Get Lawn Care in Lee’s Summit, MO Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Lee’s Summit, MO as of Mar, 2025
Punky Brewster Lawn Services in Lee’s Summit, MO
Top recommendations on Yelp for local lawn care services and local lawn mowing services in Lee’s Summit include Punky Brewster. We have done our part to provide quality landscaping from Unity Village and out to our friends and neighbors of the area. We offer lawn care, lawn service, and landscaping services like pruning and leaf blowing when necessary. We also offer our scheduled lawn mowing services and lawn care services
Our lawn care company provides lawn care services in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Get quality lawn care in Lee’s Summit when you hire our lawn care business. From lawn mowing services to lawn service to ongoing yard work, we will deliver premium customer service and top-quality landscaping while charging affordable prices.
We are a lawn care business that provides value to your investment.
We promise to deliver high-quality and affordable lawn care services in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
All of our customers have enjoyed our lawn service and lawn care services. In fact, just take a look at our customer reviews.
Our many lawn maintenance services are designed to help you save money and win back your free time.
Our lawn service and lawn care company provides the highest standard of lawn care while also being affordable. Whether you need lawn mowing services, weed control, lawn service, lawn care services, or simple yard work, our lawn care company will help you.
Our staff of lawn care professionals will give you with customized lawn care services for your property.
Our lawn service business offers premier lawn service and lawn care work that will transform properties into whatever you dream up. We offer better prices for Lee’s Summit lawn mowing services.
Choose from a huge list of lawn mowing services, lawn care, weed control, and other lawn service solutions.
Our lawn care company promises to provide good lawn care services that are good for your outdoor needs.
You’ll get lawn care and lawn service work for as long as you want.
The affordable lawn care services in Lee’s Summit we provide will vastly improve the look of your property.
No matter what lawn care services or lawn mowing services you need, we’ll ensure to meet your lawn care goals.
GreenPal has been great for this lawn care business. I’m sure we speak for all of the lawn care professionals and landscapers in Lee’s Summit, but there was nothing else like this to help us out.
Our lawn care company does the best we can However, sometimes between lawn mowing and lawn service work, it’s hard to keep track of our lawn care business at times. It’s hard to admit, but it’s true.
GreenPal organized the whole lawn care and lawn service process for us. We’re thankful for that. Now that means we can focus more on giving everyone a good price on affordable lawn care services and affordable lawn maintenance in Lee’s Summit, MO.
If you are a veteran or a student, let our lawn care customer service team know. We will offer you discounts and exclusive lawn care packages. There are a few things that differentiate our lawn care services, but it is hard to write about.
As much as we use our hands, writing about our lawn care services and lawn mowing services is not something we're good at. We would much rather show you, and with our low lawn mowing and lawn service prices, you can afford trying out a few yard maintenance services in Lee’s Summit.
That is the beauty of GreenPal! Thank you again to all my clients who have trusted me in the past. Our lawn care company's success is because of your trust and we want to thank you for that.
While we proudly serve Lee’s Summit, GreenPal also connects homeowners in nearby Kansas communities like lawn care in Lenexa, KS and lawn care in Overland Park, KS with trusted professionals. Whether you’re comparing pricing, reading reviews, or booking services, GreenPal makes it easy to find the perfect lawn care provider for your needs.
See you soon!
Dynamic Earth Lawn Services in Lee’s Summit, MO
What is the first thing people see when they come to your home? YOUR LAWN. The inconsistent rainfall and heat in Missouri make keeping your grass looking healthy all year round, so it pays to hire a professional landscaper in Lee’s Summit. Take it from someone who has been doing this for five years, it pays to put your hours in.
There are some things inexpensive lawn care services and cheap yard mowing in Lee’s Summit can’t get in one go, but with what you paid that is probably what you get. Cheap prices plus an inexperienced lawn mower means bad grass cutting, I can tell you that from experience. But when you have someone who knows what they are doing, AND they are affordable lawn care in Lee’s Summit? Well, now you have Dynamic Earth working on your lawn!
Get quality lawn care services when you hire our lawn service company today.
We do free estimates, specialized lawn care packages like added leaf blowing if you have a lot of trees, shrub pruning, all that good jazz that is good for your lawn. We know how to get the best out of your soil, and that is worth more than four or five lawn mowing services and lawn care services, you gotta see it to believe it!
We service all of the Kansas City regions but focus on Lee’s Summit. Our biggest lawn care and lawn service clients are Pheasant Run Apartment Homes at times. We are licensed to do commercial and are insured as expected. We welcome all new lawn care and lawn service clients.
You will be offered a first-time discount of thirty bucks for lawn mowing. We also offer other discounts for our many lawn care services. Let us know what lawn care services you need. The possibilities are endless.
