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Why Living Landscapes Make a Greener Planet

Look, yards provide a great, safe space for us to gather with our friends and family. While they are an excellent place to gather and spend time together, they are also great for the environment and the nature around. 

Living landscapes can filter and capture runoff

Here's the deal, paved driveways, roads, and other compact surfaces lead to water runoff. Runoff can drain the soil of nutrients, and accumulate them elsewhere. Which not only leads to a depleted soil in one location, it leads to an abundance of nitrogen in the water., This can promote algae blooms which can be detrimental to bodies of water. 

Living landscapes also reduce heat

Grass and shady trees dissipate the heat island effect caused by concrete and paved roadways. They also retain moisture which keeps the ground temperature more stable. 

Living landscapes improve air quality

When there is a lack of vegetation on the ground, dust is more likely to become airborne. Once it becomes airborne it can take a long time to come back down. By having a dense layer of vegetation, we can improve air quality and organically reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. 

How do I maintain a living landscape in extreme conditions?

Whether you are experiencing a drought or extreme temperatures, there are a few ways to protect a living landscape. Even in extreme conditions. These methods are choosing the right turfgrass for your area, not over-watering, and incorporating native plants. 

How can I incorporate more native plants into my landscape?

It’s simple, you can find a local native plant directory online or visit your local nursery and ask them. Then you can plant those native plant species among your landscape beds, the edges of your property, or beneath your trees. Best of all many native plant species also attract and feed local pollinators

Yards are not just for gatherings; they benefit the environment too. Living landscapes help filter runoff, reduce heat, and improve air quality. To maintain them in extreme conditions, choose the right plants, avoid over-watering, and use native species. Incorporating native plants is easy and helps local pollinators. 

By nurturing living landscapes, we contribute to a greener future and a healthier ecosystem.

Check out the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute for more great info. And be sure to share this infographic with your friends and family on social media.  

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