Get Lawn Care in Redmond, WA Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Redmond, WA as of Mar, 2025
Seattle Mowers Lawn Services in Redmond, WA
Maintaining your yard in Redmond WA can be frustrating. The immense rainfall definitely affects your grass too. Pests like rabbits, squirrels, and other animals can also tear up the place. You cannot forget about weeds, crabgrass, and other undesirable things.
Keeping your yard in Redmond in great condition is a hassle. So, let's make it easier for you. Seattle Mowers wants to help you keep your property in good condition and handle all your lawn care needs.
We're available to care for your yard no matter what might come about. We offer a grass cutting service that supports your yard regardless of the type of grass you have. We can work on everything from a fescue to ryegrass field. We’ll review the quality of your yard and figure out how high the grass needs to be cut. We will also cut the surface based on the slope of your lawn and whatever pattern is appropriate or more effective for cutting.
We can also remove weeds around your yard. Our lawn care team will eliminate not only the traditional weeds around your yard but also the weeds that sprout up from bird seed and other things that small animals might drop around the grass. Our team at Seattle Mowers will clean up all these weeds without killing off your lawn or anything else around your landscape. Best of all, we will clear out all the seeds and roots that the weeds may produce, thus reducing the risk of these weeds coming back or spreading further.
You can also ask for help with treating surfaces that were discolored or worn from pests. These include places where animals may relieve themselves. We will treat the soil and clean out anything these pests might have left. We’ll also add new grass seed if necessary.
Our work is appropriate for all homeowners in Redmond from those who have traditional single-family homes in Bear Creek or Emerald Heights to those in the further off places in Redmond. You can also reach us for help if you have a commercial yard on Redmond Way that needs extra help.
The effort we provide here at Seattle Mowers is ideal for your Redmond lawn. You will not have to pay more than necessary for our lawn mowing and yard care services either. We can provide you with a free estimate to figure out what it would cost for you to utilize our services. You’ll discover that we offer some of the best rates in the city.
Contact us at Seattle Mowers if you need extra help with supporting the quality of your yard in Redmond WA. We are available to serve homeowners around all parts of Redmond. We will improve upon how any yard in the area might look without charging more than necessary for what we do.
Bear Creek Home and Yard Lawn Services in Redmond, WA
The rainfall that will impact your yard in Redmond WA every year can be dramatic. It is often difficult to predict when that rain will come about either. As a result, your yard could be at risk of flooding, especially if your soil is too compacted. Fortunately, our team at Bear Creek Home and Yard will help you identify what your yard in Redmond requires.
We serve properties that in various parts of the city including properties near Lake Sammamish or around the nearby river. The area may be safe from flooding, but the unpredictable rain can suggest otherwise. Fortunately, our lawn service staff will aerate your yard and review the quality of any drainage features you have. You can also ask us to install a new drainage setup at your yard if needed.
You can also ask us for help if you have a yard in Harmon Ridge, Education Hills, or another neighborhood covered with trees. Yards in these neighborhoods can experience compacted soil due to the tree roots spreading around. Our team will check on where the drainage feature works around your yard. We will then prepare a new system based on what your surface needs.
The aeration and drainage services we offer are helpful, but there is more to what we have to offer besides this. You can also reach us if you need help with removing weeds. This aspect of our landscape maintenance service will ensure your weeds are cleared out without killing off the grass. Our team will remove the weeds, their roots, and the seeds they might leave.
You can also ask us for help with mowing grass and lawn service treatment. We will check on how well your grass is growing and then plan the best possible effort for cutting grass where you are.
You can schedule a time in the week for us to come over to mow your lawn as well. We are available throughout the week and during the morning and afternoon hours. You can also ask us to get the lawn cut while you are out of your house. We can reach your property while you’re at work or school and let you know when we get there and when we are finished. We can also clean up the grass after we are done, although you can also ask us to preserve the grass clippings for you if you prefer.
We will put in the best effort for your yard here at Bear Creek Home and Yard. We know that you’ve got many needs for your lawn. Our team will check on the quality of your yard and provide you with a free estimate. We can review your yard and determine what is necessary. You will also find out what it would cost for services through our review. You’ll discover that our services are more affordable than you might expect.
Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer. You can also reach us online or by phone to schedule a time for a full review of your lawn.
DD & Son's Services Lawn Services in Redmond, WA
Have you seen what’s around the Microsoft campus in Redmond lately? We’re not talking about the programs Microsoft is creating either. We’re talking instead about how the landscapes around the campus look. The trees around the buildings and the public lawns are all beautiful. These surfaces are well-groomed throughout the year.