While we focus on Lee’s Summit, GreenPal is here to help homeowners across the Kansas City metro! If you’re searching for reliable lawn care in nearby areas like Olathe, KS or Shawnee, KS, compare pricing, read reviews, and book top-rated professionals effortlessly. GreenPal connects you to trusted experts, no matter where you are in the region.
Ultimate Lawn Lawn Services in Lee’s Summit, MO
Ultimate Lawn is your best bet for your budget when it comes to lawn care services and landscaping. We have been serving Lee’s Summit area for over ten years, and we are getting better and better. We have been fortunate to upgrade to handle jobs as big as Lea McKeighan Park, by the acre. What you see on GreenPal is for a cheap lawn mowing in Lee’s Summit, an average-sized yard. But even then, our price per acre is affordable, and you can be guaranteed your yard will be ours for the morning.
Our lawn care company provides high-quality lawn care services in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Our lawn service company provides an easy customer service experience along with professional lawn care and lawn service.
For professional lawn care services in Lee’s Summit, contact us.
Our lawn care and lawn service company has been providing top-quality yard work, lawn care, lawn service, and much more for many years.
When you hire our lawn care company, you’ll get the same top-quality lawn care we’ve provided for years.
Our affordable lawn service in Lee’s Summit available the second you hire us.
Everyone has enjoyed our lawn care services in Lee’s Summitespecially for their affordable prices.
Our lawn care company has helped property owners with great success for years. Our local lawn care services and local lawn mowing services in Lee’s Summit have produced wonderful outdoors for hundreds of property owners.
Lee’s Summitlawn service is done best when a company creates a plan. For proper lawn care in Lee’s Summit.
Your property needs good lawn maintenance and lawn service care. Our lawn service and lawn care company provide the expert care it either lacks or needs on a consistent basis.
Our lawn care company offers to tackle the outdoor work you have no time to do. Our lawn care services in Lee’s Summit will meet all goals and needs.
Our lawn care services that we provide for you will create thriving landscapes. Thanks to our lawn care and lawn service solutions, we’ve transformed many outdoor spaces.
Customers have enjoyed our lawn care results.
Years of positive results have earned our lawn care company a solid reputation. Our customers trust our lawn service and lawn care professionals. We deliver quality results.
I have seen some pretty bad yelp reviews for cheap lawn maintenance services in Lee’s Summit. I don’t know why some maintenance men in the area think blowing the clippings isn’t part of the job, but with Ultimate Lawn it’s guaranteed. Our idea of the best lawn care service in Lee’s Summit is one where you won’t have to pick up a rake to fix something.
If you are looking for scheduled lawn mowing or something long-term like tree installation, we can do that as well. Trees add a lot of value to your yard and look amazing in years' time. However, it takes a while for them to adapt if not maintained. Kansas City homeowners rely on Ultimate Lawn for trimming, fertilization, removal, and debris removal after storms.
Dillon Lawn Services in Lee’s Summit, MO
Hi there, thank you for checking out our profile on GreenPal! We are well known throughout Lowenstein Park, with over fifteen lawns in the area. We are able to spread ourselves out more, so the greater Kansas City area is under our care now! If you need a cheap lawn mowing service in Lee’s Summit then Dillon Lawn Care is your choice! Just check out our reviews on our website, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!
To be fair, my experience goes way to our home in Lee’s Summit, I was the designated lawn care professional, so just by sheer hours behind the lawnmower proves that I can handle your lawn long term. No disappearing on you, no canceling out of nowhere because this is my one job. I can treat your lawn for the better, healthy, and lush! Plant and tree installation are no problem, and I can handle any general yard maintenance in Lee’s Summit in an afternoon. You just let me know what you need when it comes to your lawn care.
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
I had some birds of paradise which I let grow way too long, they took well but were overwhelming. I got kind of fed up with leaving voicemails for every local landscaper in Lee’s Summit I called, so I joined GreenPal and found more than enough people to help me. Two pretty cheap lawn mowers around Bent Tree Bluff and then a full service yard maintenance in Lee’s Summit that was perfect for me. We struck a deal and the whole job was done at the end of the week. I’m impressed! The next time I need something I know where to look.
We have used Brian several times and hired them on GreenPal and all that. It has been an easy relationship, he comes through every time. But as far as GreenPal goes, it was nice for a few months when Brian was out of town. I didn’t hesitate to message another cheap lawn care company in Lee’s Summit to take over. Like gears of a clock, we had him in and out, and when Brian got back to me in Cockrell it was like he never left.
Unfortunately after assessing the damage done to my yard, it looks like I won’t be venturing out to haggle on my own with some of these cheap landscaping services in Lee’s Summit. I got scammed pretty hard, but I should have known and done my research. I found a lot of people complaining about him on Yelp, and he was nowhere to be found on GreenPal. And there were like four affordable lawn care services near me on Lake Lotawana who were just as much as him, and they did great. Lesson learned for sure.
