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Needing your Lawn Cut?

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Local lawn mowing services in Burleson Texas compete for your lawn local-lawn-care-services-in-burleson-TX-near-me

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Burleson, TX as of Mar, 2025


Worshams Lawn Care in Burleson, TX

Hired 127 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.29 Reviews)

We are in the height of summer here in Burleson, and you know what that means! Two things grow like crazy in the summer, grass and hair. I can’t help you with a haircut, but I can sure help with a good lawn mowing! It’s practically all I do in the summers, but I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it. Don’t call me crazy but I love waking up early and head out to a new job. There’s something about setting up a lawn mower right at sunrise and starting to work. Okay, you can call me crazy. I have been in the landscaping maintenance service industry for about six years now, and I haven’t looked back. I figured if I enjoyed cutting my own lawn I would fare well offering my lawn care services for the good people of Burleson. I’m just an independent mower, but you can bet that doesn’t make me any less of a good landscaper than being part of a company!

In fact, in my third year as a cheap lawn mower in Burleson, I was just doing homes, a few parks, and Judy Hajek Elementary every so often, but one day my grandson asked me why I didn’t have business cards. I told him I didn’t need them, my work shows for itself! He said that would be a fine business plan if everyone in Burleson made visits to every house in the city, but that wasn’t the case, and he was right. So I took him a step further, I made some business cards and found a spot on GreenPal, and I haven’t looked back. As of now, I only do lawn mowings, but I can tell you right from the get go that it will be the best law mowing in Burleson that you can find. Part of the reason is that I don’t puff you up with hidden fees or nothing like that, my service is for a lawn mowed, that’s that. That means that sweeping up the grass clippings, edging the sidewalk and other obstacles, all of that is included. I don’t understand who wouldn’t charge that in their basic fee, but then again their business is their business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, I’ll be ready to answer anything you’ve got.


ONIT Lawn Care in Burleson, TX

Hired 17 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.19 Reviews)

To put it short, we are an affordable landscaping service located in Burleson, Texas. We call ourselves a landscaping service because we offer more than good lawn mowing. We have the equipment at your disposal ready to transform your yard from a basic standard suburban lawn to a beautiful garden, if that is your fancy. We offer all sorts of services from transplants, soil revitalization, and fertilization all to help you get that soft, green grass. What’s amazing to us is that every client we contract is surprised to find out how easy it is to get that perfect lawn. Grass on its own is a strong plant, and it only takes a bit of guiding in the right direction to grow strong and healthy. We’ve done our research, but that doesn’t mean you will be paying out the nose. As we cut and maintain your lawn, we will be teaching you along with way so that you can know how we do it. Call it the added bonus, or special offer or whatever with our pricing. Every scheduled lawn mowing visit comes with free knowledge about your yard!

If you had the perfect lawn, cost aside, what would you want in it? Maybe a rose garden, a few plots of sunflowers, or just a straight green patch of grass your kids can enjoy? Well, we can do all of that and more, but we can’t do a thing unless you talk to us first. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck fighting the same patch of yellow grass trying to bring it back to life. We service neighborhoods all over Burleson and schedule them according to area. Lately, we’ve been working a lot around the Alsbury Villas, only because they contracted us for the summer. But we do this so it drops the cost on gas, but all that means is that it comes out to a cheaper cost on your end. If you absolutely can’t schedule a quick lawn mowing on the day we have available for you, that’s not a problem. We’ll just have to talk a bit more about what we can do for you and if it changes the price. But still, a five dollar price difference when it’s still less than $40? Shoot, a nice jacket will cost you more than that.


Landscape Legends Lawn Care Services in Burleson, TX

Hired 38 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.59 Reviews)

All it takes is hiring us one time, and you will know for sure why we call ourselves the best lawn mowing service Burleson has to offer. If you are on GreenPal, it is most likely because you have been burned in the past. Maybe a Craigslist lawn mower showed up just to collect your money, maybe a “professional landscaping company” charged you a whole host of service fees, or maybe the guy you hired just straight up disappeared after you contracted him! I say all this because we’ve been there. Most of our maintenance men are homeowners, and a lot of them began taking their lawn maintenance seriously because of situations like those. It doesn’t make sense, right? Something so simple as paying for a cheap lawn mowing, and you end up in a worse situation than before! Well, that all ends with our lawn care service. Guaranteed to do the job right the first time and every time.

