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Needing your Lawn Cut?

Local lawn mowing services in Friendswood Texas
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Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Friendswood, TX as of Mar, 2025
Clean Cut Lawn Care Lawn Care in Friendswood, TX
Hello! You are looking at the premiere landscape maintenance company Friendswood has to offer! If you are ready to hire the same company that tends to 1776 Park, then ask us for a free quote to get started. But before we tell you anything else, we have some secretes we want to share with you! Are you ready?
Anyone who has lived in Friendswood knows that you could grow anything out here. The soil is so fertile and the water is so fresh that you could throw a seed in any direction and have an orange tree by noon. If you want to keep your grass nice and trim, then we suggest a proper lawn mowing once every two weeks at least. It’s not mandatory, but it makes our job easier so we don’t have to do more than one mowing. The general rule is, and this little bit of information is well known to the best lawn care services in Friendswood, to never cut more than a third of the length of the grass at a time. The trick is, a third of a four inch blade of grass is a lot to cut! That’s when lawn mowers get jammed and the blades get pulled instead of sliced. Then the roots get exposed and after a few weeks you’ll have patches of dead grass. Long story short, one! You don’t want your grass to die. Two! It is easier on our lawn mowers and time if you keep your grass at a consistently short length. Trust us, it may seem like you are saving money letting the grass go but in the end it’s the hidden costs that will get you.
Then, if you a hire a good lawn care service like us, we will have to charge you for both mowings! It’s the only way we can keep your glass nice and healthy, but it does cost us either way for going over your lawn twice. Would you rather have an honest lawn maintenance company tell you this and do an amazing job or pay once for a cheap lawn care service, kill your grass, and end up paying more for bringing your grass back to life? Here’s another tip: especially this late in the year, it costs more for landscapers to revitalize grass right before fall than it is during the summer. And, it’s harder to predict the results because of the weather change. And! If you don’t want to spend on bringing your grass back now, you’ll have to let it die during the winter and start from the ground up in the spring. The best bet you have is to keep your lawn maintained, trust us.
Please don’t feel like we’re scaring you to hire us for quality yard maintenance… We just want you to be informed on the little traps of the lawn care industry in Friendswood that most people don’t know about. You took the first step to taking care of your lawn by jumping on GreenPal, and you took the next step to hiring the best lawn care service in Friendswood, so it’s our duty to educate you on lawn care!
Texas Vet Lawn Care in Friendswood, TX
Greetings to all my future lawn care clients! I want you say thank you in advance for those of you who trust me to visit you home, I promise that I will give you the satisfaction of a perfectly groomed yard every time you hire me!
It’s my specialty to mow the grass, but as the head of this landscaping company in Friendswood, there isn’t a shortage of people on staff that can help you with any lawn care service you may need. Before we tell you any more, I’d like to share with you how we even got started as a reliable lawn care service in Friendswood.
First off, most of us are longtime hometown boys of Friendswood. I grew up in the area, and so did my closest friends and coworkers. We spent plenty of summers mowing our own lawns, usually forced to do it by our parents who saw us as their own personal landscapers. I couldn’t tell you how many times I mowed our grass, it seemed like every Saturday we were out there again in the humid sun sweating like pigs. When I was a junior at Clear Brook High School, a teacher offered some volunteer hours for cutting the school’s lawn, and I accepted. After I got done with mowing, the teacher gave me $5 for my hard work, and it hit me. I didn’t even realize you could get paid mowing lawns!
Fast forward to now and we are proudly Friendswood top yard maintenance company. Thanks to GreenPal, we can schedule weekly lawn mowings throughout the whole city, a feat that would take us a few trips around town to do. Let us know what you want done in your yard, and we can assure you that you will have a fair price for the job by the end of the day. Thanks and God bless!
Lawn Remedy Lawn Care Services in Friendswood, TX
I have been cutting grass in Friendswood for years, and every client is satisfied with my work. It sounds like bragging, but as the saying goes, it ain’t bragging if it’s the truth. I’m very confident in my work because I believe in a job done right, not a job done fast. I am part of a small lawn maintenance company, and the best thing about us is that we treat each customer like family. There’s no way around it, if my name is going to be on the job, then there is no way I can do anything but my best on it. The Lord above knows I do my best, and it’d be a sin to take your money for a poorly done job.
We’ve left our mark all over Friendswood, providing affordable lawn mowing and quality lawn care service for many churches, neighborhoods, and sports fields around the city. Lately, we’ve been scheduling a lot of simple lawn mowings in Wedgewood Village, so if you live around there ask your neighbors who keeps their lawns so neat. If they say it was us, then ask them another question, how do they like the job we’ve done?
If they say anything that isn’t complimentary, then you can paint me a liar. But my guess is that they’re satisfied with our yard cutting. I know a lot of cheap landscaping maintenance companies that pull the old one and done, looking for a whole lot of jobs and sacrificing quality, but that’s not us. If it is one thing people say about us it is that we take our time to make sure it’s a job done right. God bless you for stopping by our profile, we’re excited to meet you and show you how beautiful your lawn can be!
Avalanche Lawn Care Services in Friendswood, TX
We are a lawn mowing service new to Friendswood ready to prove to you that we will soon be the best! I can promise you that it will only take one lawn mowing for you to be amazed at how good we cut grass at such a low price. Well, that is our little secret, but I’ll tell you something about why our grass cutting is top notch.
