In this article you will find....
50+ of the best lawn mowing memes, landscaping memes and lawn care memes.
Here's the deal, whether you are looking for memes about lawn mowers, or general memes about lawn care and landscaping.
We have made a list of the absolute best!
Before you dive in! There are 4 things you need to know.
1. We saved the best lawn mower memes for last, so if you want the best right now, jump to the bottom.
2. These memes were scrutinized and rated with our confidential, patent pending, landscaping meme rating system.
3. If you want more landscaping, and lawn mower memes. Follow us on Instagram.
4. Finally, help share the best lawn mower memes by sharing this article on social media!!
#50. Buy a Vehicle Trailer = More Friends Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Solid Life Advice: +8 Points
- Trailer Goals: +2 Points
- Reminding Me I Have No Friends: -4 Points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Lawn Care meme
For lawn care professionals and homeowners that want to get to know the neighbors. Looking to make new friends. Or want an excuse to increase their tool collection. This meme offers all of the above, and some solid life advice.
#49 Cordless Water Hose Now Available Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Meme Design: +8 Points
- Sci-fi Meme: +2 Points
- A Little Too Much: -4 points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Lawn Care meme
Subcategory: Sci-fi meme
The Home Depot now offers cordless water hose meme is an absurd take on modern technology. As unbelievable as the concept is, the effort put forth in the design makes you question the possibility for a moment. This meme picks up 2 additional points for being the only sci-fi based lawn care meme to make the list..
#48 Paid By the Hour Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Perfect meme: +6 Points
- Holding Back His Laughter: +4 Points
- Not Directly Related to Lawn Care: -4 points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Landscaping meme
Although not directly related to lawn care, this meme is one of the best memes among the working class. This meme did not receive a higher rating simply because it was not directly a lawn care or lawn mowing meme. Although it was considered to be a landscaping meme be some judges.
#47 In the 80's Go Fund Me was Lawn Mowing Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Nostalgia: +4 Points
- The Outfit: +4 Points
- Craftsman Tools When They Were Well Made: +20 points
- Includes any Craftsman tool: -18 Points
- Boomer Meme: -4 points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing meme
Subcategory: Boomer Meme
This classic lawn mowing meme, is more specifically defined as a boomer meme. Although the sentiment in the meme is true, "Good ole' Day memes", must receive boomer meme status, and thus receive a 4 point deduction.
#46 Y'all Got Any More 2 Stroke Oil Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Nostalgia: +4 Points
- Dave Chappelle: +4 Points
- Misspelling Y'all: -2 points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing meme
Subcategory: Dave Chappelle Meme
This Chappelle based lawn mowing meme, is something anyone who has ever run out of 2 stroke oil understands. This meme shows the importance of staying stoked up on 2 stroke oil.
#45 Landscaping the Car Dash with Cactus's Meme
Meme Rating: 6 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Danger Factor: +4 Points
- Cute Garden: +2 Points
Rating Total: 6 Points
Category: Landscaping meme
Many stick with the hula girl on the dashboard, however some go one step farther. Growing cactus on the dashboard is a feat to be admired, but riding in the passenger seat is an act of courage.
#44 Yes the Load is "Tied Down" Landscaping Meme 
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Austin Power Meme: +6 Points
- Offending OSHA: -2 Points
- Offending OSHA as Dr. Evil: +3 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Landscaping meme
This is one of the few landscaping meme which utilizes an Austin Power's based meme garnering it 6 points. Make sure you tie the load down!
#43 Leaf Blower Solo Lawn Care Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Combining Lawn Care with Fine Art: +4 Points
- Using a Leaf blower: +2 Points
- Meme in Print: +1 Point
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
Subcategory: Leaf Blower meme
Fall brings in that flurry of fall leaves. And soon to follow the sound of leaf blowers. Whether or not you love or hate the sound of whirring leaf blowers, this meme is sure to crack a smile.
