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The Ultimate Place to Find the Best Push Lawn Mower

Choosing which push mower is best for your needs can be a challenge. There are so many types of push mowers to choose from. Fortunately, this infographic can help you choose the best lawn mower for your lawn. 

Which type of push mower do you want?

There are 3 major categories for push mowers. These are; reel mowers, electric push mowers and gas powered push mowers

Which push mower is most eco-friendly?

When it comes down to it, no mower is more eco-friendly than a reel push mower? Why? Its only power source is you! Although electric mowers are a close second. It’s hard to get more environmentally friendly than the reel mower. 

What are the best brands for push mowers?

There are 6 brands that come highly recommended by push mower users. These brands are; Greenworks, Black & Decker, Husqvarna, Fiskars, Pollan and Lawn Boy. 

Which type of push mower is best for mowing on a budget? 

The best mower for shopping on a budget is the reel mower. These mowers can be purchased for as little as $100, and other than needing to be greased and sharpened from time to time. Reel push mowers cost nothing to upkeep or run. On the other hand, the most expensive push mower mower type is a gas lawn mower. Not only are the mowers more expensive. Their upkeep costs are higher too. 

Which self-propelled push mower option is best for large lawns?

For any lawn larger than 1/3rd of an acre, a gas self propelled mower is your best bet. You will want something with plenty of power if the grass grows a bit faster than you expect. If your lawn is smaller than a third of an acre a reel mower or self-propelled electric mower would be just fine. Just be sure to mow the lawn regularly. 

What self-propelled mower is the best price?

According to this infographic, electric push mowers are the best investment. Not only is the upkeep and maintenance low, electric mowers are very quiet!

If you are in the market for a new self-propelled push mower, use this infographic to help you find the most up to date lawn mower innovation! If you find this infographic helpful, be sure to share it on your social media with your friends and to your family. 

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