We’ve had a few special clients who ask us to take care of their grounds, from schools to churches, but right now Summercrest Apartments has our time. As I’m sure you know, there are areas of Burleson that just grow grass like it’s a business, but we make sure their apartment homes are trim all year long. How do we keep the grass healthy if we’re constantly cutting it? It’s the paradox of the landscaping world, actually. If you put any plant, tree, or shrub under a bit of stress (like pruning a few branches here and there) it will focus on coming back stronger than before. That’s a fact! We know this, and we mow the grass just enough to keep it in a level of stress, and you’ll see that even without grass superfood or fertilizer our yards look better than ever. Our profile shows our usual price for a good lawn mowing, but don’t let that low price scare you! We just believe in good, wholesome work for a good price, that’s all. What’s not included in that price, however, is the assurance that after a few grass cuttings your yard will look spectacular, that’s a promise!


Loftis Lawn Care Services in Burleson, TX

Hired 77 times on GreenPal
(overall rating 5/5.79 Reviews)

Hi there! welcome to our profile! If you are looking for sharp, clean grass cutting then you have found your lawn care service. We take care to make sure every client that hires us is treated with respect, only because we expect the same. We have been in the landscaping business for around ten years now. We started out in Dallas but moved out to Burleson once we had enough of the constant construction. We love the area, but we are all country boys at heart, I can tell you that, which brings us to the main reason we moved our yard maintenance service to Burleson, by the way. We love being outside, and if we aren’t working on our own yard we are working on yours. That’s a good life in our eyes, to be honest.

It doesn’t matter if you live as far out as Keeler or as close as Prairie Timber Park, if you trust us enough to reach out and ask for our business, you can expect that we’ll gladly be there with clean tools, sharp blades, and a good attitude. As CEO of our little lawn mowing business, I make sure that each maintenance man is in good spirits to go out and meet you. We do this by taking care of our employees. Each and every one of them is given benefits, and as an added bonus each team member is responsible at least once a week to bring a little something good to eat for the day. You’d be surprised what a man on a happy stomach means for your yard! I’ve said enough about our company, what about our motto? Our philosophy? Well, other than providing you with the kind of service your mother would love, we promise to make sure you know exactly what’s going on at all times. We take pictures of our work after we’re done, leave a note of the services completed, and follow up with you to make sure we didn’t make any mistakes. It’s tough to admit, but even the most professional yard maintenance services are human, and we’re no exception. You just have one question to ask yourself: are you ready for a team of professional landscapers to tackle your yard? Or are you okay with a fellow with his daddy’s lawn mower asking you for the same price and a half-done job? That’s what it comes down to really, and it’s all up to you. When you’re ready for the pros, we’ll be here on GreenPal to begin the conversation!


5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

(based on 227 reviews)
Brian Cates Lawn Cutting in Burleson TX
“I already had a dedicated yard maintenance team working my lawn, had them for a few seasons now because we trust each other. Well one day the lawn care business owner tells me that he’s moving on to GreenPal to get more clients. He wanted me to switch over, and I had no reason to. We had a perfectly good relationship as it was, so why change it? It turned out that it helps my friend more than anything. Just taking our business to GreenPal people were able to see actual photos of work, and rightly so, the man does an excellent job every time he comes over! In fact, I even wrote him a review myself, and whoever saw it hired him to be a part-timer at Hidden Creek Golf Course. How’s that for new technology? Anyway, I’m okay using GreenPal as well, anything to help another person out to be honest, but in truth it is easier to use than what I’m used to.”
Kara Vanpelt Yard Mowing in Burleson TX
“We live out in Keeler, so not technically in the heart of Burleson, and we’ve been having a hard time contracting a reliable landscaping company. We have a plot of land out here, and we sometimes need help getting to the smaller details like lawn mowing and all that while we work the horses. Our sons went off to college so it’s just me out here for a while, but GreenPal changed that. After looking for a lawn mowing service myself in the phonebook and whatnot, there were very few lawn care services in Burleson near me, every one of them told me about the surcharge for going out there, I can’t help where I live! But it just so happened that when I went on GreenPal, a neighbor a mile down cut grass, but didn’t do too hot in advertising, but GreenPal changed that. We met right away and got to work, and it really takes a load off me, I can tell you that! If it wasn’t for my friend or GreenPal, I’d be out in the moonlight trying to finish all the work myself.”
Caroline Siders Lawn Cut in Burleson TX
“I’ve only used GreenPal to contract a cheap lawn mower for Centennial High School’s football team, but I can tell you from that experience there is nothing wrong with this website. I brought it up in a booster meeting one night when we were talking about summer maintenance for the field, but no one had more than a push mower. This job needed one of those John Deeres. When I told them about GreenPal they thought it was a scam, so I tried it on my own home first. Had no problems. The gentleman who came out was respectful and did a heck of a job, so I asked him if he could mow the football fields. He just laughed at me and showed me a picture of the new beast he bought just for jobs like these. Now we have our own summer lawn man to keep the grass fresh for the season.”
Allison Schull Lawn Care Service in Burleson TX
“Hello, Allison from Burleson here! I’ve been using GreenPal for a few weeks, I’m new, but I needed to stop and tell you all good job! Even an old bag like can work it so easily. I don’t use it much for my house (my husband likes to think of himself as the best lawn care service in Burleson he can buy) but I do like to order a lawn mowing for our home near the Alsbury Baptist Church. It’s a little something I can do for such a beautiful congregation that has been our second home. When I found out that you can hire gardeners too, I went ahead and ordered one. Now we have a beautiful pink rose garden in the front of our cross! I’m not sure anyone in the congregation would have had the time, but I went ahead and took care of it. What good is money if you can’t spend it.”

