How to Make the String in your Weed Eater Last Longer

How to Make the String in your Weed Eater Last Longer

How to Make the String in your Weed Eater Last Longer

How to Make the String in your Trimmer Last Longer

A detailed picture of a honeybee on a yellow flower, with the bee's furry texture and pollen baskets on its legs clearly visible against the petals.

Winding trimmer line around the weed eater spool is frustrating.

It is certainly one of my least favorite parts of lawn mowing or maintaining a yard.

The worst is when have you finished winding up your trimmer line, only to have it unwind right before you finish.

What a pain!!!!

The only thing worse, is running out of string 5 minutes after you have managed to wrestle the string onto the weed trimmer head.

So what exactly can you do to make trimmer string last longer?

What is the best trimmer line for edging along stone, and fences?

There are many things to consider, from the size of the trimmer string, to the techniques you use to cut your grass.

But here's the thing, after following these techniques your string will last for multiple cuts of the lawn, and your only problem will be winding the spool, a few times a year.

There are actually a lot of techniques and considerations to making your string last. Let’s take a look… you won’t want to miss the last pro string trimmer tip!

Top Techniques to make your weed whacker string last:

There are three main things to keep in mind when making your trimmer string last longer:

  1. Weed Eating Techniques. Using a weed eater properly is the number one way to preserve your string and make it last longer.
  2. Spool Size. Not all trimmer line spool sizes are the same, and this can really make a difference in how long the trimmer line will go without being replaced.
  3. Type of String. When making your string last longer you need to consider the size of your string, the style, brand, and string length.

Weed Whacking Techniques:

Following some simple weed whacking techniques will greatly increase the length of time your string will last.

Remember, always keep the string parallel to the ground, especially when tapping the spool to feed more string.This way the string is not hitting dirt or rocks, just nice soft grass.

Be one with the whacker, listen to its needs and desires. Tune in with the weed whacker, listen to her subtle hum, and only ask for new string when you need it, and you shall receive. But, seriously pay attention to the sound of the string trimmer, and you will hear when you need new string. This may take practice, but will save you a lot of wasted string.

Here's why, over feeding the string will waste a lot of string, if you keep tapping, it keeps coming out, and getting cut by the blade on your trimmer head. You could literally run out of string by just feeding more string too often. Practice feeding, only when you need it.

More on how to use a weed whacker properly here.

A vibrant image of a honeybee pollinating a bright yellow flower, with the sunlight highlighting the delicate wings and pollen-covered body of the bee.

Spool Size-

This one hardly deserves its own section as its so simple. Trimmers hold different amounts of string. Pay attention to the spool head sizes as you shop, and get the bigger one. Often times you can get a larger aftermarket spool head, but this is rarely mentioned by the manufacturers on their packaging. 

I am not sure why, but no company mentions their spool size, but they are different. Just pay attention, and do what you can, many spools are twice the size of others.

This can make a huge difference on how long the string lasts between restringing.

If your lawn it too out of hand for your weed whacker alone, check out what to do here.

The Type of String You Use:

Finally, when working to make your trimmer line last longer. There are several attributes that string can have that make it last longer or fall apart.

1. String Size. This is perhaps the main limiting factor of how long your string will last. Many string trimmer heads can hold different sizes of string, but most no more than .095.

String sizes range from .050-.200+ inches:

  • Lightweight- medium string ranges from .050-.08 inches
  • Medium to heavy string ranges from .08-.105
  • Very heavy duty string is anywhere above .105

In my experience, any job that can not be completed with a .095 size string is better handled with a metal blade. .095 I can easily weed eat 5 large yards on one spool, and can whip through tall grass, yet is still sensitive enough to cut short grass.

2. String Shape. Weed whacker string comes in a range of shapes as well, such as:

  • Round
  • Muti-sided
  • Diamond
  • Twisted

To name a few. I have found that the multi sided varieties of string like the Echo Crossfire, are more effective at cutting grass and last longer, than round string. Learn more on string shapes and sizes click here

And don't miss this pro secret.....
An action shot capturing two honeybees flying near the bright yellow stamen of a flower, with one bee in the process of landing.

3. Pro secret. Don’t tell anyone I told you this I might get kicked out of the union, just kidding. Here it is, never leave your string in direct sunlight, and especially during the summer months soak your string in water. You see, soaking your string in water will prevent deterioration from heat, and keep your string ready for weed whacking action!

For more tips and tricks on how to use a weed whacker properly check out "Five things to make your trimmer line better"

Final Thoughts

Now that you are armed with the very best cutting edge techniques on how to preserve your weed whacker string, you can take on the world, well at least your yard. 

I don’t know what to tell you about the pains of rewinding the spool, but at least you will have to do it less often.

To extend the life of your trimmer string while tackling lawn care tasks, consider three main factors: proper weed eating techniques, the size of the spool, and the type of string used. Keep the string level with the ground to avoid unnecessary wear, pay attention to spool size when shopping, and choose a string that is durable and appropriate for your needs.

 A pro tip is to avoid leaving the string in sunlight and to soak it in water to prevent heat deterioration. With these strategies, you'll need to rewind the spool less frequently, saving time and effort as you maintain your lawn.

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