How are we doing? Good or bad, let us know by leaving a review .
Whether you are a customer of ours in St. Petersburg , Tampa, or Nashville, We want to know about your experience with GreenPal.
You can tell us about your experience, what you liked, what you did not like. You can give your GreenPal vendor a shout out too if you'd like
Do you use Yelp?
Go here to leave your feedback
Do you not have a Yelp account yet?
Its easy to set one up, and its a pretty cool community of local Tampa reviewers and small business.
Here is a step by step how to video on how Yelp woks, and how to create an account.
Do you have G-mail or Do you prefer Google+
You can go here to leave your review
Also, here is a handy video that explains how to leave a review on Google +
Hey.... If you'd like, leave us a review on both!
I really appreciate your business and your feedback.
-Gene in charge of customer care