Get lawn care in Virginia Beach by
Always Growing
Virginia Beach, VA, 23456
Needing your Lawn Cut?
This Pro's Story
How many years have you been in landscaping business, and what inspired you to get started?
I have been in the business for over 12 years. I grew up in a farm atmosphere and missed the freedom it provided. A recent health scare motivated myself to get away from office atmosphere and back to my roots.
How does your work stand out from other lawn service companies in the area?
Our work stems from the ability to improve clients properties every week. To take property that needs help and be able to work with the client to get their landscaping magazine ready is satisfying. Also communication is very important. I understand clients hate being left in the dark of when there lawn is going to get mowed. Texting has been a great tool to give clear communication.
What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?
Use your gut. If someone rolls up in a pickup without hardly any notice your probably getting a worker could care less about your opinion. This will also translate into lack of respect for your property. Compare this to a father son team who are trying to build a business to someone who works paycheck to paycheck.
What do you like most about the lawn care industry?
I enjoy the outdoors and feel running and building a small business is very engaging. The stress is more of a positive stress which allows us to achieve small goals that is very rewarding. The industry has many avenues to go down whether it be just lawn service or landscaping
What areas do you mainly service?
We mainly service Virginia Beach. We are located by the Court house and manage a 15 mile radius.