to prove to you how well we can assist you with getting the most out of your property. Get in touch with us online or by phone to schedule a free no-obligation consultation where we can help you figure out what would work the best for your yard care requirements.
Anderson Lawns Lawn Services in Sherwood, AR
The beautiful trees around the city of Sherwood Arkansas make it a memorable place for anyone to visit. Not to mention an appealing site to travel to. But sometimes those trees can get to be a bit too much for some residents. The trees around the Storer Park area can quickly shed their leaves, thus spreading them around many lawns even if they’re a few blocks away. The problem is even worse when there’s a big storm going through.
The same can be said in Chestnut Ridge and other neighborhoods in the area where the trees are plentiful. No one wants to have to bear with cleaning up their yards. Even worse, people who are near those trees might deal with spaces that can poke at the sides of their homes or also block any solar panels or television antenna sets that they have.
But the good news is that you don’t have to worry for long when contacting our top-rated lawn care company. Anderson Lawns is here to help. Our lawn care and lawn service group is open to help you with all your yard maintenance efforts, including offering seasonal tree trimming services.
You can ask us to trim any trees or other landscaping features around your yard throughout the year. We’ll measure your trees and figure out the ideal spaces for these places. Our work will help you with protecting the quality of your home while restoring how well your site might appear.
We’ll also help with the yard cleanup process. We will provide a full power raking solution that can clean out debris without potentially risking any damage like what you might come across during a traditional dethatching routine. You deserve to keep your yard looking fresh, not torn up because you needed help with clearing out the place.
There’s more to the lawn care services that we offer at Anderson Lawns too. We can also come to your property for a basic grass cutting service. You can ask us to help you with trimming your grass bed no matter how great the place might be. We’ll review the quality of your grass bed and then find a proper lawn mowing solution that you can trust. The work we offer ensures you’ll get more out of what you need when keeping your lawn looking refreshing and clean all around.
The last thing we want you to know is that we’ll assist you with finding proper lawn care solutions that are good for your budget. You won’t have to worry about spending more than what you can afford when you ask us for assistance. Besides, you might not need all of the services we offer. We’ll ensure we help you with the specific things that you want us to work with though.
Contact Anderson Lawns today. We would love to come to your home in Sherwood, Arkansas to provide you with a free analysis of your property to figure out what might work the best for when you need help. We’re available throughout the week for all your lawn maintenance requirements.
Capels Lawn Services Lawn Services in Sherwood, AR
Your Sherwood home is unique for many reasons. To start, you might have grass that spreads out to your home’s foundation. You might also have a vast landscape surrounding your space. Don’t forget about things like fire hydrants, utility boxes, and local service grates that might enclose your yard. The good news is that we’ll assist you with everything you require for keeping your property looking beautiful.
Who are we in particular? We are Capels Lawn Services, and we offer a full lawn service solutions that keep your yard looking beautiful. We serve people around all corners of the Sherwood while providing affordable rates. We want to prove ourselves as your best choice among all the lawn mowing providers that you can hire where you are, so you will not have to worry about the quality of the space you’re working on.
You can request various convenient lawn maintenance services from Capels Lawn Services. We will help you with the essential lawn mowing effort. We’ll assist in blowing the grass clippings off of your lawn as well, although you can also ask us to preserve those clippings for you if necessary.
Our lawn care company also offer edging and pruning services for trees, bushes, and surfaces around spots that a mower might not reach as well. Our leaf removal services will also help you with cleaning things from trees and bushes off of your yard without tearing up at the base of your lawn surface.
You can ask us for help with your lawn servie needs too. We’ll review the design of your landscape and figure out ways to maintain your space. The work includes analyzing any weeds that grow while figuring out how well we can remove them from your space.
You can also ask us for help with clearing snow off of your landscape during the winter season. Remember, snow is always a possibility out here in Sherwood. We want to ensure you’re prepared for whatever might come about where you are.
We are also available to help you with any drainage systems you need assistance with. We’ll design a new drainage system for your property. The effort includes looking at how well new French drains or other features might develop where they are.
Our lawn care services and lawn mowing services services are great for people around all corners of Sherwood to hire. We can mainly work in some new construction areas around Sherwood, like spaces around Trammel Estates where new properties are always coming about. We’re also available to help with mowing business lawns off of Warden Road. We are looking to be a lawn care company that people around all parts of Sherwood can trust when they need help in many forms.
Contact Capels Lawn Services for help the next time you need someone to come to your place to assist you with your yard care demands. We would love to see what we can do for your property to make your area look as attractive as it can be.
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
I had a crabgrass growth problem on my yard close to Kiehl Avenue. The lawn care staff at Cole and Sons Lawn Care was very courteous and helped me with identifying where the crabgrass was based out of. They let me know about what had to be done at my space regarding removing the crabgrass. After they used a power raking process to clear it out, they helped with seeding my lawn and reviewing its irrigation setup. I love how the lawn care staff did well with keeping my space looking clean and with making my yard look normal once again.