lawn-maintenance-in-burleson-TX-lawn-service-in-dfw Whoa, did you know GreenPal is free to sign up? It is, and let us tell you exactly what you get for signing up for our lawn care connection service: You can see for yourself that Burleson, Tx is exploding with lawn care professionals. We have a few right here. Each one of our lawn care professionals is chosen to be on the website to contract your business. That means we take the time of looking through profiles in every city, no matter how small, to make sure the yard maintenance company is who they say they are. Pictures of their yard work done, lawn equipment, and home base is just the beginning. We ask that the lawn mowing services schedule an interview with us to make sure their licensing is up to date, that they have insurance, and if they can let us call their past clients. This last requirement is a make or break deal: sure, any lawn mower can have past clients, but how many of them would contract them again? All of us at GreenPal are like you. We’ve been scammed once or twice on a lawn care contractor, either from not showing up or leaving a hefty bill. We didn’t want that with GreenPal. That’s why we moved everything in the transaction, from contracting to deciding on the price to payment, is done through our secure system. That leaves little chance for a rogue landscaping company to try their hand at scamming you out of your money.

Oh, but the best part? If one of our yard maintenance companies does decide to pull a fast one, writing a review gets posted right to their profile. We know enough about the internet that a single bad review could mark a business for life, and we give you that power to do so. But what does that mean for a landscaping business if their clients aren’t on the site? For people looking to schedule someone for a lawn mowing, GreenPal is the place to do it. Gone are the days of waiting to find a truck in traffic, or checking out bulletin boards. That just ensures the company with the best advertising gets your business, but is it necessarily the best landscaping business for your yard? With GreenPal, you will be able to find the right fit lawn business for you in Burleson, whether that’s a part-time lawn mower with a second job, or a thirty year sensei skilled in the art of the perfect blade of grass. Shoot, we know of some city profiles that feature a master bonsai tree grower. Each yard is as different as the family, we can assure you. GreenPal is the surefire way to take care of your lawn without you touching a tool. It’s easy to sign up, and even easier to look for lawn care services with your price range. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and you are set for a lifetime of easier lawn care. See how easy it can be to schedule a lawn mower in 2018. Also if you need nearby lawn cutting services in Wylie, TX or if you are in search of affordable lawn care services in another part of DFW GreenPal can assist you with grass cutting service in McKinney TX GreenPal is setup to simplify your life no matter what part of the Dallas metroplex you live in.

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

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Estimated price per cut in Burleson

About Burleson Texas

Burleson is a city in the U.S. state of Texas, located mostly within Collin County..

Burleson, Texas splits the Johnson and Tarrant counties in northeastern Texas. The suburb of Fort Worth was brought to life when the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad, also known as The Katy line, began laying tracks from Denison to Waco. The small depot town was named by Reverend Henry C. Renfro after the Baylor University president at the time, Rufus Columbus Burleson.

By the late 19th century, Burleson had become a busy little town, much more than the original owners had intended. Because it was located so close to the railroad grist mills, saw mills, farms, cotton gins, and even a jewelry store settled to the area. Once an unknown resident drilled a deep well and found a huge reservoir of water, the fate of Burleson was cemented: it would be a city soon enough.

One of Burleson’s crowning achievements came when nine women came together to form a society to celebrate art, literature, and overall cultural advancement. They named it the Eumathian Club in 1899. They held music recitals, established a library inside, and held scholarly discussions. The club is alive and thriving with members throughout Burleson to this day, 118 years later.

In the next century, the area’s interurban line, a series of trains that travel back and forth between Dallas and Fort Worth, would revitalize the city once more. Now, citizens of Burleson could travel all throughout the small towns of Texas for as little as $1.80 each way. The interurban line made trade, commute, and travel easier than ever before, which encouraged businesses to reach out past the city boundaries and connect with the area. Source: Wikipedia Burleson, TX

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