But there is also an excellent reason why these places look perfect. The Microsoft Corporation has billions of dollars and can afford to spend money on a dedicated lawn service team. In other words, they can afford to hire a full-service lawn care provider.
But that doesn’t mean you cannot get a lawn care team to help you with your yard in Redmond. Just because you don’t have the money that Microsoft has doesn’t mean your yard won’t look beautiful. You can reach us at DD & Son’s Services for all the help you require. We offer the best yard care services in Redmond without charging you an astronomical amount of money for everything.
Our team is available to help you with everything you require at your home. You can ask us to trim your trees, clean your bushes, remove weeds, and much more. Our work will ensure your surface looks as pristine as what you’d find at the Microsoft campus, but without the expensive costs.
You can reach us for help at any time of the year. You can also contact us if you’re going to be out for a bit. We can access your home even if you’re at your job or somewhere else in the King County area. We know that the bothersome highway traffic makes it harder for you to have the time to mow your lawn. But we will come over even if you’re out for a few hours. We’ll clean up after we are finished, but you also have the option to let us give you the grass clippings if you prefer. You can ask for pictures of our work if you are interested as well.
We can provide you with an estimate for services at your property. We can review your property for free and determine the specific things you require. We will never charge you for anything that you do not request for your yard.
Our team covers all homes around Redmond WA as well. You can reach us if you have a home in the Overlake area or a property further north near Sixty Acres. Whatever the case may be, we will check on what your yard requires and let you know what you need.
There’s no reason why your home in Redmond cannot look as beautiful as what the Microsoft campus has. You can reach us at DD & Son’s today to get help with all the special yard care needs you might hold. Talk with us today to learn more about what we have to offer. You’ll have a lawn that looks more beautiful than anything else in your neighborhood when you reach us for help.
Emerald City Lawns Lawn Services in Redmond, WA
It is incredible as to how expensive life in Redmond WA can be. Gas costs too much, and mortgage payments are exceptionally high. But not every service in Redmond has to be overly expensive. Our team at Emerald City Lawns provides yard maintenance services that are easy to afford. You can reach us at Emerald City if you need help with your home or commercial lawn. We will support your yard care needs without making you spend more money than what you might prefer to handle.
We recognize that not every lawn care provider in Redmond or elsewhere in King County may charge fair prices. You deserve a fair shake when it comes to lawn care. We want to provide you with quality lawn care services that will be easy for you to afford.
What is more important is that we offer the knowledge necessary for improving the quality of your yard. We have experience with yards in all corners of the region from North Redmond to Avondale among other remote areas. We can trim trees, mow lawns, and clean up landscapes, among other things. You can also contact us for help with cleaning out any ant hills or other pest infestations stuck in your property. The thorough work we provide ensures you’ll have the care and control you need for making your yard stand out and be more inviting.
You can reach us at Emerald City for all the unique lawn care needs you have at any commercial property you know. You can ask us to enter your business site on Union Hill Road or any other place in the city that needs extra maintenance help. The best part of our services is that we’ll clean up after we finish. We will ensure that your yard remains clean and beautiful regardless of how large or small the surface is. Besides, your property deserves to have a lawn that looks as beautiful as what you would see at the Microsoft or Nintendo offices in the city.
Our services are affordable to where you could afford whatever it is Microsoft and Nintendo has to offer today. You can save money because we concentrate on providing quality services without making you pay for certain things you don’t need. We can review your yard and determine what is appropriate for your yard. We will give you the final say as to what you wish to utilize through us. You don’t have to be super wealthy to afford what we have to offer.
Our team at Emerald City Lawns wants to give you the support you deserve for all your yard care needs. Contact us at Emerald City for help with your yard today. We’ll help you with your lawn maintenance needs without worrying about the costs that you might assume you would have to spend. You will especially appreciate how we focus on all the great details that you’ll need to work with.
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
My business plot in Campton used to have a lawn that people could park on, but we have since gotten a new garage. I needed someone to come over to fix the yard that everyone kept driving their cars on to. I contacted Seattle Mowers for help, and they were more than happy to assist me. They aerated and seeded the surface and helped with watering everything as well. The grass is growing once again, and now my business site looks even better than it used to. I would recommend Seattle Mowers to anyone who needs help with their yard care demands.
The work that everyone at Bear Creek Home and Yard offers for my home in Kensington is impressive. The people here are positive in helping me with my lawn maintenance needs. They do well with mowing my grass, trimming the edges around my foundation, and aerating my yard in the spring and fall seasons. They also know when to add new grass seed to my yard. I also appreciate how the team always cleans up after they are done, which is something that many other lawn service providers I’ve hired long ago never did. The thorough work they offer is perfect for my yard.