I operate a funeral home located in Apple Valley. I need to make sure my property looks nice for everyone who visits. The lawn care staff at Holt Lawns do a fantastic job with mowing my lawn and with trimming the edges, so the place looks nice. I appreciate that they offer a flexible scheduling for all their lawn care services and lawn mowing services. They often can come to my home and clean up before earlier enough. It’s all about ensuring the people who visit are comfortable.
The best part of working with Anderson Lawns is that the team understands the unique needs that my lawn on Country Club Road has. They know that no two yards are alike, even if my house looks similar to so many other homes here. They have assisted me with measuring the pH in my yard and analyzing how well my soil was built. I’ve taken advantage of their aeration and weeding services in particular. They always let me know about the processes involved, so I can feel comfortable in knowing what they’re doing to my yard. Of course, the things they do work every time.
This amazing lawn care company helped me out recently with cleaning up my yard after the winter. I had a few crabgrass spots around my yard in the Windridge area. The crabgrass was very rough and hard to maintain, but I was able to get the help that I needed with Capels. I love how well the team removed the crabgrass and added seed around the old spaces. The aerating and watering was particularly helpful for my needs. I am glad that the people at Capels were able to fix my yard without tearing up the entire place and trashing things all around the area.
Not in Sherwood, AR?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
Almost all property owners in Sherwood AR needs lawn care services or lawn mowing services if they want their properties to look great. Some people in Autumnbrook might need help with keeping their lawns looking green. Meanwhile, people in Austin Lakes Park will require assistance with trimming their trees and cleaning up after the leaves that they shed. Many things have to work for keeping yards looking nice, but there are many helpful lawn maintenance and lawn care companies in and near Sherwood, Arkansas that are available for you to help. You can use the GreenPal app to find many people who can help you out where you are.
You will know who can help you with your property when you download the GreenPal app and find details on lawn care services around the Sherwood AR area. Whether you have a townhome in Stonehill or a commercial lawn on Warden Road, you can use the GreenPal app to find the top lawn care companies in the area. You will need to list your address to see details on which lawn service provider can reach your area.
You can then reserve lawn care services through the app after you get information on who’s available. The app offers a useful interface where you can see a lawn care company's past work, their reviews, and determine if you want to hire them. So, hiring a lawn care company is easy.
You can also find reviews on each of these entities from different people who have hired these services through GreenPal. The reviews will let you know everything about how well these teams work and what you’ll get from them. The most important part of these reviews is that they can give you extra details surrounding who’s available.
The teams on the app are also listed with the Sherwood Chamber of Commerce among other places. You’ll know when looking online that there are many helpful teams out there who would love to assist you with the demands you have surrounding your yard and how appealing the place is when you get the help you require.
The points you will notice through the GreenPal app will give you a sensible idea of what might work for your demands. A lawn in a place like Stonehill Heights or Oakbrooke requires an extensive amount of help for maintenance needs. But you don’t have to worry all that much when you look at what GreenPal has for your use. The details that GreenPal provides for those who need help are ideal for people to note.
You need to hire only the best team in the Sherwood area who can assist you with getting more out of the work that you might require. Download the GreenPal app today to see what you’ll get out of your yard maintenance demands in Sherwood. You’ll love the quality of the yard services that you will get out of any of the teams listed here.
Not in Sherwood ?
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About Sherwood Arkansas
Sherwood is a city in Arkansas, United States.

Sherwood Arkansas is a city in the northern end of the Little Rock area. The city is in the northeastern part of Pulaski County.
The Pulaski County Special School District operates the schools in the city. Sylvan Hills High School is the most prominent school in the city. The Abundant Life School is a noteworthy Christian school in the area.
There are seventeen community parks located around the city. North Hills Park is the largest in the city. This park features a massive golf course that has been serving people since the early twentieth century.
The Roundtop Filling Station is a prominent landmark in Sherwood AR. The old 1930s gas station was built by the Justin Matthews Company and was initially operated by Pierce Oil.
The North Little Rock Municipal Airport is on the western end of the city. The airport focuses mainly on private aviation activities.
McCain Mall and McCain Plaza are both located to the south. The complex includes various dining spaces and retail stores, as well as a large movie theater with several screens. The Baptist Health Medical Center is located near the area as well.
Sherwood AR is about ten miles north of Little Rock. US Route 67 leads people between the two cities.
Sherwood has a humid subtropical climate where temperatures can average around 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, although conditions can reach 100 or more. Cold air from the north often arrives in the winter, causing below-freezing conditions at various times in the year. The city takes in about 50 inches of rain on average every year.
The population of Sherwood AR is at around 31,000. Most of the city’s growth took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
Indianhead Lake takes up a portion of the city’s northeastern end. Fears Lake is direct to the north of Sherwood.
Sherwood AR was formed in 1948 as a town. The area became incorporated as a city in 2008 following the annexation of Gravel Ridge into Sherwood. The Gravel Ridge area is on the northern end of the city.