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Best Podcasts for the Landscaping Industry {9 Business Growing Shows}

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Mow and know:

Top 9 podcasts for landscaping business enthusiastsTune in to these top landscaping podcastIn my experience, listening to podcasts while I'm working is a great way to kill 2 birds with one stone. 

I can learn how to grow my business, while I'm making that cashđź’°!

But which podcasts are the best in the landscaping industry?

Well, below are our top picks for the best lawn care and landscaping-related podcasts. 

Below you will find some of the most informative, and even inspiring podcasts in the lawn care and landscaping industry.

Without further ado, here are 9 of the best landscaping and lawn care podcasts.  

 #1 Green Industry Podcast 

Featured Episode Details- in “Growing Pains: A business Owners Guide to Starting a Lawn Care Business” featured above Aaron Strunk shares the journey of founding his lawn care company. 

Next on the list is the Green Industry podcast. The Green Industry podcast is "all about helping lawn care and landscape professionals take their businesses to the next level."

This podcast is great for well-establish landscapers that want to trim the fat on their business and operate more efficiently.

 #2 Fullerton Unleashed 

Featured Episode Details- in “Car Dealership to Full Time in Less Than 3 Years” featured above Taylor Josephson talks about how he went from selling cars to going full time into his own landscaping company. 

According to many lawn care pros, Fullerton is a close first for the best podcast on this list. 

Fullerton's podcasts are high-energy and cover nearly every aspect of running a lawn care business, from starting a new company to scaling your business to the next level.  As the description of the show reads "A podcast show dedicated to those who are determined to take their business and their life to the next level!"

Fullerton is one of 2 podcasters on this list whose course was featured in our “3 Killer Courses" for your lawn care company

 #3 The Untrapped Podcast with Keith Kalfas 

Featured Episode Details- in “Are You Subconsciously Sabatoing Your Success Because You Feel Guilty…” Keith Kalfus talks about overcoming that subconscious voice that holds us back in business. 

Look, Keith Kalfus is easily the most motivational podcaster on this list. 

In fact, I have to include 2 great episodes because I really think they will both help any business owner. 

In the episode below “Know Your Worth” Kalfas shares a story that reflects the life of far too many lawn care and landscapers. Not knowing your worth and charging what you are worth is a detrimental attitude that causes many businesses to fail. 

In this episode, he shares a story about a billionaire client that constantly underpaid and disrespected him. But he was offering so much work, Kalfas continued to return. Eventually, he rises above and learns to charge what he is worth, and guess what. The client paid. 

 #4 Mike Andes Show 

Featured Episode Details- in “Customers That Bankrupt, Raising Prices, And When to Buy Land” Andes talks about cutting clients that are actually holding your business back as well as how to raise your prices without losing clients. 

Mike Andes operates a huge lawn care franchise "Augusta Lawn Care" and he really knows the ins and outs of the industry.

Andes also has a course featured in our “3 Killer Courses” article. And is neck and neck for the overall favorite podcast among lawn care pros.

 #5 Million Dollar Landscaper 

Featured Episode Details- in “Taming Your To-Do List” the duo talks about overcoming that list of to-dos in your business that never seems to stop growing. 

The Million Dollar Landscaper is dedicated to providing "Proven practical tips and advice on running and growing your landscape business".  The hosts are also business coaches for those in the landscaping industry.

I highly recommend you check out their show and give it a listen. Their podcast offers some of the best internal business clean up tips, much like we offer some of the best landscaping tips

 #6 The Pond Digger Podcast 

Featured Episode Details- In “When the Right Tool For the Job Becomes an Addiction” featured above Tyson & Slayer join to talk about whether or not it’s better for a business to buy a tool or rent.

Want to take a break from the lawn care podcasts? 

Why not get a taste of what it’s like to get into the world of pond digging and water features?

Eric Triplett, AKA The Pond Digger is not only an expert in the world of pond digging and water features. He is passionate about it too. 

I highly recommend giving some of his shows a listen, even if you don’t intend to start building water features. Triplett’s podcast has tons of great business advice that you can apply to your lawn care or landscaping business. 

 #7 Landscape Disruptors 

Featured Episode Details-The “The Art and Math of Buying and Selling Landscape Equipment” featured above George Urvari the co-founder of Oriole Landscaping, joins the show. In this episode, they discuss the art of buying and selling landscape equipment.

Landscape Disruptors is a podcast that offers a wide range of experts covering all facets of the landscaping industry. 

With over 8 seasons to go through, there is a lot of great advice buried in the archives of the Landscape Disruptors podcast.

 #8 Landscape Marketing Secrets 

Featured Episode Details- The “The Secret to Inexpensive Office and Social Media Help” featured above the podcast lays out how you can find check social media help. So that you can increase your brand awareness without losing money. 

Landscape Marketing Secrets offers a lot of great tips on how lawn care and landscaping pros can practically expand their businesses while maintaining their hectic lawn care routes.

For more great marketing podcasts, check out this list of the 30 best marketing podcasts here.

 #9 The Landscaper's Guide 

Featured Episode Details-The “How To Strike The Balance Between Perfection and Excellence” This one is important, especially for the new guys who are taking all day striving for perfection. Chasing perfection will kill your profits, instead, it's crucial business owners strive for excellence.

Last but not least is The Landscaper's Guide to Modern Sales and Marketing. I really like the lessons that are laid out in the podcasts, and you will likely find them useful too.

Want to get on some podcasts yourself? Check out this guide to landing podcast interviews.

Landscaping Podcasts in A Nutshell

Look, at the end of the day, podcasts are an excellent way to learn how to further your business while you are driving down the road, or mowing a lawn

And if you want to learn more about growing your company check out the amazing resources GreenPal has to offer in our blog for landscapers.

Quick Summary: 9 Business Growing Shows

Podcast Title
Featured Episode Topic
Green Industry Podcast
Growing Pains: A business Owner's Guide to Starting a Lawn Care Business
Fullerton Unleashed
Car Dealership to Full Time in Less Than 3 Years
The Untrapped Podcast
Are You Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Success Because You Feel Guilty…
Mike Andes Show
Customers That Bankrupt, Raising Prices, And When to Buy Land
Million Dollar Landscaper
Taming Your To-Do List
The Pond Digger Podcast
When the Right Tool For the Job Becomes an Addiction
Landscape Disruptors
The Art and Math of Buying and Selling Landscape Equipment
Landscape Marketing Secrets
The Secret to Inexpensive Office and Social Media Help
The Landscaper's Guide 
How To Strike The Balance Between Perfection and Excellence 

 Well, that's it for now! If we missed one of your favorites let us know on Twitter @YourGreenPal.Join GreenPal today and boost your lawn care business

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