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Common questions about how GreenPal can help you hire the best lawn care service in Fremont

How much should we spend on a major landscaping project in Fremont?
When considering a landscaping project or renovation, several costs must be factored in beyond plants and materials. Prior to starting the actual project, there may be landscape architecture, project management, construction, and delivery fees. Upon completion, cleanup, dumpster rental, and waste hauling costs should be added in. Local real estate pros advise that spending more than 10% of the current value of the property would not affect resale value.
What is the hourly rate for professional landscaping in Fremont?
Many residents are surprised to learn that there is a wide variation in landscaping rates. Some properties are larger, some have more plants and shrubs, and others have a pool, vegetable crops, or are high maintenance grounds. Highly experienced local landscapers typically command a higher rate, while the frequency of service impacts the cost. For those reasons, you could pay anywhere from $30 to $100 per hour for landscaping. We suggest obtaining multiple estimates before deciding. Our participating vendors are happy to provide free estimates with no obligation.
Which are the best trees to grow in Fremont?
Your best decision on trees for your property depends upon the size, amount of direct sunshine, and paved portions like sidewalks, the driveway, and the patio. Oak trees (Valley, California Black, Oregon White, Canyon Live) and Willow (Red, Arroyo, Shining) are popular in Fremont and around the East Bay. Red Oak, Weeping Cherry, and Silver Maple are excellent choices for adding color. White Mulberry is fast-growing but needs a lot of sunshine and fertile soil. You should research before planting to be aware of the distance required between trees and away from the house and street.
Does it matter which type of grass we select for our property in Fremont?
Several considerations are needed to determine which type of grass is best for your property in and around Fremont, starting with the amount of direct sunshine and foot traffic it gets. Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass are popular choices because they thrive in warm temperatures while being drought tolerant. If you prefer not to perform maintenance, there are a few varieties of artificial grass cuts and colors to choose from.

Local lawn mowing services in Fremont California compete for your lawn

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Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Fremont, CA as of Mar, 2025

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Need to find lawn care near me in Fremont here is what other GreenPal users have to say

(based on 955,969 reviews)

State Icon for local-landscaping-services-in-Fremont-CA Fremont Landscaping Companies Leaderboard
Badge icon showing 'Ranked No. 1' status for top-notch service Vendor headshot of rank 1 in lawn maintenance services in Fremont CA
Ranked #1 in Fremont S & D Business
Ranking star for local-lawn-and-landscape-maintenance-services-near-me-in-Fremont-CARanking star for affordable-landscaping-maintenance-services-in-Fremont-CARanking star for lawn-care-experts-near-me-in-Fremont-CARanking star for lawn-care-experts-in-Fremont-CARanking star for grass-trimming-service-in-Fremont-CA 90% Reliability Rating
Stylized dollar sign icon indicating cost savings or budget options in Fremont CA $2,770 earned
Illustration showing the cumulative total of lawns mowed in Fremont CA 10 lawns mowed in
Icon representing a location marker used for map pointers in Fremont CA Fremont, CA
Graphic displaying the total number of hires achieved for lawn care services in Fremont CA Hired 10 Times
$47/ Mowing
Yard Maintenance Services offered
GreenPal's professional shrub maintenance and landscaping service in Fremont CA Icon shrub maintenance and landscaping service in Fremont CA Shrub Pruning
GreenPal's professional weeds maintenance and landscaping service in Fremont CA Icon weeds maintenance and landscaping service in Fremont CA Weed Removal
GreenPal's professional snow plowing services in Fremont CA GreenPal's professional snow plowing services icon in Fremont CA Snow Plowing
Checkmark icon symbolizing service confirmation or completion in Fremont CA Expertly manicured landscaping featured by GreenPal services in Fremont CA Landscaping
GreenPal's professional turf aeration and landscaping service in Fremont CA GreenPal's professional turf aeration and landscaping service icon in Fremont CA Turf Aeration
GreenPal's professional leaf removal services in Fremont CA GreenPal's professional leaf removal services icon in Fremont CA Leaf Removal
Lawns mowed on GreenPal 2,193,010 and counting

Recent lawns mowed in Fremont, CA

by GreenPal's community of lawn care pros

Lawn Mowing Cost Calculator

Find out the average cost for Lawn Care Services In Fremont CA

Location on map of grass-care-professionals-in-Fremont-CA
Zip: 94537
Estimated price per cut in Fremont

How does GreenPal Work?

How long did it take you to contract a cheap lawn mower the last time? If it took you more than an hour you are wasting thirty minutes of your life. GreenPal can connect you not only to the same landscapers in Fremont, CA you are probably looking for, but it can do it faster and cheaper.

Instead of seeking out every local lawn mower in your area going as far south in Fremont as Greenwood, we have made a platform that no serious lawn maintenance can pass on. That is because we have brought the clients they are looking for to the same space.