#42 Dating Pick With Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Dating Tips: +7 Points
- Being Photo-shopped on Reddit: +9 Points
- Is That a Craftsman?: -9 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Subcategory: Dating Pics
This man has mastered the art of the dating profile pic. Women love a handyman that knows how to enjoy life! Would have recieved more points, but that just may be a craftsman lawn mower, so it received a strong penalty.
Best of all he found love!
#41 'Merican Yard work Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Flamethrower: +5 Points
- DIY Tips: +2 Points
- Same Guy From Last Meme?: Priceless
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Look, it's a flamethrower. What do you expect! Seriously, is that the same guy from the dating meme?
#40 Cash Made Outside "Howbowdah" Lawn Care Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Cultural Relevance: 5 Points
- Grass Puns: 2 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Care/ Landscaping Meme
This meme, is a spinoff of the classic "Cash Me Outside" meme with a lawn care twist. Very creative design, very puny, 7 points!
#39 The Crepe Myrtle "Murder" Landscaping Memes
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Public Awareness: 5 Points
- Puns: 2 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Don't commit crepe murder! This meme is popular among the landscaping community. It comes in a variety of fonts and formats. Prune your myrtle bushes the right way, and they will love you for years to come.
#38 Say Crepe "Murder" Again Landscaping Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Public Awareness: 5 Points
- Puns: 2 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
This meme also gets 5 points for spreading public awareness about the overuse of the term "crepe murder" and offers a balance in the meme force. Therefore it must be included among the best lawn care and landscaping memes.
#37 The Right Way to Use An Electric Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Eco-Friendly Lawn Care: +5 Points
- DIY Pro Tips: +2 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Subcategory: Electric Lawn Mower Meme
Most people don't know this, but the proper way to use an electric lawn mower is to ride behind it with a gas powered generator. Preferably in a wheelbarrow. If no wheelbarrow is availible, simply strap the generator to your back, or hav your partner carry it.
#36 Neil deGrasse Tyson Lawn Care Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Meme Design: +7 Points
- Adding Neil de "Grass": +4 Points
- Not Using a Grass Pun:-4 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Yardwork Meme
Subcategory: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Grass Puns incoming...
Not surprisingly there are a number of Neil deGrasse Tyson memes. After all he is the "Neil of Grass"! This Tyson meme was chosen for the list of best lawn care and landscaping meme's simply because it is the best designed Tyson meme. However, it receives a penalty for not including a grass pun.
#35 Mowing the Hedges With Lawn Mowers Meme Collection
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Concept: +3 Points
- Follow through: +5 Points
- Like a Boss Meme: +2 Points
- Offending OSHA: -3 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: Trim Bushes with Mower Meme
This meme is a bit "over the top" ;P, but you have to give it to the folks for the concept and follow through. Surprisingly these are not the only riding mower used to cut bushes memes.
#34 Resting after a Long Day of Mowing the Lawn Meme
Meme Rating: 7 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Meme Design: +3 Points
- Like a Boss Meme: +2 Points
- Internet Cat: +2 Points
Rating Total: 7 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: Cat Meme
We have actually used this meme before in why cats eat grass. But it is perfect for it's simplicity, and relaxing nature. Maybe the dating pic meme was inspired by this cat?
#33 Ain't Nobody Got Time For That Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Classic Meme Format: +3 Points
- Relatable: +4.5 Points
Rating Total: 7.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Bagging the lawn is a pain, and frankly put, ain't nobody got time for that! That is why i use my mulching kit to compost the lawn.
#32 Roses vs Dandelion Landscaping Meme
Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Creativity: +3 Points
- Relatable: +2.5 Points
- Dandelion Meme: +2 Points
Rating Total: 7.5 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Subcategory: Dandelion Meme
It's true, dandelions can grow anywhere, and nobody wants them. And Roses are a pain (literally at times) to grow, making this meme very relatable. Thanks to Craig @ Appliance Analysts for forwarding this one along!
#31 You'd Be A Lot Cooler with a Zero-turn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Tips to be Cool: +3 Points
- Dazed and Confused Meme: +2 Points
- Life Advice: +2.5 Points
Rating Total: 7.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
If you are a trying to be more fun to be around, get a zero-turn mower. The only thing that can make you cooler than buying a zero-turn mower, is to hire a lawn pro through GreenPal.
#30 Baby Goat Eating Grass Display Lawn Care Meme
Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Adorable: +4.5 Points
- Relatable: +3 Points
Rating Total: 8 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
This baby goat eating the display of turf grass types is adorable, and supper relatable. That grass looks so tasty!
#29 I Wet My Plants Landscaping Meme
Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Puns: +3 Points
- Commitment to the Hustle: +3 Points
- Creative Advertising: +1.5 Points
Rating Total: 7.5 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Advertising and marketing is a difficult part of business. But when you have a creative idea like this, it just goes to show, word will get around about your business.
Next Meme....
#28 The Weed Eater String Lawn Care Meme
Meme Rating: 8 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Relatable: +8 Points
Rating Total: 8 Points
Category: Weed Whacker Meme
Everyone knows that winding up a spool of weed eater string is a massive pain in the @$$. You can have the whole thing wound up on the spool, only to lose it in the last moment. The only thing that can make things worse is when you are almost done weed whacking the lawn and run out of string.
#27 Dad's in White Reeboks Lawn Mowing Meme

Meme Rating: 8 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- That Lawn Mower: +3 Points
- Old School: +2 Points
- Dad's in White Reeboks meme: +3 Points
Rating Total: 8 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Think you are going to sleep in on the weekend? The dad's in white Reeboks say otherwise! There is grass to be cut, and lawns to be mowed.
#26 Husqvarna has a Saw For That Meme
Meme Rating: 8 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Creativity: +3 Points
- Husqvarna: +2 Points
- DIY Tip: +3 Points
Rating Total: 8 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Subcategory: Divorce Meme
This Husqvarna saw can cut anything in half, even the home or car if you have to. Not many other companies would consider the needs of people going through divorce. But Husqvarna does!
#25 Cheating on Your Lawn Mowing Equipment Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Classic Meme Format: +3 Points
- Dat' Equipment though: +3 Points
- Relatable: +2.5 Points
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn Equipment Meme
Checking out that equipment as it drives by. You know the feeling, and this lawn care meme captures it perfectly.
Intermission: Creative and Interesting Company Ads 
Want to see more creative lawn care ads and companies!?
Then, Tweet your favorite lawn care advertisement or company name @YourGreenPal
And we just may share your favorites in a future post!!
Don't forget to share this article with your friends on social media!
We greatly appreciate it!
End Intermission...
#24 I Should Buy a New Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Internet Cat: +2 Points
- Relatable: +3 Points
- The Suit: +3.5 Points
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Buying a new mower in time for spring is something we can all relate to. The cat just adds to the creativity of the meme.
#23 Craigslist Jobs Be Like Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Facts: +5 Points
- Relatable: +3.5 Points
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn care, Landscaping Meme
When getting a job on Craigslist, or anywhere online, it you often find that the lawn care job you signed up for is a bit worse than anticipated. Always see the job before you commit to a price.
#22 The Song of My People Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- White Reeboks 2.0: +5 Points
- Mowing on Saturday: +3.5 Points
- Reping the Song of My People: Priceless
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
You know the experience, but to lawn care specialists, landscapers, and homeowners, the song of our people means more than getting the grass cut.
#21 Risk of Mowing in a Bad Neighborhood Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Public Awareness: +5 Points
- Relatable: +3.5 Points
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
There are risks to mowing under any circumstances. But never leave your push mower unattended, the wheels may go missing. Thank you to the individual that took the time to share this meme with the public.