Most lawn maintenance services don’t take the time to clean out their equipment after each use. It takes time, but cleaning the blades of a lawn mower or restringing a weed whacker does two things: it keeps the equipment in the best shape possible and doesn’t compromise the next yard’s mowing. It’s like cutting your grass with a new machine every time! What’s worse is that if a lawn mower doesn’t get its blades taken care of, it can rust and go blunt. This will cause the lawn mower to pull at the blades and yank them from the ground, and enough yanking and pulling will distress the whole root system. That won’t happen with our quality lawn mowing.
Ask the lawn mowing service you have now how often they clean their equipment. If they even hesitate, you know that there’s some trouble!
Even though we are new to Friendswood, we have had the honor to provide great lawn care service to many homes and churches. Our most recent addition is Good Shepard Episcopal Church, a congregation I am proud to be a member of. If you happen to be in the area, check it out, the grass is so straight it looks more like a blanket of green instead of grass.
I just want to say thank you to all those who have trusted us with their yards so far! You’ve made our move to Friendswood easy, and I’m glad to be of service to such a friendly community.
5 Star Ratings about GreenPal

Not in Friendswood, TX?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn serivce areas
Welcome to GreenPal in Friendswood, Texas! We are the top lawn care website that connects you with the best yard maintenance professionals that live in your town. Although summer is gone, a few weeks without a lawn mowing can stunt your grass and leave you with more work to do throughout winter and spring. As you know, the Houston area is a perfect place to grow any kind of plant, and grass grows like none other! Leave your lawn alone for a few weeks and you’ll be using a machete to get to your home.
You can set up routine lawn mowing with the best landscapers, reliable yard maintenance companies, and quick, cheap lawn mowers in every community, but the best part about GreenPal is that we offer easy point-and-click scheduling. It doesn’t matter which part of Friendswood you live in, whether it’s Wedgewood or by the Pearland Airport, you can find a local lawn mower that is professional, affordable, and respectful to your home.
Need more than just a lawn mowing? GreenPal can also help you find full-scale landscaping teams, pros at mulching, pruning, and waste removal.
There’s a reason we believe every lawn care professional throughout the U.S. wants to sign up with GreenPal. Lawn care services see how easy it is to connect with you at any time of the day. Our surveys have shown that most of their business comes from word of mouth or the business cards they hand out to nearby houses, but with GreenPal the lawn care clients they hope for are on one page.
By the time you sign up for GreenPal, we will have already scoured Friendswood for plenty of landscaping companies. But we don’t just let any old lawn mower on our website. Each company goes through an interview process, and it starts with an equipment inspection. We’ve found that the lawn care services with the most reported problems don’t own their equipment but rent them. It’s a small difference, but it’s what we’ve found.
After that, each company goes through a tryout. We talk with other GreenPal users who hired them before, and get ask how reliable a lawn care company they really day to day. Do they show up on time? Do they have repeat clients? Have ever lost clients and if so, why?
If their lawn maintenance passes these tests, then they can start bidding for your yard work on GreenPal. Yes, we did say bid.
Lawn care services in Friendswood send you messages through the website and give you a quote on the job you need, not the other way around. Sometimes, a lawn care company will offer a blanket service price, say a shrub pruning and a lawn cut, but if you don’t have shrubs to prune, too bad, it’s still included.
We see this problem differently, so we reversed the roles. With GreenPal, if a lawn care company wants your business, they’re going to bid for a job that fits your details, nothing more nothing less.
Houston is a huge city, and we know there’s no point in hiring a yard maintenance company in from Friendswood if you live in Katy, so we decided to section Houston by its suburbs and neighborhoods to give you even more local lawn care choices. The neighborhood specific sites are listed here:
GreenPal Houston
GreenPal Porter
GreenPal Rosenberg
GreenPal Katy
Many lawn maintenance companies in Friendswood are skilled in all kinds of lawn care services, from customized hedging to gardening. Even if you want a complete yard beautification and garden installation complete with a vegetable garden installation, there’s someone on GreenPal that is the right fit. No matter how simple or complex you want your yard to be, you can be sure that we will make sure the company that claims they can do the job is qualified to help you.
GreenPal is free to sign up and free to post a lawn maintenance job. The only thing you will pay for is the lawn care company you decide to hire. We at GreenPal just want to connect you with your community yard maintenance professionals in Friendswood, Texas. Searching for a lawn mowing guy in another HOU area? No problem GreenPal also has affordable lawn mowing services in Rosenberg TX and not only there, GreenPal can assist you with finding local reliable grass cutting services in Cinco Ranch TX nearby.
Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator
Find out the average cost for Lawn Care Services In Friendswood TX
About Friendswood Texas
Friendswood is a city in the U.S. state of Texas, within the Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land metropolitan area.
Friendswood, Texas is a southeastern suburb of the Houston, Woodlands, and Sugar Land metro area. It splits between two counties, Galveston and Harris County. CNN listed Friendswood in its 100 Best Places to Live article in 2007, making it one of the few small towns listed in the national magazine.
Citizens of the small town did well to preserve the history of Friendswood, complete with pictures and a detailed account of how the town came to be. The Houston suburb was established as a religiously-centered settlement by Quakers, a spirit that pervaded the town to this day. The area showed a lot of promise, mainly because the surrounding creeks (Clear Creek, Coward’s Creek, Mary’s Creek, and Chigger Creek) provided for a sustainable source of water and lush vegetation.
Frank Jacob Brown and Thomas Hadley Lewis worked with the owner of the land, and settled on a 1,538 acre deal. Once the news spread out to the country that the newly settled area would be a religious refuge, families took up and headed toward Friendswood.
The town was of modest population well into the twentieth century, but experienced a massive population boom once NASA established its headquarters in Houston. Many of the space program’s employees chose Friendswood as their home, raising the population from 1,000 in 1959 to 5,200 in 1969.
Source: Wikipedia Friendswood, TX