Instead of seeking out every local lawn mower in your area going as far south...

Not in Fremont? GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

City map for grass-care-professionals-in-Fremont-CA
Santa Clara
Daly City
San Rafael
Union City
Redwood City
Palo Alto
Santa Cruz
Walnut Creek
Mountain View
San Leandro
San Jose
Castro Valley
San Ramon
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Fremont Zip Codes

About Fremont California

Fremont is a city in California, United States.

Garden maintenance services location map for Fremont CA 94537

There are two locations in California that go by the name of Fremont. There is the unincorporated community in Yolo County (where, coincidentally, there is not a territory of purely reckless teenagers) and the city in Alameda County. The latter city was incorporated late in the twentieth century and was the result of the merge between five small communities. Those communities, some of which include Centerville, Niles, Irvington, Mission San Jose, and Warm Springs, now make up Fremont California.In terms of the San Francisco Bay Area, Fremont sits on the southeast corner in the East Bay area. Although it is not really a part of Silicon Valley, it is so close to the area that it is sometimes associated with it as a neighboring community where many of the industry’s workers live. Fremont, along with the cities of Newark, California and Union City, California make up what is known to the state as the Tri City Area. There are many things for which Fremont is known, but according to the census bureau, it is known as being home to the largest population of Afghan Americans in the United States. In a population that hits close to two hundred thousand people, the Afghan community takes up a large part of it.Mission San Jose is responsible for bringing people to the area, as the Spanish that came to the area were looking to establish Catholic kingdoms. Father Fermin de Lasuen founded the mission, in hopes to (what is now called) whitewashing the “savage” Indians that inhabited the area. The Fremont area was flooded with immigration, both from the eastern part of the United States and Mexico, when the California Gold Rush hit. It was San Jose that saw the most growth. Up until that time, and a few decades later, agriculture was the main staple for most of the city. Grapes, including wineries, were in high demand from the fertile soil that surrounded the San Francisco area. The Apple factory was established there in the nineties, and, to much of the Fremont tourism mention, the first Mac computer was built in Fremont.Source: Wikipedia

There are two locations in California that go by the name of Fremont. There is the unincorporated community in Yolo County (where, coincidentally, there is not a territory of purely reckless teenagers) and the city in Alameda County. The latter city was incorporated late in the twentieth century and was the result of the merge between five small communities. Those communities, some of which include Centerville, Niles, Irvington, Mission San Jose, and Warm Springs, now make up Fremont California.In terms of the San Francisco Bay Area, Fremont sits on the southeast corner in the East Bay area. Although it is not really a part of Silicon Valley, it is so close to the area that it is sometimes associated with it as a neighboring community where many of the industry’s workers live. Fremont, along with the cities of Newark, California and Union City, California make up what is known to the state as the Tri City Area. There are many things for which Fremont is known, but according to the census bureau, it is known as being home to the largest population of Afghan Americans in the United States. In a population that hits close to two hundred thousand people, the Afghan community takes up a large part of it.Mission San Jose is responsible for bringing people to the area, as the Spanish that came to the area were looking to establish Catholic kingdoms. Father Fermin de Lasuen founded the mission, in hopes to (what is now called) whitewashing the “savage” Indians that inhabited the area. The Fremont area was flooded with immigration, both from the eastern part of the United States and Mexico, when the California Gold Rush hit. It was San Jose that saw the most growth. Up until that time, and a few decades later, agriculture was the main staple for most of the city. Grapes, including wineries, were in high demand from the fertile soil that surrounded the San Francisco area. The Apple factory was established there in the nineties, and, to much of the Fremont tourism mention, the first Mac computer was built in Fremont.Source: Wikipedia

Fremont Lawn Care Recommendations

FREMONT, CA - March 25, 2025

Lawn care recommendations by local-lawn-maintenance-contractors-in-Fremont-CA
Should I water my lawn today?

Looks like Fremont did not get any rain yesterday so you might want to water your yard for 20 to 30 minutes today

lawn-maintenance-in-Fremont-CA 07:26 AM grass-trimming-service-in-Fremont-CA 07:49 PM
lawn-care-experts-in-Fremont-CA 07:49 PM

Fremont Lawn care tips of the week

Do not allow fallen leaves or other materials to accumulate on the lawn.

Lawn Care Facts

  • Average Yard Size 6,429 sq ft
  • Average Mowing Price $39 per grass cutting
  • Average Customer Reviews 59.0 / 5.0
  • Weekly Lawn Cuttings 78
  • Biweekly Cuts 70
  • Lawns Fertilized 11%
  • Lawns with Leaf Removal 26%
  • Aerated Lawns 9%
  • Yards with Cleanups 36%
  • Days that are Sunny 30.0
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More GreenPal user reviews about lawn care services in Fremont

4.9 Rating out of 47 Reviews