The people at DD & Son’s helped me quite well with improving upon the look of my yard in Trilogy Sunrise. They reviewed the quality of my yard and checked the soil. They assisted me in loosening the soil and in adding new seed in a few spaces that I needed some help with. The best part is that they did everything I asked for without going overboard. They understood the unique needs that I have and gave me the help I deserved. The team did not annoy me into spending extra on other stuff either. I love the hard work that they provided for me.
The best part of what the people at Emerald City Lawns did for my yard in the Education Hill area was to ensure my yard was free of anything that could hurt the surface. They did well with cleaning out the ant hills that kept on popping up around my yard. They also added new seed around the exterior and aerated my yard. The team was very positive in helping me to clean out all that stuff before it could spread. My yard is growing as it should once again, and I’m not coming across any bothersome dead spots either.
Not in Redmond, WA?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
It is often tough for people in Redmond WA to find lawn care providers that they can trust. This can indeed be said about tree-laden properties in Adelaide, commercial sites in Campton, and many other places around Redmond. Fortunately, anyone in Redmond who needs help with their yards can use the GreenPal app to find the best yard maintenance companies in Redmond WA.
With GreenPal, you can find lawn care providers in Redmond that can help you make your home or business look more beautiful. The GreenPal app links you to lawn care companies in your area. Whether you’re in the Viewpoint area near Lake Sammamish or you have a rental property a little further to the south or east, our app helps you find a lawn care company in minutes.
You can start using the GreenPal app by listing your address in Redmond. You can state where your business in the Sammamish Valley area is in, for example. You can then find details on what lawn care providers are in the area or even as far as Seattle. You’ll get a great layout of options to check out in southwestern King County.
Find top-rated lawn care companies in Washington State. You can even review the descriptions listed on the app to see what each lawn care provider has to offer. Each report comes directly from a service provider. You’ll learn about the lawn care services each team provides and its philosophies, among other things.
You will also learn more about any awn service provider by viewing their profile. Best of all, you will never have to worry about coming across questionable lawn service providers through the GreenPal app. You can use the app to find details on lawn care companies that are certified by the OneRedmond organization, the city’s chamber of commerce.
You can hire providers and switch between them through the app. You have the option to pay for services through the app as well. The interface that the app uses will ensure you have the help you need when finding someone that you can trust for your needs.
The best part of what the GreenPal app offers is that you’ll have an easier time with getting the help you need. You’ll see that your yard will be easier to handle than you might expect.
Don’t forget that our app is entirely free. You only need to spend money after the lawn care company you hired has completed their job.
You deserve plenty of support for your yard whether you’re in Novelty Hill or Union Hill. Download the GreenPal app today, and start looking for the best service providers that you can trust in the Redmond area. You will see how easy it is for you to find a lawn care business today.
Not in Redmond ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

South Hill
Mercer Island
Federal Way
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Redmond Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Redmond Washington
Redmond is a city in Washington, United States.

Redmond, Washington is on the northern part of King County. The city is 15 miles east of Seattle and is to the northeast of Bellevue. Lake Sammamish appears on the southern end of Redmond. The city has a population of about 65,000.
Redmond is connected to Seattle and Bellevue through Avondale Road or State Route 520. The Redmond Way moves from the central part of the city to I-405, which connects to Lynwood on the northern end and Renton to the south.
The Lake Washington School District runs the public schools in the city. The Redmond High School and Nikola Tesla STEM High School are the two largest schools in the system. The Conservatory High School, a private performing arts school, is also in Redmond.
Marymoor Park is to the south and is home to an amphitheater. The park also features many baseball and soccer fields, a community garden, a playground, a velodrome, a climbing wall, and a cricket pitch.
There are many commercial centers on Redmond Way. Among these places include the Redmond Town Center.
Redmond WA was formed in 1870 through a Homestead Act claim for land by Luke McRedmond. The area was a foresting site and eventually housed many farms and shipbuilding sites. The city grew in the late twentieth century thanks to a focus on the tech sector.
The Microsoft Corporation’s global headquarters are in Redmond. Microsoft has called Redmond home since 1986. The company hires about 40,000 employees and another 45,000 contractors, thus making the company the largest employer in Redmond. The campus is on the southern part of the city in the Overlake neighborhood and is on both sides of Route 520. The campus includes many offices dedicated to the production of software and hardware products.
Among the other companies that have offices in Redmond include Nintendo of America, AT&T Mobility, Physio-Control, and Honeywell. The city does not charge business taxes based on income, but a license fee of about $100 per employee is required.