Local Lawn care service near me in Mendon, OH, 45862

Get lawn care in Mendon by

Lollipop Lawn Shop

102 North Green Street
Mendon, OH, 45862
Overall rating 5 / 5
Vendor RatingVendor RatingVendor RatingVendor RatingVendor Rating ( 47 reviews )
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Needing your Lawn Cut?

Request a call from Lollipop Lawn Shop

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    Vendor RatingVendor RatingVendor RatingVendor RatingVendor Rating 47 reviews

Eric Bunn, Lima, OH 45801
September 26, 2024

Eric Bunn, Lima, OH 45801
July 17, 2024

Eric Bunn, Lima, OH 45801
July 03, 2024

Eric Bunn, Lima, OH 45801
June 02, 2024

Eric Bunn, Lima, OH 45801
April 20, 2024

Mowing History

Recent work history of completed mowings by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing Service:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Lawn Care nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing Service:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cutting:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Lawn Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Cutting:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Care by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cutting:

Before mowing, please contact me with an ETA, so that I can bring my dog into the house before you arrive. Also, please come on the porch and knock on the inner door - doorbell out-of-order. Will take me a few minutes as I am disabled and on a cane.

Lawn Maintenance nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cutting:

No gates or fences.

Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Mowing by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cutting:

No gates or fences.

Grass Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Mowing Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:

No gates or fences.

Lawn Maintenance nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Cutting:

No gates or fences.

Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Maintenance:

No gates or fences.

Lawn Care nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:
Yard Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Maintenance by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Care:
Lawn Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Care:
Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Maintenance by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Cutting:
Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Grass Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing:
Lawn Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Maintenance by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:

I would like to start planting flowers and garden

Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Care Service:

I would like to start planting flowers and garden

Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:

I would like to start planting flowers and garden

Lawn Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:
Lawn Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cutting:
Lawn Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Care by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Mowing:
Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Care Service:
Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cut:
Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Care by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing Service:
Grass Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Mowing by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:
Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Care Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:
Lawn Service nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:
Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Cutting:
Lawn Care nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Mowing:
Lawn Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Cutting:
Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Grass Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing:

I would like to start planting flowers and garden

Lawn Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mow:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Yard Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Mow by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Service:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Lawn Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Grass Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Grass Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Lawn Mow nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mow:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Lawn Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Yard Mowing by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Lawn Mowing Service:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Yard Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45805
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Grass Cut:

Initially front and south side yard. Can add the overgrown backyard later

Yard Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Grass Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Yard Mowing:


Grass Cutting nearby Lima, OH, 45806
Yard Mowing by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Mow:

We have a fence in our backyard that has gates on either side which would be accessible for lawnmowers. Depending on the size of the mower you may have trouble mowing in between our fence and the neighbors. If its too small we can get that portion our sel

Grass Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45804
Lawn Care Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Yard Cutting:

Vacant lot, stay out of town, not sure what condition it is in.

Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Cut:


Lawn Service nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Mow by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Care Service:


Grass Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Care Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Mowing Service:


Lawn Mowing Service nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Cut by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Yard Cutting:


Yard Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Yard Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Yard Mowing:


Grass Cut nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Care by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Care Service:


Lawn Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Care Service by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
2 weeks:
Ordering Lawn Care:


Yard Mowing nearby Lima, OH, 45801
Lawn Cutting by Lollipop Lawn Shop
Service Requested:
1 week:
Ordering Yard Cutting:
