Survey: Homeowners share their thoughts on cutting wet grass

Survey: Homeowners share their thoughts on cutting wet grass

Survey: Homeowners share their thoughts on cutting wet grass

Survey: Homeowners share their thoughts on cutting wet grassWet grass — to cut or not to cut? That is the question. Cutting wet grass is a problem homeowners face in the rainy season. We've previously asked 331 lawn care professionals, "Should You Mow Wet Grass?" and now we've asked 168 homeowners their thoughts on cutting wet grass, good or bad?

There are many reasons that homeowners listed to justify their reasoning.

Key Takeaways

# 139 homeowners say they do not mow when it is wet

# 29 homeowners mow when it's wetShould you mow wet lawn?

The majority of homeowners choose not to mow when it's wet

Many choose not to mow their lawns when it's wet. Several reasons were given and can be divided into the following categories of why they avoid cutting the grass when it's wet: 

  • Risk of disease

  • More difficult to cut

  • Damages lawns/Causes ruts

  • Don't have the best equipment

  • Damage to mower

Wet grass also clogs the mower, and after cutting, it leaves a heap of clipping, smothering the grass underneath. Cutting wet grass makes it susceptible to fungal disease spreading and ruining your lawn.

Cutting wet grass: good or bad? 

Cutting wet grass is often a bad idea. Here's why:

 Clumping and Clippings 

One of the biggest hurdles in mowing wet grass is clumping. Wet grass can clump and gum up the mower, forcing you to keep stopping to unclog it. To prevent this, use a mower with a hard-sided collector and select a mowing height one or two notches higher than usual to compensate for the moisture. And remember: go slow. It'll help prevent clogging and give your mower time to cut the wet grass effectively.

Another is to use a side discharge versus a grass catcher, which spreads the clippings more evenly and reduces the chance of clumping. If the grass is too wet, do not mow, or you will damage your lawn.

Beware - Moisture on Grass promotes fungal growth and lawn diseases Disease and Fungal Risks 

Wet grass also fosters disease and fungi. Moisture causes fungi to thrive, leading to brown patches and dollar spot fungus, two common lawn issues. If possible, don't mow when the grass is wet. Wait until the grass has dried if you can.

Furthermore, ensure that the mower remains clean and well-maintained. Grass clippings, clippings from weeds, and fungal spores can become deposited in a lawnmower's undercarriage, leading to disease. Finally, using sharp blades can mitigate the pressure on the mower, allowing it to cut the grass easily without causing damage and disease.

Tips to follow when mowing wet grass

Twenty-nine respondents said they mow even when the grass is wet. Most responses boiled down to living in wetter parts of the nation and feeling they had no choice but to mow. While it's inadvisable for those who think they must mow when wet, there are a few precautions to take. 

Considering these tips and techniques, you can cut wet grass and minimize damage to your lawn. Cutting wet grass is challenging; even with the best intentions, you can damage the lawn. 

It's best to avoid walking on the wet grass after mowing because it gives a double punishment to weak grass blades; wait until the grass is dry before going for a stroll.

If you notice water pooling on the surface, the ground gives a spongy sensation, or the blades of grass stick together as you tread on them, it might be too wet for mowing.

Walk across your lawn to spot any signs of excess moisture, like standing water or areas that feel squishy. Should your steps leave behind prints, or if the ground feels too soft, consider postponing your mowing plans. Cutting the grass when it's this wet can harm the lawn by compacting the soil, injuring the grass, and causing uneven trimming. Regular mowing - Minimize the impact of wet conditionsHere are some steps to take to try to keep your lawn healthy, even when it's wet: 

 Weekly Lawn Cutting:  Regular cuts prevent overgrowth and minimize the impact of each mowing session.

 Avoid Mulching:  Mulching wet grass can damage the lawn and the mower; avoid using a mulching kit on wet lawns.

 Double Cutting:  If necessary, mow the lawn twice: first to cut the grass, then again to break up clumps and catch stray blades, ensuring a cleaner look.

 Level the Lawn:   Address areas of the lawn that collect water by leveling; this reduces the risk of tearing up the lawn when wet and encourages more uniform drying and growth.

Also, choose a good time to mow your lawn. Aim for the late afternoon or the early hours of the evening. This is when your lawn has had a chance to shake off the morning dew and any water from watering, and the day's heat has begun to wane.

Mowing during the cooler parts of the day is kinder to your grass and more comfortable. It steers clear of the midday sun, which can tax the lawn and the mower. This way, the grass faces less stress from heat, making its recovery from trimming much smoother.

Quick Summary

Survey Results
139 homeowners avoid mowing wet grass
29 homeowners mow when it's wet
Reasons to Avoid Mowing
Risk of disease, difficult to cut, damages lawns, inadequate equipment, mower damage
Issues with Wet Grass
Clumping, clippings smothering grass, increased disease and fungal risks
Tips for Mowing Wet Grass
Use a hard-sided collector, raise mowing height, go slow, use side discharge
Best Practices
Mow in late afternoon/evening, avoid mulching wet grass, consider double cutting

One of the biggest questions to answer for a homeowner is whether cutting wet grass is a good idea or not. While rain helps the grass to grow lush and green, it can also make mowing a lawn a pain, or can even lead to damaging the lawn. Out of 168 respondents, 139 said they do not cut the grass when it’s wet. The remaining 29 said they live where it’s often wet, so they had to mow. For those who need to mow when it’s wet, we’ve provided some tips and tricks to minimize damage to a lawn. GreenPal's Pros - Enhance lawns with quality service

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