#20 4-Wheeler Riding Lawn Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- DIY Tips: +5 Points
- You Might Be a Redneck Meme: +3.5 Points
Rating Total: 8.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: You Might Be A Redneck meme
Look, in this great meme you see that with only a 4-wheeler and a push mower. You can make your own riding lawn mower, but probably shouldn't.
He better let these folks know they are doing it wrong...
#19 Cat Chilling in this Lawn Mowing Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- This Cat's dedication: +5 Points
- Internet Cat: +2 Points
- That Photo: +2 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: Internet Cat Meme
Most cats would run in fear from a lawn mower, but this cat stuck it out, and remained still no matter the cost! For that we salute this cat with the first 9 point rating in this collection of lawn mowing memes.
#18 Dandelions are Easily Startled Star Wars Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Advice From Obi-wan: +5 Points
- Dandelion Meme: +2 Points
- Lawn Care Tips: +2 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
Subcategory: Dandelion Meme
I always appreciate any lawn care advice, but this is one of the only tips that Obi Wan Kenobi is ever quoted with. So this meme is highly cherished among the lawn care community.
#17 Losing the Lawn Care Bid Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- The Feels: +5 Points
- Relatable: +4 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Care and Landscaping Meme
Loosing the lawn care bid can be tough, and this meme represents the emotional trauma of losing the bid. Don't be too hard on yourself if you see they hired someone else.
Next Meme!
#16 Pay the Grassman Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- "Running Your Business" Tips from Yoda: +5 Points
- Creativity : +4 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Care and Landscaping Meme
When you are running a lawn care business, you have to collect that cash. This meme has great advice from Yoda for running your lawn care business.
#15 Inexperienced Helper Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- F : +5 Points
- New Guy Meme: +2 Points
- Relatable: +2 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Lawn care professionals come in all levels of experience, and if the new guy straps down the load like this, you can pretty much bet they have no experience at all.
#14 When You Hit Cut That Root With the Mower Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Relatable: +9 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
We all sweat a little when we hit something with the mower or weed whacker we aren't meant to. When you do, be sure to drink extra water, you don't want to dehydrate out there!
#13 Thinking About My Lawns Meme
Meme Rating: 9 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Puts the CARE in Lawn Care: +5 Points
- Relatable: +2.5 Points
- Shower Thoughts w/ Kermit: +1.5 Points
Rating Total: 9 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
This meme truly puts the "care" into the word lawn care. On rainy days, lawn care providers are always thinking of their lawns, whether they like it or not. But are the lawns thinking of them too?
#12 Hank Hill Mowing the Lawn Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Life Advice From Hank: +5 Points
- That Fresh Cut Grass Smell: +4.5 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
No one knows how to put the care in lawn care like Hank Hill. Why would you smoke grass when you could just cut it? Grass puns!
#11 Mowing the Lawn After Your Shift Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Relatable: +9.5 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
We all know the feeling of mowing the lawn after a long day of work. Storm troopers enjoy mowing the lawn after a long shift on the Death Star according to this meme. The empire has feelings too.
#10 When the Homeowner Wants To Help Landscaping Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Landscaper Thoughts: +5 Points
- Text+ Image = Perfect Match: +4.5 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Landscapers understand....
#9 Lawn Care App Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Now There is an App for That: +9.5 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Care App Meme
Lawn mowing apps used to be something unheard of, but with Green Pal there really is a lawn mowing app for your cell phone!
#8 Why Do Humans Collect the Leaves Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Animal Perspective: +5 Points
- Creativity: 4.5 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
This meme offers the unique perspective into the world of squirrels, and flips our perspective on it's head.
#8 Final Boss: Double Leaf Blower Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Dedication to the Hustle: +5.5 Points
- This Photo: +4 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
This man shows pure dedication to the hustle, and has been branded as a hero among the many landscapers in this nation. Many can pick up a leaf blower and blow leaves, few have this much dedication.
#7 Burial, Cremation or Wood Chipper? Meme
Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Innovation: +5.5 Points
- Lawn Care Pro Burials: +4 Points
Rating Total: 9.5 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
Simply put, this is a great idea! I am changing my will today. Apparently wood chipper is the cheapest burial method now available.
