Do Your Part with Organic Lawn Care

Do Your Part with Organic Lawn Care

Do Your Part with Organic Lawn Care

Do Your Part with Organic Lawn Care
With the summer fast approaching you want your lawn to look green and perfect.

It’s true, no one wants to have a BBQ or hangout in a patchy lawn!

On the other hand the chemicals we use in our lawn can be damaging in other ways.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be hard to go organic with your lawn care.

Get this, there are five environmentally friendly ways to take care of your lawn and to make it lush and green.

Below you will learn how to:

  1. Water Smart
  2. Choose Organic Products
  3. Avoid Using Fuel
  4. Save Grass Clippings
  5. Feed your soil!

1. Water Smart
Here’s the deal, the United States uses around 26 billion gallons of water every single day! Get this, 30% of this water is used for outdoor purposes, which include irrigation. But the truth it, your lawn only needs around 1 inch of water a week to stay green.

Too avoid waiting water it is recommended to water the yard early in the morning before the sun comes up and causes the water to evaporate. Set the sprinkles to run at 7am and you will use less water.

In my experience, I also recommended using more water at one time. rather than a little bit every day. This will help the root grow deeper and the grass will become hardy when you use this strategy. 

For the best watering and lawn care strategies check out The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Care

2. Choose Organic Products

Most people don’t know this but, the average lawn contains more pesticides per acre than an acre of farmland!

Even worse, the chemicals from the grass can easily infect the water supply and even kill earthworms which are helpful to the soil.

But there is an easy solution. Go organic! Organic products can control weed growth, without damaging the land. Products such as corn gluten can act as a pre-emergent, and kill weeds before they start, better yet it can ad nitrogen to the grass. 

There are also other great natural weedkiller methods. Check out the Complete Buyers Guide to Eco-Friendly Lawn and Garden Care for many of these great solutions.

Also, using organic fertilizers have several advantages to synthetic fertilizers. Though the percentages of NPK may be lower on average, organic compounds interact with the soil more effectively. Not only by adding nutrients, but also by stimulating beneficial microbes which help plants “digest” nutrients more effectively. 

3. Avoid Using Fuel

About 5% of air pollution is from fuel from the use of lawnmowers. Using fuel free yard tools is not only good for the air, but can also be good for the grass. This helps keep hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the ground and out of the air.

One of my favorites is the G-MAX Twin Force Mower. Which is a cordless electric lawn mower that is both Earth and labor friendly. It can run for 70 minutes at a time and has rechargeable batteries. Even better it has a number of adjustments to cut all different types of grass.

This is crazy, but nowadays there are battery powered alternatives to everything. Leaf blowers, lawn mowers, weed whackers, and even chain saws!

4. Save the Clippings

Many people get rid of grass clippings, but you can use them! 

This organic material can strengthen the grass and even add nutrients to the soil. When the grass is cut try to leave the clippings in place. But also be sure to break up the clumps, or you will kill the grass.

These clippings are mostly water they will decompose right away. And afterward allowing nutrients to return to the soil. If you have to collect the grass clippings, you can still use them in other ways! 

You can also add grass clippings to a compost mixture along with kitchen fruit and vegetable waste. Then use the mixture on the lawn as a nutrient rich compost.

5. Care for the Soil

Focus on feeding your soil, instead of feeling the grass.

Get this, your soil is alive, teaming with microbes, and by feeding it the grass will be allowed to grow much more fully.

As mentioned earlier organic fertilizers can feed the soil in many ways. You can also help feed the soil through bi-annual aeration, organic soil additives, and much more.

What's the Bottom line on Organic Lawn Care?

These are just some tips to have a healthy looking lawn. Following these tips can help make sure the grass is green all summer long. 

Here is more reading to help you Go Organic! with your lawn.

Final tip: Try avoiding heavy foot traffic on the lawn as well. As it can compact the soil.

If you need help with hiring a lawn care service, give GreenPal a shot. We host teams of the best landscapers across the country, and connect them with you, the homeowner. 

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