This service is amazing! I met Brent from Brentwood Lawns for a free estimate on a huge project I had, totally worth it. I would have found him anyway I think because he is pretty well-regarded online, but I’m happy I can write a review for the best lawn mowing service in Lee’s Summit. I’m from Raymore so you know we don’t get a lot traffic our way, but I’m glad he came out anyway to help me out. Very highly recommend!
Not in Lee’s Summit, MO?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
GreenPal is fast becoming the internet’s premiere platform for finding the best lawn care in Lee’s Summit! Just as easily as you would call for an Uber, your best options for local lawn mowing in Lee’s Summit are just as easily within reach! GreenPal works on a very simple platform: connecting both ends of the lawn care market in order to make everyone happy.
Think about it, you as a homeowner are looking for good deals on cheap lawn care in Lee’s Summit, at least something in your yard that is out of your experience. You may not know where to start. Do people still use phone books? Are the top ten results you see on Google really the best lawn maintenance services in Lee’s Summit, Missouri? With GreenPal, you can be sure that we’ve scoured every nook and cranny in Lee’s Summit, from Cheddington to Lochkirk, the Meadows of Winterset and Newberry in order to find the best deals in lawn care. When you jump on our service, you will have access to every single one of them at very competitive prices.
The second amazing part about GreenPal is that just as easily as you can find local yard maintenances in Lee’s Summit, these same services have been made within reach. Every local lawn mower and landscaper worth his salt is on GreenPal waiting for people like you. When you sign up for GreenPal and schedule an appointment for cheap lawn mowing in Lee’s Summit, you will be getting free quotes from local lawn care services big and small. It helps them recruit clients faster, you recieve competitive pricing on lawn mowing, everyone is happy.
One of the most distinguishing practices on GreenPal, besides hooking you up with the best lawn care in Lee’s Summit, is our safety regulations regarding membership. Technically, you could find every lawn mower in Lee’s Summit on Craigslist, as it has traditionally been a good source for that, but scammers have ruined the process. Without regulatory checks, anyone with a cheap lawn mower in Lee’s Summit can call themselves the best landscaper in Lee’s Summit. This can leave your entire home open to threat, all just from wanting to get your lawn mowed. Is that worth it to pay for a free service?
Okay, then what about a free service that vets every single contractor, landscaper, and independent lawn mower in Lee’s Summit before allowing them your business? By the time you sign up for GreenPal, every yard maintenance in Lee’s Summit will be registered and accredited. They will have photos of their recent work and reviews.
GreenPal does that and so much more for your home and wallet. Sign up today to get a free quote, and you can sign up without a credit card. Whether you’re in Independence, MO, Blue Springs, MO, or Kansas City, MO, GreenPal is here to help. Compare services, check pricing, and read real homeowner reviews for all your lawn care needs. This is how lawn care in Lee’s Summit is supposed to be in 2018!
Not in Lee’s Summit ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

Overland Park
Kansas City
St Joseph
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Lee’s Summit Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Lee’s Summit Missouri
Lee’s Summit is a city in Missouri, United States.

Lee’s Summit is one of the small communities within Jackson and Cass County in the state of Missouri. It is the sixth largest city in the Kansas City metro area and the sixth largest city in the state. It ranks as the forty-fourth best city to live, according to CNN Money and Money magazine in 2006. As of the last census, Lee’s Summit, Missouri jumped to ninety thousand people and moved up the ladder of the “100 Best Cities to Live in the United States.” From forty-fourth to twenty-seventh.
The bustling city that Lee’s Summit is now was once called the Town of Strother. The first recorded settlers in the area involve a man named William B. Howard and Maria D. Strother. She was the daughter of a William Strother in Bardstown, Kentucky, who has his known history in that area. Howard moved from Kentucky and bought 833 acres for his homestead.
For a while it was hardly any more than that family settling there, but in 1865 the town of Strother became Lee’s Summit, a variation from John Graves Lea, who moved to Jackson County in 1849. Dr. Lea was killed by Kansas Jayhawkers for his belief in slavery. The Jayhawkers were vigilante gangs that took it upon themselves to clash with pro-slavery groups from MIssouri. Some of those groups included the Border Ruffians. The fights often got and rowdy.
As a probably pro-slavery advocate (as the Jayhawkers thought him to be because of his wealth) and took his life in 1862. The settlers that were present during that time persuaded the Missouri Pacific Railroad to change the name in his honor. Because the Missouri Pacific Railroad somehow got control over the Kansas lands, they agreed and made. Dr. Lea’s homestead rested on the highest point of the area, so they chose the name “Lea’s Summit.” Apparently, when the document was written they had misspelled the name with an extra “e” and it was kept as such until this day.