#6 When The Customer Watches You Mow The Lawn Meme

Meme Rating: 9.75 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Creepy Factor: +3 Points
- Great Photo: +3 Points
- Great Caption: +2 Points
- Relatable: +1.75 Points
Rating Total: 9.75 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: Jason Meme
No matter the job, it can always be an awkward experience when the homeowner, or even your boss just stands there watching you work! In my experience, the worst is when you are working for a client in their home. Don't ask!
#5 Keep Calm and Mow On Meme
Meme Rating: 10 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Meme Format: +5.5 Points
- Formatting and Font: +4.5 Points
- Dedication to the Mow Life: Priceless
Rating Total: 10 Points
Category: Lawn Mowing Meme
Subcategory: Tornado Meme
This meme has been created in several formats. This is my favorite. This man is determined to mow that lawn, whether or not the tornado tears it apart in five minute. Because as any man mows, a lawn is made to be mowed. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts!
#4 Batman/Robin Mow the Lawn Weekly Meme
Meme Rating: 10 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Classic Meme Format: +5 Points
- Lawn Care Tips: +3 Points
- Relatable: +2 Points
Rating Total: 10 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
Subcategory: Batman Meme
In this meme batman educates Robin on the importance of mowing the lawn weekly, and not bi-weekly. It's true. Cutting the lawn weekly, at least during peak growing season is essential to a great lawn.
#3 Change My Mind: Red Mulch is Cancer Meme
Meme Rating: 10 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Classic Meme Format: +5 Points
- Public Service Announcement Meme: +5 Points
- Red Mulch is Cancer : +100 Points
- Crowder Meme: - 100 Points
Rating Total: 10 Points
Category: Landscaping Meme
Subcategory: Change my Mind Meme
Look, I hate to tell you if you are a fan of red much. But here's the deal, red mulch is a landscapers worse nightmare. We love the natural mulches. Ask us to ad red mulch to the landscape, we will do it while wincing. In fact, I know companies that won't even offer red mulch as an option. This meme is on point!
From the folks at A Way to Garden
#2 Matrix: I Already Know How Tall Your Grass is Meme
Meme Rating: 100 out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Matrix Meme: +5 Points
- Relatability: +95 Points
Rating Total: 100 Points
Category: Lawn Care Meme
Subcategory: Matrix Meme
This meme wraps the lawn care hustle into a caption and photograph. When you say it isn't too tall, we know just how tall it is. Let the lawn care professionals handle their business. They are in business for a reason. A few inches of grass can cost a lawn care provider a lot of valuable time. When hiring lawn care service, be honest. They know the truth about your lawn anyhow. Even misspelling "already" doesn't hold this meme back!
Before we reveal the #1 Meme!
Share your favorite lawn care meme so far on Facebook or Pinterest.
We Appreciate the share! You Rock!
And the Winner....
For the Best Lawn Care or Lawn Mower Meme is......
#1. Chuck Norris Doesn't Mow His Lawn Meme
Meme Rating: ∞ out of 10
Rating Breakdown:
- Chuck Norris Meme: ∞ Points
Rating Total: ∞ Points
Category: Lawn Mower Meme
Subcategory: Chuck Norris Meme
Look, I am not going to challenge Chuck Norris. I want to be able to sleep at night! Simply put, he is the winner of the lawn mowing meme challenge by default.
"In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself." -Chuck Norris Fact
The Bottom Line
There are a lot of lawn care memes on the internet, but this list of lawn mowing and landscaping memes will help you find the best!
Be sure to check out our blog for more, actually informative lawn care and landscaping content.
And be sure to share this article on your social media, and if you find a meme you like be sure to let folks know!
If we missed a meme, let us now on Twitter @YourGreenPal
Or Follow us on Instagram, @YourGreenPal