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Reel Mower vs. Rotary Mowers {Which is best for mowing grass?}

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Reel vs. rotary:
Choosing the best mower for your grass-cutting needsReel movers vs rotary moversIt’s no secret there are a lot of different types of mowers. 

Zero-turns, riding tractors, stand-ons, the list goes on and on, and it continues to grow as lawn mowers evolve

But one of the most unique distinctions between lawn mowers is whether the mower uses reel or rotary blades

And no I'm not talking about manual push reel mowers. I’m talking about the REAL, gas-powered reel mowers like the one below: 

So, which is better rotary or reel? Let’s find out!

reel mower cutting golf course

Which is better a Rotary or Reel mower?

To determine which mower is better, we have to weigh the differences of each machine. As well as the pros and cons. 

First up is the rotary mower:

What is a Rotary Mower?

A rotary mower is your standard everyday lawn mower. It’s likely what you immediately think of when you hear the word “lawn mower”. Rotary mowers use a blade that rotates parallel to the lawn they are cutting. 

How do rotary mowers work?

Rotary mowers work by rotating at incredibly high speeds. This high speed creates a lift, forming a vacuum, which causes the grass to be sucked upwards. Meanwhile, the blade rotates quickly around (at about 200mph or 3000 rpm) and slices the grass at the blade height. 

This suction along with the quickly spinning blade or blades is what cuts grass efficiently. 

rotary mower cutting tall grass

The Purpose of Rotary Mowers

Rotary mowers are all-purpose mowers that can cut just about any type of lawn. They are better for cutting grass on uneven ground, or on lawns where sticks and rocks are present. Further, rotary mowers are best for cutting grass at taller grass.

Pros of Rotary Mowers
Cons of Rotary Mowers
Can cut tall grass easily, and the blades are cheap and easy to sharpen. Are not easily affected by sticks or even rocks. To get your lawn ready for a reel mower, use these yard clean up tips.
Can not cut grass as low as a rotary mower, and does not cut as evenly as a reel mower can. Does not cut grass as cleanly.

What is a REAL reel mower?

Look, I was shocked when I found this one out myself. Reel mowers aren’t just rinky-dink pieces of metal that serve better as a lawn decoration than actually keeping grass cut. 

No, there are also commercial grade high-end top-of-the-line reel mowers that offer some unique features that the traditional rotary mower can not. We will get to those features in a moment. But first…

How do reel mowers work?

Unlike a rotary mower which uses 1, 2, or even 3 quickly rotating blades that spin parallel to the ground, a reel mower uses 4, 5, 7 or even 11 blades on a single reel.

Get this, some top-end commercial reel mowers, like the TORO 121" Reelmaster® 7000 Mower, can have as many as 5 reels. With 11 blades on each reel. That's 55 blades! 

I would hate to be the one that has to sharpen the blades on a mower like that! 😨

So, what the heck is so special about these “reel” mowers anyhow?

toro reel mower cutting a stadium

The Purpose of Reel Mowers

Here’s the deal, a reel mower isn’t for your average homeowner’s lawn. No, these precision-grade machines are for those who want a PERFECT lawn. And I mean perfect.

As far as use on residential properties, about the only people that use a high-end reel mower, are hobbyist homeowners who love perfecting their lawns. 

However, when it comes to commercial properties like baseball stadiums, golf courses, soccer fields, and the like. A reel mower offers a far superior cut, with sharper stripes and a tighter cut. 

And just as with a rotary mower, you can get a bagger on your mower to capture clippings.

Pros of Reel Mowers
Cons of Reel Mowers
Reel mowers are excellent at cutting grass low and tight to the ground, best of all they can provide a nice even cut on the lawn. They also offer a sharper, cleaner cut on the grass which avoids grass discoloration. 
Easily jammed up by sticks and rocks. Further, they can not cut tall grass well either. Sharpening the blades is not a DIY project. The lower cut may lead to a lawn more likely to become brown in the summer heat. Grass needs to be cut more frequently (twice a week or more).

Which is Better Reel or Rotary Mower?

Well, to be honest. Each mower has its place. 

Rotary mowers will probably always be the front-runner choice for most lawn care pros and homeowners. Simply put they are more versatile and easier for the average user to operate and troubleshoot. 

However, reel mowers do seem to be growing in popularity among homeowners. The thing is while they offer a superior cut, unless you frivolously maintain your lawn, or pay top dollar to have your lawn perfectly manicured by lawn care pros. You will have more issues than it's worth to operate a reel mower. 

Should I invest in a reel mower for my lawn care company?

While in theory, a reel cutting service may appeal to some residential clients, very few are going to want to pay for 2 or 3 cuts a week

In my experience, the only practical application for reel mowers is for lawn care companies that specifically service large commercial properties that are willing to pay top dollar to have their lawns perfectly manicured. 

Or if you are specifically targeting VERY wealthy clients that want a perfectly maintained lawn and are willing to fork out $$$. 

Reel Mowers are practical for cutting sports fields, and especially golf courses. So unless you have large commercial clients I would not recommend investing in a reel mower for your lawn care business. The bottom line is it's not the type of equipment you want if you are just getting started.

In the words of one lawn care pro:

should I start a reel mowing business?

Rotary vs. Reel At the End of the Day

While there are certainly some amazing advantages to using a reel mower on certain properties, overall the rotary mower will always be a more practical solution for a lawn care company. 

While they can be a fun hobby for your own lawn, the commercial use of a reel mower for a profitable lawn care company is strictly limited to VERY high-end residential clients and commercial clients that want a perfect lawn. 

Quick Summary: Reel vs. Rotary Mowers 

Rotary Mower
Reel Mower
High-speed rotating blades for lift.
Multiple blades on a reel for precision.
Versatile; suitable for most lawns.
Precision-grade machines for perfection.
Residential lawns, uneven terrains.
Large commercial properties, perfection.
Recommended for
Most lawn care pros and homeowners.
High-end residential or perfection-focused.
Investment Consideration
Practical for starting a lawn care business or general lawn maintenance.
Not recommended for beginners; limited profitability without specific clients.

If you are looking for more great lawn care business tips, check out our lawn care pros section. Sign up as a GreenPal vendor for free leads

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