For Your Child's Sake! 4 Tips to Hire a Licensed Pesticide Professional

For Your Child's Sake! 4 Tips to Hire a Licensed Pesticide Professional

For Your Child's Sake! 4 Tips to Hire a Licensed Pesticide Professional

It’s true, at some point in a homeowner’s life....

One or another sort of pest or weed will invade your property. 

Fortunately, in most cases, homeowners can control issues by applying over-the-counter pesticide products. 

However, if bigger pest problems arise…. 

Keep your lawn and your home safe for children. 

Hire a licensed applicator!

Stay tuned for 4 tips on how to find a licensed pesticide applicator.

Why should you hire a licensed pesticide applicator?

For larger infestation problems, hiring a licensed professional may be the only solution. 

So why exactly is it so important to hire a licensed pesticide professional? 

Simply put, pesticide certifications provide an individual with a license to purchase highly potent, highly toxic, restricted-use pesticides for residential and commercial use.

But, the real value of the certification is that the Pest Management Professionals (PMP) learn to protect the natural environment. As well as themselves, and the inhabitants of the property—especially children—against harmful chemicals.

Pesticides are a risk to children's health!

Much like lawn mowers, pesticides put children at risk. Children are at increased risk of pesticide effects because they are smaller

Additionally, their brain, liver, and immune systems are still developing

To make matters worse! Children spend more time in constant contact with grass. Worst of all, children are more likely to put hands in their mouths after playing in the lawn. 

Hiring a licensed applicator is essential to protecting your child. Besides an increased risk of childhood cancers. Research has shown that exposure to certain environmental chemicals can contribute to increased risk of childhood disorders such as autism and ADHD.  

With so many negative health implications surrounding pesticides and their application. How does a homeowner hire the right pesticide applicator? 

By following these 4 tips below can help any homeowner ensure he/she is hiring a true pesticide pro.Diagram showing proper pruning techniques for tree health and aesthetics.

4 Tips for Finding a Good Licensed Pesticide Applicator

Like hiring any service for your home, hiring a good licensed pesticide applicator can be a bit challenging. Here are four tips for hiring a great licensed pesticide applicator...    

Tip #1- Ask thy neighbor

Ask friends, neighbors, and co-workers for the names of companies they have used in the past and with whom they had positive experiences. 

With that information in hand. Seek estimates from multiple companies who take the time to explain the pest problems. As well as the best options for treatment, and how to achieve positive outcomes. 

BUYER BEWARE! Stay away from “special” deals or high pressure sales tactics. The lowest price may not be the best value and could possibly be the result of cutting corners on safety.Well-manicured lawn with curved edges leading to an elegant home.

Tip #2- Select a company to target exact needs

Seek a company that will meet the pest control needs of the specific problem. 

Trusted pesticide professionals will: 

  1. Outline a tailored program to the property owner’s identified pests,

  2. Outline the extent of the infestation, 

  3. List pesticides to be used, 

  4. And list steps to minimize future infestation. 

BUYER BEWARE! Avoid any treatments with “secret” chemicals or chemicals that are explained as “discounted”. This is a warning sign that a chemical may be discontinued, or recently considered too dangerous to use.

Tip #3 Check references

Along with asking providers to present their license. Which should be on their person at all times. Also be sure to inquire about the integrity of the pesticide management company. Just because an individual has earned his/her license, does not mean the PMP has been without a complaint. 

Check the firm’s reliability with the Better Business Bureau and/or local Chamber of Commerce. Also, confirm with the Pesticide Program in the state where the service is being performed, in order to verify if complaints have been raised or been filed against the company or applicator. 

In addition, most trusted PMP’s are members of national organizations, like the National Pest Management Association. They offer the latest trainings, safety, research, and regulations. They also require members to follow best practices. 

Ask about any involvement in these national organizations because this shows a company’s commitment to the craft.

BUYER BEWARE! The PMP on the street corner is not the same kind of PMP you need for pesticide applications. Overly pruned tree trunks in a landscape at dusk.

Tip #4 Require a list of chemicals

Review the pesticide’s ingredients with PMPs and discuss what chemicals will be used during the process. 

Another important factor is knowing where the pesticides will be sprayed. Inside the home, under the home, around the home, or directly on the lawn, are all locations where these toxins could be sprayed. 

Homeowners need to keep these locations in mind to ensure safety and avoid inadvertent exposure. 

Have the PMP note any special safety concerns in the contract that should recognize family members with any health problems.


  • Allergies

  • Infants, 

  • Elderly, 

  • Pregnant women 

  • And pets.

Dense shrub with deep pink flowers against a building.Bottom Line on Hiring a Licensed Pesticide Applicator

With so many home "professionals" lurking in an area, one must be aware of the dangers of hiring one that is not properly licensed to handle and apply these hazardous chemicals safely. 

The health of children and other loved ones should be the main consideration to ensure any hired help has the proper certifications and licenses. 

By following these guidelines, homeowner’s can rest assured knowing they can keep the pests away and children at play.

Once you have found your licensed pesticide applicator, hire a lawn care pro near you, with GreenPal.

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