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The Issue With Synthetic Fertilizers (Illustrated)

Most people don’t know this, but synthetic fertilizers can lead to a whole host of issues for local ecosystems. Especially when they run off into the water where they can cause algae blooms. But that is only part of the problem. This infographic explains.

Why are synthetic fertilizers bad for my lawn?

Synthetic fertilizers can burn the natural microbiome in your soil. This biome helps your grass and other plants absorb chemicals. But when they are burned off the nutrients in your lawn become less available to your plants. Unlike organic-based fertilizers that work with and feed natural microbes, synthetic fertilizers can be detrimental. 

Why are water-soluble nutrients bad for local waterways? 

Water-soluble nutrients can dissolve and quickly release nitrogen. While a little nitrogen is good for your lawn too much can have a devastating effect. The quickly dissolving nitrogen only nourishes plants for a short time and they only feed the plant, not the soil. So they can starve out the naturally occurring biome in your soil. 

What happens when synthetic fertilizers enter the waterway?

Once these synthetic fertilizers enter the waterway they can enter groundwater. And are transported downstream. This can cause excessive algae growth, which results in reduced levels of oxygen in the water and can kill off any fish or creatures that are present. 

Synthetic fertilizers can be useful in small doses, but they can quickly devastate a local ecosystem, especially if there is water nearby. Because of this, it is best to use organic fertilizers for your lawn and consider the impact they may be having on the environment. This infographic is brought to you by Beyond Pesticides. Be sure to check out our lawn care blog for more information.  

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